
Legacy of Fort Sterling

An endgame crafting city has been transported to the new world, with it are the players and NPCs that reside within. How would they react to the changes? Would the city unite or would it tear itself apart and fall into ruin? DISCLAIMER: This is a collection of short stories set in the Overlord universe. We took inspiration from video games for some elements of the story.

HeyItsArky · Anime & Comics
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Guild Officer Cardinal

Sekiguchi Akio or as he was known in the game [YGGDRASIL], Cardinal, was having a headache. He had joined [Absolute Chaos] almost a decade ago, a few months after playing the game for the first time. He was voted as an officer almost a year after he joined the guild, as the guild needed more officers in order to achieve the goal of being one of the top guilds. He was usually tasked with assisting new players and managing resources so it was no surprise that he was the one chosen to deal with a lot of the administrative work that came from being one of the de facto leaders of Fort Sterling.

Their guild became the "owner" of Fort Sterling by having the most points in the event [Invasion of the Ancients], in which players had to beat an invasion of boss monsters and kill the world boss [Earthshaker Athos]. Their guild, along with two others, got rewarded with a guild base at their city of choice. In addition to having the maximum amount of NPC levels, the base also has multiple benefits like decreased prices from NPC merchants, higher crafting bonuses, and possibly the best benefit, the ability to ban players from entering the city lest they be attacked by the NPCs. This combined with the city being placed in an area where almost all high level metals spawned meant that Fort Sterling, and by extension [Absolute Chaos], became the center of endgame crafting. With the influence and resources available to them, the guild soon breached the top ten and peaked at the 7th place in the rankings.

*Knock Knock*

Rubbing his fingers to his temple, he finished reading the paper, a request for some meteoric iron by the craftsmen, and signed it before responding.

"Come in."

The door opened revealing an attractive young woman, with silky blonde hair and striking blue eyes wearing-

"Charlotte what the hell are you wearing?!?"

Charlotte Cuyler, the NPC that he painstakingly customized. He even bought items that would let him modify her armor's appearance while still retaining it's strength. She was an NPC that was supposed to be the manifestation of nobility and grace, her usual armor and weapon reflecting that theme. Now she's standing in front of him wearing a goddamn [Bunny Suit]. It wasn't even the sexy ones that can usually be seen in magazines but the shapeless full-body version, complete with a hood and bunny ears.

"It's a [Bunny Suit] given to me by Lord FullArmor. He said that I should wear it to make you feel better my Lord."

She curtsied, managing to look graceful in the ridiculous costume. He was about to order her to change but the look of innocent hope and excitement on her face stopped him. He didn't want to crush her hopes and damage her trust in the player's words.

'I'll get you back for this Armor.'

"Ah...yeah.. Its already making me feel better ahahaha"

"In that case I shall wear this suit everyday-"

"NO! Umm there's no need for...that... Anyways what did you come here for?"

Charlotte nodded and proceeded to hand over a file. It was the report regarding the third expedition, detailing what they have learned in their travels. The presence of this file at this time meant that they have encountered civilization.

"They have encountered a village of humans. The humans they encountered spoke the same language as us but we can't understand their written language. They also haven't recognized the coins that we paid them."

"And their level?"

"The highest level in the village was 8 milord, but the party encountered monsters up to level 15. It is consistent with the reports of the 1st and 2nd expeditions."

Cardinal thought over the report. The implications of human life in this wonderful new world weighing down on his mind. On one hand, the presence of other humans is an advantage as most of the citizens are human. On the other hand, he knows from experience that the city would be dragged into political affairs and experience how far humanity would go in order to acquire more power.

'Even though I'm used to it from managing the guild, politics still gives me a headache.'

"Ah.. and what about magic? Do they know of it?"

"The villagers doesn't know much about it but they said that there are magic casters in the nearby town, E-Pespel."

"Tell the members of the third expedition to head there immediately and gather more information about magic. Of course blending in is a must. They shouldn't mention anything about Fort Sterling or any of its citizens"

Charlotte nodded and was turning around to leave when he remembered the issue of her costume. Cardinal made a mental note to prank FullArmor after he scheduled a meeting with the officers about the situation.

"You should change into your normal outfit after you leave."

He almost -almost- took it back after he saw the flash of disappointment in her features but he resisted. The costume is too horrible and he couldn't stand to see all his hard work customizing her appearance being wasted.

"Yes m'lord"


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