
Legacies of Seasonborn


passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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14 Chs

۞ XII ۞

MY SKIN BURNED, "I DIDN'T WANT TO LIE TO YOU, GRAY. I just didn't know how to stop lying about it," I inhaled his fragrance, closing my eyes for a second. "You made me want to stop with the lies, but I was too wrapped in the spider web."

His hands went inside his shirt and he caressed my butt-cheeks, spreading goosebumps everywhere, "Is that why you didn't let me in there?"

A nod, "Yes. The place is build for training. You are clever, Gray. I know you would figure it out the second you stepped in there."

Sigh, "Why did you start with the lies, Rose?"

"You can say I gave an inferiority complex. I only awakened at 7 years old. Thankfully, I was alone in the woods, so no one saw it. I killed 27 birds accidentally that day, because I got startled when I teleported and my scream made their brains explode. All I wanted was to awaken fire and light magic. I was already the late bloomer and the physically odd in the family. Having different magic types than everyone else was too much."

He touched his forehead on mine, "It comes to your family again. They all awakened early, right?"

"All at 5, except for Amber who did at 4!"

"And you've been sustaining this lie for 10 years without getting caught, except by me?"

"Pretty much. I promised myself that I wouldn't use it in front of them. And I pretended to be terrible at almost everything I was good at, just to build an image of pitiful kid. Not to mention that Amber always loved the spotlight, so I let her take it."

He clenched his teeth, "Does she really always say shit like that when she's angry? Even though she believes you have no power?"

A nod, "She's spoiled, but overall she's a good girl. Her prejudice gets the best of her."

"No kind of prejudice should be accepted, Rose. None. Even if it's your family, the moment they have a belief of you, and use that to hurt you, it's not cool. There's no excuse for that. And you have to stand up to yourself. They can't hurt you like this just because they are your family!"

"This is the first time we talk so much, Gray," I smiled, happy. "We ended up letting misunderstandings mess with our relationship." I held his face with me hands, caressing his cheeks and sharp jaw. "We should have talked before."

"Yes, we should!" His hand when to my face and he took me closer, closing his beautiful dark blue eyes and kissing me again.


We spend the rest of Sunday fucking like rabbits, using up almost all of his condoms. In the couch, in the desk, in the bathtub, in the walk-in-shower, in the wall, on the air using his telekinesis, on the ground, on the leather going up to the attic above his room, in the bed again. Using up all of the pilled up sexual hunger we've been holding for more than two years.

And I woke him up on Monday with a blowjob, just to give him the same treatment he gave me the morning before. Before getting ready to go back to the Academy again, we fucked more three time. On the bed, on the bathroom, and on the kitchen.

I was using one of the black high-waist shorts his sister left here, with one of his black shirts, one of his belts tied on my waist to pull the shirt up a bit, with the pair of shoes I was using when I came here.

We got on his car, and we went on a store to buy more condoms before heading to the Academy. And on our way, I got horny as fuck again and jumped on his lap, making him park the car. I used my magic to teleport us instantly to the backseat and we used two of the new condoms, as we inaugurated the backseat of his car. It was delicious.

After a while we finally got back to the Academy, after losing the first three periods. When we arrived on Winterborn and he parked on the garage of the dorms building, it was all chaotic, since we arrived right on the forty-minutes morning break. Everyone was out of the classes and it was more chaotic than usual.

I held his hand and he intertwined his fingers on mine, and as we walked inside, lots of people stared at us. And as we go to the indoor gymnasium in the middle of the Academy, I saw who was causing all the ruckus. "Fuck," I cursed, holding Gray's hand tighter.

"Do I stay or do I go?"

"Stay with me, please, Gray," I whispered, as my parents and Amber spotted us. "I need you to help me control myself, or I might lose my shit."

He chuckled softly and brought me closer to him, "Don't worry. I'm not afraid of them at all."

"Thea Rose Pierson!" Mom and dad yelled as they walked towards me, and Amber stayed behind, her hand holding Aaron's.

"That's my name," I mocked.

"You left Saturday morning and only comeback now?" Dad yelled, catching everyone's attention. "What is the meaning of this?"

"And with this delin-" I cut my mom.

"Don't finish that sentence if you intend on having a conversation with me, mother. I won't be listening to any of your bullshit about Gray. I've warned Amber yesterday, when she rudely barked into his house like a dog. Didn't she told you?"

She gasped, "She's your little sister, how dare you talk to her like that?"

"Mom," I scoffed, "I love her, but I'm tired. We are literally the same age. Born on the same year. That's not valid anymore. And she's so precious that she's been dating the dumbass who used to bully me. If one of us isn't considerate in here, it's her. Gray never did shit against you, whereas her boyfriend did. Not that you care. You only care about what happens to her. Your golden prodigy child!"

I felt my heart racing, and his grip in my hand softer, warmer. Helping me concentrate. Focus.

"Are you envious about her?" Dad yelled in disbelief. "She is your younger sister."

"Envy? You are really talking about that, instead of her dating my bully? Amazing. What an amazing family. Yes. Legacies families are all so considerate like this. Hah, what a joke. Is that what you are here for, Amber-Lily? To mock me more than you did yesterday when you yelled at me that I couldn't do shit to you because I'm magic-less?"

She flinched, "I… No… I changed schools. I'm going to study here now."

Hah? "Oh? Look at that. You wasn't satisfied with messing with my life from your Academy and now you want to make it worse for me here. Amazing. Just what I needed. What a good family I have. Wow, amazing," I made sure to say that very loudly. "That's why I hid all I can do from you!"

"What?" They gasped together.

I couldn't help the vicious laugh that left my lips, "Oh? What? You all really thought I was magic-less? Cute. Seems like the only person who can see through me is really Grayson."

"What?" And it wasn't just my family this time.

"I fooled you all. But I'm tired of that. I'm tired of holding back. I'll show you exactly what kind of monster you have been mistreating and throwing aside for more than 10 years," I grinned viciously, and with a blink of an eye, I teleported from there to Gray's dorm with him.

"Rose," he caught me when my knees felt weak and I almost dropped to the ground. "I'm here. Lean on me," then he took me to his bed. "I don't want you to regret whatever is it that you are planning, so, are you sure of what you just did back there? If no, we can pretend I did that. It'll go away."

With a snap of my fingers, I out our backpacks on his couch, and holding his arm I made him lay down with me. "No. I shouldn't have taken this lie this far. It's my fault to begin with. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but I was scared of their deceptive reaction to seeing that my powers are different from theirs."

He brought me to his chest, with his hands on my waist, "How much control do you have over your powers, little opal?"

"A lot."

"Can you beat them up with it?" Yes.

"I definitely can."