
Legacy of Eldric: A Tale of Ruler

Warning! Really heavy on the slice of life. Enjoy! ================================== The Blackwood Barony, a lush paradise on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Naloria, is the home of the Balmore Household. Led by the skilled and powerful Sir Garret Balmore, the Forest's Warden, this group of formidable knights safeguards the kingdom's frontier. Living and training in the heart of the forest within the Blackwood Keep, a massive fortress, they have honed their combat skills to perfection, their might rivaling even the Barons' forces. The eldest son of Sir Garret is called Eldric and he was once one of the stronger knights in the household an even had the honor of saving the crown princes life. He basked in that glory, but that all turned awry as he was framed for staling the second prince's horse. He was to be sentenced to death, but luckily for him the crown prince came up for him. He was excused from death due to his military service at the border and him saving the crown prince's life Even though he was excused of a death sentence, his core was broken an he was exiled. Left with nowhere to go he travelled west. When he came a undiscovered area rich in life and sustenance he decided to build himself a home. When he was finished building his house a sound resounded in his mind. * Ding * Congratulations for building your Keep and awakened the Knight Household system. Thats right. Eldric has awaited 20 years for his golden finger without much hope and on this very day he has found his salvation. Join Eldric as he starts his journey and building his own kingdom. ------------- I created a discord server for those wanting to enjoy it in more detail? https://discord.gg/UYvHsZGhrC

Warrior_Blade · Fantasy
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123 Chs

Dire Beasts

With the break of dawn, the group stirred from their slumber, the piercing rays of the sun seeping through their humble abode. Each one woke up, stretching and yawning, ready to take on the new day. From preparing breakfast to cleaning their new home, they all had their roles to play and tasks to perform. 

As the sun reached its zenith, it was time for the part of the day they all looked forward to - the hunt. The men gathered their sharpened spears and sturdy axes, their faces set in determined lines. They exited their house, stepping onto the rough mountain terrain that stretched out before them. 

"Ready for the hunt, lads?" Eldric asked, his voice carrying the excitement and anticipation they all felt. A chorus of determined affirmation echoed back at him. 

The outside was a sight to behold. The mountainous terrain was rugged and full of challenges. Jagged rocks jutted out from the ground, and the undergrowth was full of hidden dangers. But it also held a wild, untamed beauty that took their breath away. To their right was a massive lake, its surface glittering like diamonds under the afternoon sun. It was here that the inhabitants of the environment came to drink, and it was here they would find their game. 

They treaded carefully, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any movement. To their relief, they only encountered wild beasts - deer, rabbits, and the occasional boar. No Dire Beasts were in sight. Eldric let out a sigh of relief, remembering the old tales of Dire Beasts - the magical beasts with the same powers as the knights. A beast on the same level was usually stronger, and they were not ready to face such a threat. 

The Dire Beasts had the same power ranking system as humans: 

Tier 1 - Dire Cubs: Comparable to Man-at-arms and Knights, these are the youngest and smallest of the Dire Beasts. Their physical strength is basic, akin to a human knight, capable of battling smaller threats effectively. 

Tier 2 - Dire Novices: Similar to Squires who equate to Viscounts, and Barons, these Dire Beasts are larger and stronger. They have developed musculature and physical prowess, making them formidable opponents in any physical contest. 

Tier 3 - Dire Adolescents: As the counterparts of human knights like Earls, these Dire Beasts have further grown in size and strength, capable of toppling small structures and single-handedly hunting large prey. 

Tier 4 - Dire Warriors: Equivalent to Senior Knights which are mostly Marquess, these Dire Beasts are in their prime, boasting extraordinary physical strength that allows them to tackle large threats and defend their territory effectively. 

Tier 5 - Dire Guards: Comparable to Master Knights who are mostly Dukes and Kings, these Dire Beasts serve as protectors of their kind. They possess immense strength, capable of felling mountains and moving boulders with ease. 

Tier 6 - Dire Elders: Analogous to Ancestor of kingdoms- Champion Knights, Dire Elders may not have grown much in physical strength, but their strength and experience make them formidable opponents, often leading their clans in battles. The Dire Beasts take a massive dip when they reach Tier 6, but in exchange they have been granted immense wisdom. Think of it as stagnant water rushing against a dam wall sturdy and strong, but when the dam can't handle it, they burst open, which is when they advance to the next tier. 

Tier 7 - Dire Giants: Similar to Legendary Knights, these Dire Beasts tower over others, their size and strength unmatched within their territories. They can alter their environment significantly through sheer physical power. 

Tier 8 - Dire Monarchs: These Dire Beasts are the leaders, akin to Mythical Knights. Their strength is mythical, and their presence commands respect and fear among other Dire Beasts. 

Tier 9 - Dire Titans: The stuff of legends, their strength is comparable to that of Ascendant Knights. These Dire Beasts possess such immense physical power that they can change landscapes and influence the course of rivers with a light wave of their hands. 

Tier 10 - Dire Primordials: The original Dire Beasts, their strength is akin to Transcedent Knights in human hierarchy. They are massive, their physical prowess beyond comprehension, capable of reshaping the world around them through their sheer physical might. They are few and often part of legends and myths. 

"Remember, aim for their weak points," Eldric instructed, his eyes focused on a herd of deer grazing near the lake. He may have a damaged core, but he accumulated merit fighting on the border, he was also a Tier 1 Level 7 Man-at-arms when his core was damaged. He had the necessary experience. 

One by one, they threw their spears, their hearts pounding in their chests. The first few attempts were unsuccessful, but with each try, they grew more confident and accurate. By the end of the day, they had caught enough game to last them for weeks. 

Exhausted but satisfied, they returned home, their haul heavy but hearts light. They had survived another day in this wild land, and that was a victory in itself. The day's hunt had not only provided them with food but also gave them invaluable experience. 

Eldric had the brightest smile on his face than anybody as the system went of 4 times during their hunt. 


Solen advanced to Tier 0 Level 9 

Cael advanced to Tier 0 Level 9 

Evander advanced to Tier 0 Level 8 

Lachlan advanced to Tier 0 Level 7