
Legacy of Iskandar

Born from the vengeful act of an enraged djinn, Nezha begins a journey to rid her cold heart from resentment.

Omega_Marv · Fantasy
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6 Chs


I had lost track of how long I was in the dark. Although lonely, I was comfortable in the dark. It soothed me like I was a part of it that shouldn't be let go of. But that was not a problem, I didn't want to let go of the darkness instead. 

Faintly, I began hearing it in the distance. Sounds of laughter and music gradually drew me towards it. There was a silent battle between the silent darkness and the sounds of music and bit by bit, the latter began winning. The music drew me towards a light that I didn't seem to notice at first. A harsh warmth began filling me bit by bit until I could bear it no more, and at that moment I opened my eyes. 

I couldn't move any part of my body. I tried again and again but to no avail. The sounds of music drew my attention once more and I finally registered what was in front of me. There was a celebration going on. A party for the high class from what I could see. The gold-trimmed garments of men who were drinking from goblets of gold and silver. Their fingers and necks were adorned with jewellery that sparkled in the light of oil lamps that lined the walls of the banquet hall. 

Women served drinks and food from platters they balanced in well-practised hands. Others danced in silk attires that did little to hide their bodies from the admirers that surrounded them. Laughter filled the room but it was not visible in the eyes of servants who were lined up against the wall at various corners of the hall. They all had metal collars around their necks and all wore nothing but a single piece of silk to give them a semblance of decency. 

Bringing my mind back to myself, I realized why I couldn't move. I was trapped in a block of ice. I could feel it on my body but did not feel an ounce of cold. How was I alive while encased in ice? 

I began to panic. As my heart began racing I felt a cold sensation rising from my chest. At that moment a crack appeared on the block of ice encasing me. A passing server turned her gaze after the crack appeared, obviously drawn by the not so subtle sound it made. 

Her loud scream caused the entire banquet hall to turn their gaze in our direction. Guards burst into the hall with weapons drawn and looking around for the cause of the interruption in the hall. Following the gazes they immediately came to stand in front of my prison. At this time, I'd become the centre of attraction as everyone had wandered close to get a good view of the living girl trapped in ice. 

The guards pushed through the people and made way for a young man to come through. His extravagant appearance made it clear that he was the master here. Only he got close enough and placed his hand on the ice while his gaze danced across my entrapped form. To him, I was a prize, a trophy to possess and show off. He didn't speak any words but his eyes said it all. 

With the rising of my anger, more cracks appeared on the block of ice and moments later, it burst into pieces and I inhaled a lung full of precious life sustaining air.

With each exhale I could see the cold air escaping from my open mouth. With shaking feet, I pushed myself up and finally stood on my feet. The guards had pushed back their master and formed a semi circle in front of me. Some of the banquet attendees took this chance to flee from the hall. Others stayed to see how the whole thing would pan out. Obviously looking for stories they could relay later. 

"Who are you? And where am I?" My voice was cracked and my throat was dry. 

I staggered for a bit and with some effort finally got s hold of myself. Looking out the window I saw it was night time. 

"I am Othman. This is my home and you belong to me" he said in a definite voice. 

"I belong to no one." I replied with annoyance. My voice carried louder than I thought it'd be. This caused the guards to stir and one walked at me with determination in his eyes. He stretched out his hand to grab me when he was close and I instinctively held up my hand and closed my eyes. 

What I did not expect was the power that came from my hands and froze the man in an instant. One moment he was alive and well, the next, he was a human shaped block of ice. This caused the remaining guards to take a step back. The ice sculpture of the man tilted forward and came crashing on the floor in hundreds of pieces. 

"Seize her! Whatever you do capture her alive!" The young master yelled while stepping back. 

I don't know what I did, but internally, I felt I could do it again. Holding up my hand in a protective gesture, a wall of ice formed from the ground up and separated me from the guards. I could feel my heart racing. Banging and shouts were coming from the other side of the wall I had put up. I couldn't stay here for long. I looked back but there was only a wall behind me. My prison had been kept in a position where one had to get to the end of the banquet hall for better viewing. 

I had to go through these men. 

"Be reborn from the cold of the desert night and embrace its power as your own. This is my show of goodwill to you." 

The djinn's words played in my mind and I gradually understood what was happening to me. This is the gift he mentioned giving to me. But first, I had to get out of here. Taking a deep breath, I exhaled through my mouth, releasing a small cloud of cold air from my mouth. I made a pushing motion With my hands and took a step forward. 

The wall of ice responded and began sliding on the ground, following my movement in perfect sync. Their yells became louder but some were still persistently pounding at the wall. I pushed until a window came into view beside me. Moving as quickly as my legs would allow, I thanked my stars the window was not too high. I had one leg over the ledge when the sound of a crack forming came from the wall. 

"Faster you idiots!" 

A large water trough was beneath the window that was more than ten feet high. Without thinking, I jumped. The cold water seemed to liven me up and I felt more energised. Although I was dripping wet and soaked to the bones, I did not feel cold in the slightest. Something flew past my ear and landed on the ground. An arrow. 

They had broken through the wall. The archer was fixing another arrow to shoot and with a wave of my hand, frost from the ground travelled up the wall till it got to the window where he was about to shoot from and sealed it off. I heard voices coming from within the large building and took off into the night in the opposite direction. 

"Find her!"

"She couldn't have gotten far!"

"The master will have our heads if she escapes!"...

I didn't know where I was going. I just needed to get away from this place. However, there was a voice at the back of my mind telling me they should be the ones running and not me. I moved absentmindedly till I came across the stables. Perfect. 

My entrance startled the horses but there was no time for subtlety. I saw a white mare at the far back of the stable staring straight at me as if compelling me with its gaze. Immediately I opened the door letting it out and climbed on with ease as the beast did not seem to be startled by me. 

Turning to the door, I kicked at its sides bringing the mare to a sprint. We burst out the door and an unfortunate guard who was in the way got trampled instantly. That didn't faze me. I could see the entrance to the compound from the stables and I stirred the horse in that direction. Holding on her mane for dear life as I was riding without a saddle or reins, I urged the horse into a full sprint.


Four soldiers blocked my way as two others began slowly closing the huge gates. I would not let them stand in my way. At this point, I had drawn the attention of the remaining soldiers and I knew they were behind me. 

Making a waving motion with my left hand, a white cloud much like the beginnings of a sandstorm surged forward and knocked the men off their feet. The force from the attack also blasted to men trying to close the gate while pushing it open as well. Now at a full gallop, I rode past the gates and into the night. Freedom at last. 

The thought only remained till I felt something hit my side from behind and looked down to see an arrow protruding from my body...