
Legacies of Seasonborn


passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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14 Chs

۞ XIV ۞

"YOU DIDN'T GO TO THE CARNIVAL ON SATURDAY, RIGHT?" He asked while his hands worked on the keypad. "Helene was complaining to me about the fact that you disappeared, and that she thought you were with Graham!" Oh, yes, he's friends with my 2nd oldest sister who's 5 years older.

Flynn, Helene, Bastian, Ronan, Thea (my hot ass), and Amber. Flynn's 6 years older, Bastian's 4 years older, Ronan's 2 years older, then me and Amber. All with fire and light magic. All blonde with tanned skin and light blue eyes like mom.

Flynn and Helene went to Springborn, Ronan and Amber to Summerborn, and Bastian came to Winterborn. He left to Autumnborn 4 years ago, being extremely skilled at theater and dancing. All were prodigies overall.

"And I was with Gray," I rolled my eyes. "If they stopped caring so much about my love life, they would all be able to take care of their own."

"I agree with you," of course, he does, because he's in love with Helene since ever. "But it's not like your sister listens to me when it comes to your boyfriend."

Sigh, "No one listens when it comes to him. That's the problem. But it's okay. The less people trying to get to know him, the more time I'll have alone with him without those nuisances."

That made him giggle, "As possessive as ever."

"Are you done?"

"Just…" he touched more five keys and then smiled and turned to me again, "done. Your boyfriend will be able to access your outdorm just fine now."

"Thank you, Kamren. Good luck with Helene!" As I said that, I winked at his blushing face mischievously and teleported back to Gray's in-dorm.


The second I landed on his bed, I noticed that it was empty and when I turned around to the door, I found him standing there, in front of my parents who seemed furious, and their eyes widened when they saw me. "Thea!" They yelled in shock.

"Rose, you're back. Are you okay?" Gray turned to me, and I got up and went to him, wrapping my arms around his waist possessively.

"Yes," then I faced my parents. "What are you doing at Gray's dorm? Didn't I tell you to stop tormenting him?"

Gray chuckled, "They were here accusing me of having taken you away from them in the middle of your argument. Saying I was rudely interrupting on your family matters," he covered my arms with his. "I said I'm delighted that they thought I had the ability of teleporting, then they got back to being rude again!"

"You-" Dad exclaimed accusatorily.

Sigh, "Didn't I said it was me back there? Didn't I just teleported back to him dorm?" They gasped and I rolled my eyes, teleporting myself to the hallway, behind them, startling my parents. "Want me to do it again?" Then I teleported again to Gray's arms. "Or are you going to keep blaming Gray for stuff he didn't do? Don't you get tired of it?"

A high-pitched scream came from the corridor and I recognized it way too well. In the next second Helene came into view in pure shock, "How the fuck did you do that? What the fuck was that? Since what can you do these fucking shit?"

"Can't you say a sentence without flexing the word fuck in it?" I mocked. Helene and I were never the best of friends, but we managed. She was always closer to Amber than me. Well, she was a bully in her school times, so there's that.

"When? When did you awaken this… stuff?"

The horror in mom's eyes made me almost flinch, but Gray's warm hand on mine helped me out. "I was 7 years old."

"Seven what?" My brother's voice came from behind them. Ronan has always been my favorite brother, probably because our gap is the smallest. "You dumbass, why didn't you tell us? Why did you pretend to have no magic?"

My heart ache and I leaned closer to Gray, seeking comfort under the scrutinizing eyes of my parents, "Look at our parents and you will have your answer. And is this going to be a family reunion or what? Why are you two here? You don't even attend here."

They gulped and dad clenched his jaw, "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked, ignoring my words.

"Dad, you and mom, and the others, only care about your reputation as one of the founding families. The Scions of Light and Fire. I knew you would all be disappointed on me for having weird magic types, and not being like you. Being odd-looking was already too much, so, to avoid the scrutiny that I'm seeing in your eyes right now, I decided to pretend not to have magic. It worked. Though you still had those scrutinizing gazes when looking at me, it was better than the humiliation of not have the same magic as you all."

"Magic types? Plural?" Flynn popped up at the right corner of the doorframe and I realized they must have combined to come and confront Gray all together.

Fucking cowards. Ganging up on him. "Yes. Three. But it doesn't matter. It's neither light or fire magic like you."

"Did you really never notice she has powers?" Gray scoffed sarcastically. "Seems like the powerful legacy family isn't all that, hm? Because a non-legacy like me noticed it from the very moment my eyes laid on her."

They all glared at him furiously and I held him tighter. "Shut up, Graham!"

"Why would he? He's right. He knows about my powers since the beginning and I didn't even tell him. But none of you had a fucking clue," I muttered bitterly. "I've been faking my entire life and none of you saw through it. Pretending to be stupid in everything was annoying, but I still did it. Pretending to not have magic was hard, but I still managed. And you were all so clueless!"

"We should talk about this is private. It's a family matter, Thea. Stop being immature," Helene snapped and glared at Gray who was towering over all of them, even my dad and brothers. "This doesn't concern this… non-legacy delinquent."

A vicious grin took over my lips, "Yes. Yes, it does," I said deadly calm in a frequency that would hurt the ears of those I wanted it to. Them. Just a bit enough to bleed. Nothing permanent. "You aren't taking me fucking seriously, are you?" As I did it again, they groaned and covered their ears with their hands. "Grayson is my boyfriend, he's part of my family. I will not tolerate anyone to talk bullshit about him anymore, do you hear me?"

They fell to their knees, their hands bloodied with the blood of their ears and they glared at me with wide eyes, confused. Well, I purposely didn't harm Ronan that much, just a sting, not enough to bleed, but the others I did as I wanted. "Is this sound magic?" He asked with a mischievous grin, noticing that I didn't harm him.

"Yes. It is."

"What's the third one?" Ronan asked excitedly and I almost laughed at his face. He's too damn kind. "Is it elemental?"

"No, it's a physical ability. Body wise."

"Super strength," Amber exclaimed, coming closer, and I glared at her. She managed to escape my soft attack and was with Bastian. "That explains how you almost broke my wrist that day."

"You hurt your sister?" Mom snapped getting on her feet again, furious.

"She need some manners!"

"You never talked like this to her!" Dad snapped.

"Well, she provoked. I retaliated. I've had enough. If any of you keep trying to mess with Gray and with me, I'll make you fucking regret that. You may not have known about my powers, but I spend 10 years honing and training them. I can use them as weapons and I'm not fucking afraid of doing exactly that!"

"We are your family!" Bastian snapped.

I mocked, arching my eyebrows viciously, "Oh, are you? Funny. You haven't been treating me like such." Ignoring their complains, I turned to Gray. "I gave you access to my outdorm, there none of them will be able to mess with you."

"How dare you? Why did you give him and not to me? Thea!" Amber had the audacity to complain.

"Use your brain a bit and you will get your answer, younger sister."

"You fucked him!" Mom snapped.

"Oh, yes. I did. And it was amazing, mom," I gave her a crooked grin and she flinched. "That's what people in a relationship do, no? Have sex. My siblings all did that, why are you overreacting when I do? At least I was the oldest to lose my v-card. All of them lost at 14-15. You should be happy. But again, it's not like you ever treated me as an equal to them, is it? No. I was the mistake. The only child who came unplanned. The stain in your perfect golden family. The one you pondered to abort and later to throw at an orphanage. The baby you didn't want. Isn't that what you told me last time we fought?"

"Rose…" I could feel his worried eyes on me and it made me feel breathless. I had never even mentioned any of this to him. For all he knew, my family loved me and he was the only reason why I fought with them.

"Let's get out of here, Gray. Take care, Ronan," I gave my brother a last look and he seemed sad, but at the moment I couldn't care less. So, I took Gray by the hand and teleported to my outdorm.