
Legacy of fighting

speed_1222 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The game

I was 12 playing games on my phone when I noticed that a black dot was on my hand and I was getting disy, I woke up in a wite room with an angel that ask what my power wanted to be I was confused what she asked me but I choosed super speed, super strength, blast, and spuper hearing. I got spawned in a house, and I walked out to see I was in a city. I realized I'm in a game. I was freaking out, I got calm, and I sat down. A girl came up to me and invited me to her hous I was confused but I said yes anyway, she said to meet her at the south park and she'll show me where her house is I got to the park and had lunch with her and she showed her house to me it .The next day, I realized I was a millionaire. I bought me a house, a car, and the house was a Manchin, and the car was a Lamborghini. I got my house and car but I missed my family. I woke up and went for a walk, and a guy came up to me and tried to punch me, but I doge it with my super speed. I was amazed. I thought it was a joke about the power thing.i punched him, and he went flying. I fergot, and I had super strength too. and I looked in my mirror and noticed I was in my 20s. I was confused because I was 12 when I was playing on my phone. I went to bed and thought of all the things I could do in a