
LOL: Einstein's Saga

In a world whereby the Cataclysmic Descent began a thousand years ago. This follows the journey of a young boy by the name Einstein. Various mysteries sermed to surround Einstein. His parents sudden dissapearance 5 years ago, or is it the mysterious trial ground left behind by them. Or the various high level artifacts inherited by him. Yet Einstein wasn't able to make use of anyone of them. Why?? Simple...simply because he's a trash. Unable to awaken his mana spark unlike other Awakeners or mana cultivators. Despite possessing immense wealth, Einstein was destined to stay at the bottom of the food chain. Yet this changed on one fateful day. The day he completed the trial left behind by his parents, everything changed. Not only did he gain the unknown potion, he also fused with the mysterious and enigmatic being of the virtual world. Upon awakening, Einstein found out that not only had he became an awakener or cultivator...but he had become a supreme cultivator. Now empowered with an unknown talent that most could only dream of having, and with the aid of the enigmatic being later reavealed to be the Bio-Nanotech system. Einstein embarks on the path to grow stronger and uncover the hidden secrets behind the sudden dissapearance of his mom and dad.

Dream_Lord14 · Action
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52 Chs

Almost Getting Killed; Knowing One's Limits.

Appearing in his sight... Stood a gargantuan robot. It towered over three meters in height. Exuding a tyrannical aura that compressed the entire space, a crazy pressure descending upon Einstein.

He felt as though his back would be crushed in seconds, glancing at the crimson eyes of the towering robot. He had a wild grin on his face as he suddenly muttered.

"A 2nd Stage robot. How about we find out just where exactly lays the limit to my physical strength."

He immediately willed for his entire body to become big. His entire body slowly grew in height, his entire veins bulged rapidly, his tissues expanded rapidly, his cells enlarged continously.

His body slowly rose in size, height and aura. His entire body gave off a fearsome aura, as the six hands that jutted out of his body slowly grew even bigger in size. His entire body had countless scales covering his entire body as he slowly and finally settled at a height of three meter...

And he glanced at the robot, wondering why it hadn't attacked. When slowly to his shock and horror...two more robots slowly materialized beside the humongous robot.

"Don't tell me..." Einstein roared out in shock, when to his horror-filled eyes. Two more robots, towering over two meters in height slowly materialized beside the gigantic robot.

Each standing at its' right and left side respectively. Einstein finally heved a sigh of relief upon assessing the aura giving off by them.

'They are just at half step to the second stage. Shouldn't be too hard to get rid of them.' Einstein mused with a raised brow.

And then before he realized what was even happening...

He suddenly found himself leveled from the ground, as he rapidly smashed through the air before smashing against the crystalline wall with a loud


His pupils bulged wildly, as he coughed out a mouthful of blood. Holding his chest tightly, he felt as though his heart would immediately rush out of his body if given the chance. His heart thumped wildly and erratically continously.



He cleaned the blood from his mouth, as he slowly stood up with a narrowed brow. Glancing at his chest, he realized that there laid a punch of the exact size as that of the second stage robot, as the scales of that area had been blasted apart.

But slowly started recovering by itself, as a wide grin spread across his face.

'Seems that this will be far tougher than I ever imagined.'

Einstein immediately moved.


The ground he previously stood on caved in rapidly, as he pierced through the air at a rapid speed. His stomp bringing the crystalline ground to ruins, as he immediately appeared before the second stage robot.

His six hands tore through the air at a rapid speed, as he threw out countless punches within a brief moment of a second.




The air exploded wildly, almost as though it wad being burnt furiously by a terrifying flame. As the various ferocious punches thrown out by Einstein were suddenly intercepted by the two half-second stage robots who immediately appeared before the gigantic robot.

As they punched out rapidly continously.

Blocking the countless punches thrown out by Einstein, the entire ground they stood on caved in continously. As various punches landed against Einstein's tough and durable scales... And so did his terrifying punch land against the body of the robots.



A wild punch suddenly made way for Einstein's ribs, as he narrowed his brow. Two of his hands immediately tore through the air. Grasping a hold on the metallic arms, his two arms immediately snapped it into two.


Immediately after snapping it into two, his other two arms immediately smashed down ferociously against the other half-second stage robot, who immediately raised a hand into the air.


Einstein's hands smashed down against the metallic arms of the robot, as the robot was sent smashing into the ground. Digging a large hole in the ground, as Einstein's six arms immediately punched out at a rapid speed.




His hands smashed against the stomach of the robot continously, carving countless holes in its' stomach within a mere second. As his final punch was empowered by wriggling veins, enlarged arm and bloodshot eyes.

As Einstein smashed down with every ounce of strength contained within his muscle.


His hands easily tore through the stomach of the robot, as his hands immediately parted afterwards, tearing the robot into two. Sparkles of current sparkled continously. As Einstein immediately released his grip on the robot, before immediately turning back.

The entire air around him constricted rapidly, a terrifying pressure weighed down on his entire body. Large crimson pupils of sort immediately enlarged before his eyes, as the second stage robot had finally made its' move.


The robot punched out with terrifying force, as the entire air whizzed continously in a frenzied manner.

Einstein narrowed his brow, as he immediately raised his hands before his chest.


The metallic arm smashed against his arms with devastating force, as his arms furiously slammed against his chest, before leveling him into the air, as he was sent piercing through the air before coming to a stop as he smashed against the crystalline wall with a terrifying impact.


He fell onto his knee, as he slowly rose onto his feet. With a narrowed brow, he realized just how suicidal it was for him to try fighting a second stage robot head on.

'But he had already started, and he had to end it. No matter what it takes. '

Einstein had a wide grin on his face, as he suddenly raised his head up.

Catching sight of the second half step second stage robot, who was piercing through the air at a terrifying speed. Einstein had a wide smile on his face, as he suddenly moved.


The ground he stood on caved in rapidly, as he immediately moved through the air. The half second stage robot immediately slammed against the air, as its' punch rapidly zoomed towards Einstein's face.

Einstein suddenly turned into a blur, as the punch immediately passed through him...

Or was it really him...

As Einstein could now be seen behind the robot, four of his amrs immediately smashed down with apocalyptic might.


The metallic robot smashed against the ground with terrifying force, the impact of the strike bouncing it into the air. Einstein had a wild grin on his face, as his leg immediately pierced through the air.

Appearing right before the robot, as it easily plucked the head of the robot. The head of the robot was stuck to a needle like bone that had suddenly elongated from Einstein's nails.

Einstein immediately smashed the head of the robot against the ground. As he glanced at the lifeless robot who suddenly collapsed onto the ground with a loud thud.

But he didn't have any moment to celebrate...

As he suddenly heard a ferocious stomp booming right into his ear. His entire back had a cold feeling continously assaulting it, his entire body felt heavier.

As he immediately glanced back, catching the sight of the rapidly approaching second stage robot. He narrowed his brow, as he immediately moved...

'He had decided to take the fight to the robot!!!'

The entire air frenzied in a wild manner, as a loud supersonic boom suddenly zoomed into Einstein's ears. Immediately followed by a blinding fast punch that made way for his face.

He immediately raised two of his arms towards his face, as his other four arms immediately attacked with devastating force. Striking hard against the metallic body of the robot.




Einstein's arm rapidly shrunk back from the impact, but he roared out loudly. His yell having become a sort of empowerment as he rapidly stood his ground, stopping himself from being sent flying. The ground which he stood on caved in continously as his other four arms continously struck against the body of the metallic robot with apocalyptic might.

Einstein grasped a hold of the hand that had sent out the punch, rapidly smashing against it continously with the two arms that had just finished blocking its' devastating might.



The metallic robot realizing the danger it stood in immediately struck out with its' second hand. As the entire area surrounding Einstein constricted rapidly. Einstein felt as though his entire body had been thrown into a swamp, giving it a far heavier feeling than normal.

"Hmph." He harrumphed coldly, as his leg suddenly pierced trough the air. Large pointed nails, one which were far stronger than even metals suddenly erupted forth from his feet as it smashed against the joint of the arm which the metallic robot had punched out with.


A defeating sound of metal clashing against each other rang out continously, as Einstein immediately willed for the nail to elongate even further.



The nails continously found their way through the inner part of the arm, as Einstein immediately thrusted out with everything he had got upon reaching the end of the inner part of the arm.


The result was the fact that the arm of the robot got send flying into the air. As Einstein immediately had a smile on his face. His two legs immediately moved, as he wrapped it tightly around the legs of the robot.

Willing for his body to become flexible, as his body suddenly rotated around the legs of the robot while his arms still held tightly against its' arm.

Slowly but surely, the gigantic robot slowly lost its' footing. As it collapsed into the ground with a loud thud.

. Immediately followed by fast devastating punches...



Einstein immediately left his flexible state, his two arm holding onto the arm of the robot, as they struggled to break it into two.

While his other four arms continously smashed against the metallic body of the robot.

His eyes narrowed slightly, as he noticed the fact that his punches weren't that effective.

"This would do." He muttered, as large claws slowly jutted out of his fingers.

And then....




He continously tore through the body of the metallic robot, smashing against its' body with every ounce of strength contained in his body.

Shredding the body of the robot into pieces, as he continously flung them away. His hands easily pierced through the body of the robot that was finally losing the bright glow in its' eyes...

His hands immediately headed for the head of the robot, as the robot immediately caught a hold of his neck while he got a hold of the head of the robot.

He immediately willed for scales to cover his entire neck. As his neck slowly got covered by crimson scales. The robot tightened its grip continously. Einstein pupils bulged out widly, as he felt as though his neck would be snapped open at any point in time.

But he had a crazed look in his pupils as his six arms squeezed with everything they had got. Veins wriggled forth, as his six arms had large veins popping out continously.

Clearing showing the great force he was exerting, one which would have easily thrown any normal human's head into a pile of blood and paste...

Finally, just when the scales got crushed into pieces, failing to recover in time. And just when his neck was properly squeezed, his eyes failing him. Almost as though he would die at any point in time.

A loud defeaning explosion suddenly resounded across the entire space. As he felt the grip on his neck slowly loosen. He exhaled deeply continously as he collapsed onto the ground with a loud thud.

Reverting back to his normal human form as his heart beats wildly continously. Almost as though it would pump out of his chest at any point in time.



His chest heaved up and down continously.

The AI's voice was about to tear through the air when Einstein immediately stopped it midway.

"Fucking stop you stupid Ai, if you're looking for who to kill. Go find your ancestors and slaughter them." Einstein barked out loudly, as he struggled to his feet, dragging his weakened and clearly battered body out of the combat room.

"I am to blame anyways. Wanting to know my limits, I almost fucking got killed." Einstein muttered with red eyes that were slowly fading...

"But at least on the bright side of it, I know fighting a second stage practitioner with just pure physical strength is the same as a suicidal attack." He muttered ad he collapsed onto the bed with a loud thud...