

Leah's life has been a constant struggle, feeling like he's been sidelined in a world that seems to be one giant game. The concept of legacies, which bestow extraordinary powers and responsibilities, is a common thread in this reality. But somehow, Leah has always been overlooked, never receiving the legacy he desperately yearns for. Tired of the pressure and feeling isolated, Leah contemplates ending his own life. However, in his darkest moment, he hears an otherworldly voice. It offers him a chance to break free from his cycle of neglect and mediocrity. This mysterious entity, who shares a similar plight, promises Leah unimaginable power and presents him with an impossible task: to challenge and ultimately defeat the very gods that rule over this game-like world. The legacy of Fenrir, a mythical wolf known for its insatiable hunger and boundless strength, awakens within Leah. With this newfound power coursing through his veins, Leah sets out on a perilous journey.

Arnav_Rawat_3517 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Hunters trials //Part:2

"The 1st trial showed your adaptability and The 2nd and the Last trial will showcase your ability in combat" announced The custodian 

"You all are pumped up I see, But upcoming heroes also need breaks go have a rest" All legacy holders gathered in the rest area during recess,

Leah, leaning against a stone pillar, observed the interactions around him. The candidates exchanged stories of their trials, some still catching their breath from the intensity of the duels

 an unexpected event happened before Leah's eyes. Leah's sharp senses honed in on the disturbance. He saw a figure, clad in dark attire, moving with purpose through the crowd.

As the figure drew nearer, Leah couldn't discern their face. The shadows seemed to dance around them, concealing their identity .He followed them

2 people were talking behind a pillar. One had an emblem grazed on their back which Leah recognized clearly "The order of dawn, What are they doing here?"

He heard something, Leah strained his ears, but the words remained just out of reach, muffled by the ambient noise

Leah's instincts told him that this encounter was significant. He discreetly edged closer, his heightened senses allowing him to catch fragments of their conversation

"...shouldn't be here, Sera. It's too dangerous," one of the order bearers murmured, his voice tinged with concern.

The veiled woman's response was resolute. "I can't stand idly by, knowing what's at stake. We need to find out the truth."

Leah's curiosity piqued. What truth were they referring to? , But just then they heard a sharp bell which signaled the start of 2nd trial

The custodian started " In the 2nd trial you will go through a maze . Which will decide the order of dueling in the Final fight"

As soon as he finished that he found himself in a dimly lit chamber

The maze stretched before him, its stone walls adorned with ancient inscriptions that seemed to pulse with hidden energy.

The passages were narrow, with twists and turns that concealed paths leading to nowhere within their shadows.

Leah's keen eyes scanned the initial section, noticing a series of pressure plates embedded in the floor.

Each plate held a delicate balance, threatening to trigger a barrage of concealed traps if disturbed.

"If the floor is filled with traps and they don't expect for new awakeners to fly then....."

Leah sat and thought for a hour , But the animal inside him got frustrated and he threw a punch at a wall

"It was a fake wall???" 

Leah stepped through a passage and found himself in a dim room surrounded by the images of the arena 

"Think about the prey ,Leah .The sweet taste of the hunt" whispered the legacy of Fenrir

Instantly his eyes focused and he jumped thorough a image .He opened his eyes and found himself in in a vast arena, a soft, ethereal glow illuminating the battlefield .

"Stand according to your positions" screamed a authoritative voice

He did as he told and found himself in the last with the same girl as before

"I thought getting last will get me passed easily without showcasing my abilities , But guess not. Sorry man I gotta win" the veil said with a causal tone

"we'll see"

The instructor's voice reverberated through the arena, its resonance carrying the weight of the upcoming challenge.

"Welcome to the Dueling Arena," he announced. "In this trial Each pair of candidates will engage in a duel, and the victor will pass the exam"

The duel began, and the arena was filled with the clash of abilities. Leah and his opponent moved with calculated precision.

He summoned the power of his godly legacy, his Elemental Affinity swirling around him, while his opponent shrouded herself in shadows, her movements fluid and graceful.

He gathered the water present in the arena and tried to imprison her, But whenever he catches the veil , he/she phases thorough the binds

He tried burying her with earth but the soil in the battleground was too moist and veil easily escaped

The opponent was too fast even for his enhanced stats because of the godly legacy." she has a speed based legacy" muttered Leah

He knew he could counter her but now is not the time as she would just slip away."I need to get close to her"

The duel was intense. Leah's attacks were met with skillful counters, his opponent's agility and precision making her a formidable adversary. The audience watched in silence as the battle unfolded,

He fought bare handed and the veil fought with wooden daggers as real ones could hurt him .His hands got very bruised and the wooden daggers were almost broken

As the duel reached its climax, Leah could sense the determination in his opponent's movements.

So he let veil's attack pierce him and he felt sharp pain but had less bleeding because of his passive ability eternal resilience

. With a final surge of energy, he unleashed his Wolf's Pressure, aiming to gain the upper hand. The pressure exuded from him, affecting the very air around them

His opponent staggered, momentarily caught off guard. He bit her, but the next second He heard a blast

In that moment, the world faded into darkness for Leah. His consciousness slipped away, leaving behind a void. In its place, the dormant beast within him stirred, awakening with a primal, untamed fury.

Audience POV

"He clearly bit him then how is she still conscious " murmured a bystander 

The next second they heard a blast and dust flew all over them,The veil flew above their head. The audience was excited to see if Leah was still alive

The next second the smoke cleared and they felt a dooming presence, they felt as if a beast was looking at them as his prey

They saw a glowing red aura and Leah was crouching there on his 4 legs. They felt 2 omniscient cold eyes on their shoulders. It growled at the others and saw the veil challenging him

his power made them feel the difference between the mountain and the sky . it might be tall but they cannot reach the sky

The beast moved with a savage grace, its movements guided by instinct and an insatiable thirst for dominance.

It was a force of nature, a primal entity that knew only the language of power.

Meanwhile, The veil faced with this sudden transformation, fought with every ounce of her skill and strength.

She sensed the shift in Leah's presence, realizing that she now faced a force beyond mere mortal capability.

Many of the bystanders wondered how did 2 unknown people have so much power

The beast's power suddenly increased and took the veil by surprise. It hit his claw on the clothing and it ripped 

Collective gasping rose around the stage as they saw a face. Her eyes, a striking shade of deep emerald, held a steady gaze that betrayed both intelligence and a hint of mystery 

Long, ebony locks framed her face, cascading in loose waves that danced with every movement.

Strands of hair caught the arena's ethereal glow, creating an almost mystical halo around her.

Upon closer inspection, faint etchings of intricate symbols adorned her attire—a testament to her affiliation with the order of dawn 

"She is Seraphina of the order of dawn, The upcoming rookie" exclaimed a girl .Sera did not let her get distracted by their reactions and continued

Leah's body moved on its own, his actions driven by a feral instinct. He fought with a relentless intensity, his attacks fueled by the boundless energy of the awakened beast. Unaware of his own actions, he clashed with his opponent,

The onslaught of power and precision a testament to the formidable force that now possessed him.

As Leah's unconscious form continued to be a vessel for the unleashed beast, its power grew more potent with every passing moment.

Others realized if they didn't stop him now his power might grow even stronger

Sensing the danger, the instructor, a seasoned legacy holder himself, recognized the perilous situation.

With a swift, decisive motion, he summoned a surge of power and delivered a precise strike, knocking Leah out of the frenzied state.

Leah's body crumpled to the ground, the beast's power dissipating as swiftly as it had come. He lay unconscious, the remnants of the unleashed energy still crackling in the air around him.

Seraphina, though momentarily taken aback, understood the gravity of the situation. She regarded the instructor with a mixture of gratitude and respect, acknowledging the necessity of his intervention.

The memory of Leah's beast awakening would linger in their minds of the bystanders—a testament to the depths of power that legacy holders could tap into, and the responsibility that came with wielding such immense force.

"Both the participants win and pass the exam" he announced first time with a cold tone