
Legacies: Immortal king

Its a crossover story b/w legacies and twilight Its my first story so please give a review if u like Small Harem Alpha mc

Manu_Shukla_4861 · TV
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13 Chs


While Rosalie was making plans for future and thinking who were her sisters. This phenomena was going on two more places.

New Orleans

After the threat of Dahlia has ended and Elijah has taken hope to meet hayley one full moon night

There were Hope, Elijah and Hayley in one wooden house at Bayou. Hayley was playing with hope wholeheartedly as she knew she will not be able see her for next one month, it pains her not to see her daughter, she hates klaus for doing this to her pack she will make him pay ( forgetting he is original hybrid lol). Suddenly a white blob of light came in and enveloped hope in itself then hope started crying and then she fainted.

Hayley was terrified and crying after seeing this she could not understand what is happening to her daughter she could see her whole world trampeled in front for her.

Listening the commotion inside the house Elijah came at vamp speed seeing the scene infront of him he was genuinely scared not only because hope is his niece but also because the hell he would and every one else had to pay if this comes to light to klaus.

" Elijah Elijah what happened to my daughter answer me what is *sniff* happening to her " Said hayley while between sobs

" I don't know I don't know hayley what is happening to her we need to call klaus " Said Elijah

" No no not klaus he will kill everyone if knew happened today call freya she will know what happened " Said Hayley while carrying her daughter who was not waking up

Elijah also thought about it and complied with hayley's request as no one knew klaus better than him.

*Freya 526272828###*

After call was picked Elijah asked freya first

" Where are you can klaus hear you and if he can then get away from him i want to talk with you about something fast its urgent"

" What happened why are you so freaked out and i am also out at bar klaus can not hear me " Said freya worriedly

" Come at bayou fast something happened to hope come here wast we will explain you later " Said elijah

" Oh elijah now you r scaring me u know what will happen to all of us if klaus knew " Said freya

" I know that is why i am calling you we have to fix this situation fast come quick" Said Elijah

"Ok i am coming" Said freya

After 10 min

[Freya pov]

As i was going in i can sense magical energy i was freaked out at first i thought Dahlia was successful at bonding with hope if yes then how will hope have to live same life like me no i will not allow it even if i die i will fix this situation, i will save my niece even if this is last thing i do.

When i entered i saw hope she was sleeping in near death state like i slept for 100 of years my worst nightmare was coming to life slowly then i asked hayley to explain me what happened then she recited the whole ordeal. This is the first time i have heard of anything like this.

Then i got near to hope and what i saw was shocking imean very shocking and the only thing that came out of my mouth was

" What the fuck"

[Pov End]

" What the fuck"

Hearing freya curse like that and seeing her shocked face they were very scared

" What happened to her why are you so shocked " asked Hayley

" What i am seeing in front of me is something to be shocked about first it should be a good thing for hope but i can't help also feel sad for her" Said freya

" I am not understanding anything why are happy and sad in this situation " Shouted Elijah

" What just happened was forming a mate bond her mate was born i am happy because she will have some one who will never leave her side, mates always remain together and sad because she had to share"said freya

" Mate bond but they are single person and why she had to share i can't understand" exclaimed hayley

" I know that is why i am shocked, her mate had two other mate other than her " Said freya

" Two i will not allow it my daughter will not become someone's mistress " Shouted hayley

" She will not they will have to live like sisters, because of mate bond her mate will love them equally but she had to compromise in this Situation " Said freya

" Ok i understand about this mate bond but please can u tell me who is her mate" Said Elijah comprehending everything

" Let me do a locator spell to find out who he is " Said freya after that she put her hand on hope using her bond to find out who her mate and started chanting

After some time she get to know her mate is in us in somewhere then her mind was thriwn out because of some barrier.

" I can't find him he is somewhere in us and is protected with a very strong magic barrier we have to waith for him to come for her" Said freya while also being shocked internally as this is the strongest barrier she had seen in her life.

After listening to freya they also understand the situation feeling relived as nothing bad happened to hope and also feeling sad for her and they thought we will see in future when they willl meet

" We can not tell klaus as he will hunt down this boy and it will hurt hope so whatever happened today will remain between us" Said Elijah sternly

Listening to elijah they also both agreed an decided to not to tell anyone else about this matter until proper time came.

Salvatore school, Mystic falls

Same scene was happening at caroline's home

White blob of light came to hit josie, and she fainted

Caroline called alaric and bonnie.

Bonnie checked their daughter and was shocked then she explained the situation to both worried parents .

Then she casted locator spell and again was shocked because of the most powerful barrier spell she had ever seen.

" We will have to wait for him in future to come either way its not bad as she will have someone who love her without any deception " Said bonnie

Listening to this both parents thought yes it is not that bad.

New york, void mansion

Allac was sleeping peacefully after breastfeeding from Malia not thinking twice about what chaos he had caused.

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