
Legacy of John part 2 The Vampire arc begins

The Vampires have made their appearence as the story continues.

Jason_lang · Fantasy
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21 Chs

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Meanwhille at Deadman's hospital the Vampire queen says "You are telling me that one badly beaten guy killed all of the other nurse's and you couldn't even land a single hit on him?" The Vampire nurse says "Yes that is what happened to them what should we do my queen?" The Vampire queen says "Take her to the sun room" The nurse begs "No please spare me give me another chance my princess!" The Vampire queen says "You will be burned alive by the sun" The Vampire princess says "Mother the old man got away!" She says "I shouldn't be surprized this hag likely let him go don't worry daughter you shall be fed soon enough" The Vampire princess says "That is not what is bothering me mom" The Vampire queen says "Than what is my little girl?" The Vampire princess says "I am one hundred sixty years old I think it is time for me to look for my fucture husband and the new king of the Vampires" The Vampire queen sighs and says "Very well" The Vampire princess says "Do you mean it? I can have a boyfriend?" The Vampire queen sighs and says "But of course anything for you but how will you find a boyfriend?" The Vampire princess says "I will decide from our livestock" The Vampire queen sighs than says "Should I restore that young man's life force for you my dear?" The Vampire princess says "Yes after all he might become king of the Vampires one day" The Vampire queen says "Nurse restore that young man's lifeforce the one from the slughterhouse!" The nurse says "Yes my queen right away!"