This is a story that is taking place in the TVDverse in the legacies timeline. The whole world is AU so anything goes. English is not my first language so there can be some errors and I will rely on you the readers to help me fix those problems.
Then I got a call from Josie. I picked it up and she said "Lucas, where are you?"
I said "I am at my old home. Why?"
She said "Ah… mom… ah, the principal is asking you to come meet her in the office. She has also asked us to come. I guess it's about Malivore or something related."
I nodded and said "I'll meet you guys there."
She said "Bye." And cut the call. I opened the portal and reached the office.
I saw that they were already there and I entered and a girl said "Why have you asked us to come here with them?"
Lizzie asked "Can we send her to the gates of Hell?"
I said "Yeah, we can but I am not too sure that the demons will be delighted to meet one of their own."
Lizzie and I laughed while some snickered and Tina was red with anger.
Caroline then said "As much as I like this… We have something serious to discuss."
Prof. Slaltzman said "We are thinking of going on the offencive against Ted the necromancer."
I was happy but I didn't see much enthusiasm in others. Josie
said "We can't go and attack him, he has a fortified base and every soul that enters that place becomes linked to it. He can then control them."
They were in thought and I said "I have a simpler solution."
Caroline smiled and said "Let's hear it."
I said "Ok so I have three solutions.
I bring some of my soldiers and they take care of Ted. We wouldn't even need to think about it.
I disable every form of magic in the area he is and then the humans and werewolves can take him out.
We lure him out and then we attack him."
Prof. Saltzman asked "When you say soldiers, you mean like demons?"
I nodded and said "Yes." Tina and Landon thought that I was joking but the others knew that I was serious.
He then said "No to the first one, 2 is hard but still holds some merit. I say we should go with the 3rd option."
I said "Alright, it's your operation. I won't question it."
Landon asked "How do we lure him out?"
Hope said "He wants me so I think. I should be used as bait."
Landon looked at Hope and said "No!" Tina and others looked at him and he said "If he gets Hope then we lose the only way to defeat Malivore."
Hope looked at Landon and said "Not really there is another way and if he gets you he will be definitely out… so I am the most obvious choice."
Landon then looked at me and said "You aren't going to say something?"
I nodded and said "I think we should go for it."
Landon looked at me and was perplexed and angry "I can't believe you, do you even love her?"
Lina and others looked at him and I said "I do love her and that is why I trust her judgement and besides she is strong enough to protect herself."
Tina then asked "So you love Hope?"
I nodded and she asked "What about Josie then?" Josie looked at me.
I nodded and said "Yeah, I love her too." Josie looked a little happy.
Landon and Tina were confused and Caroline said "Alright… I have had enough of this teen drama… Can you all focus on the very powerful Necromancer?"
I said "So we are using Hope as bait but what is the plan?"
Landon then said "If we are using Hope then I am out."
I shrugged my shoulders and said "That is alright."
He looked at me and said "You disgust me."
I looked at him and I sighed and snapped my fingers and he was dead asleep. Tina asked, "What did you do?"
I said "He is just sleeping, nothing to worry about." I then said "I think you guys should work out the plan. I will be at my home just call me after you finish up."
Caroline said "Yeah, but before that can you wake him up."
I sighed and said "Fine, although he won't be much of a help." I woke him up and I opened a portal. I kissed Hope goodbye and walked through the portal.
I went to my room and just put on some music and relaxed with some scotch. I didn't want to follow their plan but it was their mission, their choice. So I just left them to deal with the planning if something goes south I'll just call onto my soldiers and it would be handled easily.
It was now getting late so I decided to go and clean up a little and then go and get something to eat.
I was getting changed and someone knocked on my door. I went to check and it was Josie. She asked "I was wondering if you want to go and eat or something."
I smiled and said "Let's go then." I then walked out the door and we were heading towards the canteen.
I asked "So what happened after I left?"
She looked at me and said "Well, Tina had an outburst over what you did to Landon… she blamed you for aggravating him and she wanted mom to punish you."
I looked at Josie and she nodded and said "Yeah… she is a bitch."
I chuckled and she looked at me and said "What she is…"
We reached the cafeteria and we ordered something and sat down on the table and she continued "So after that kerfuffle with Lizzie. We finally started planning."
I asked "So what's the plan then?"
She said "Well it was decided that we are using Landon." I looked at her and I was confused and she explained "We thought that Landon was most likely to leave school randomly."
I nodded and she said "yeah."
But then I said "But Hope does that stuff as well."
She said "Well, not now she is finally a lot happier and stable and Ted also knows about that Hope and Landon stuff so he is most likely to leave."
I was confused as to how he knew that Josie said "You remember the previous headmaster?"
I nodded and she said "Well, he was Clarke in disguise so that's how."
I nodded and then I asked "So after he leaves then what?"
She then looked at me and said "Well then we just need to wait for Ted to act."
I looked at her and said "That's it?"
She looked at me and she said "We don't have a way to inform Ted otherwise we could have done a little better."
I looked at her and I said "What if we make a homunculus."
She looked at me and she said "There you go with all that grandeur."
I looked at her and I said "Come on… I am not that grand."
She looked at me and she said "Your least expensive suit costs 10k , you drive a vintage car and drink expensive stuff… shall I go on?"
I looked at her and said "Ok well maybe a little Grand."
After the dinner was done I asked her "Want to go for a walk?"
She smiled and said "Why not."
We were walking towards the lake and she asked "What were you doing the entire day."
I smiled and said "I was moving my house."
She looked at the house in the distance into the forest and she said "That's your house."
I nodded and said "Yeah, that the house that I grew up in. Want to come take a look."
She smiled and said "Sure."
We walked inside the house and she said "This doesn't feel old at all like it has been taken care of."
I chuckled and said "Thank you. Would you like something to drink?"
I looked at Josie and she was rubbing her arms, I got a bottle of rum and I poured two glasses.
She took the glass and took a sip and I asked "How are we going to keep tabs on Chicken?"
She said "We will follow him in a truck and will also give him a ring that will act as a tracking device…"
I asked "How will he get out of school?"
She took the flask and looked at me and said "In a car… Ralph's car…" and she took a swig
I looked at her and said "That is sad."
She looked at me and said "You are more concerned about the car than Landon…"
I looked at her and said "Obviously, that guy can come back to life again that car can not."
She looked at me and shook her head and I looked at her and said "Oh, come on like you don't hate this new Mr. Saviour Landon and his all so bitchy Tina."
She sighed and said "Why are you hating on them so much?"
I said "Because they are judging us for the stuff that they have no idea about… what we went through… what we all went through, the things we all did… some may understand but Landon doesn't want to understand… he just…" she said "Wants Hope?" I nodded and said "And he is not honest with himself and that is why I can't."
I then said "Come let me show you something."
I took her to the back and she saw the garden and she said "This is beautiful… you took care of it?"
I said "Well, me and my mother…"
She looked down and I took her hand and took her to my mother and I said "This is where I buried my mother."
She looked at me and said "I am sorry."
I said "Nothing to be sorry about." I then looked at her and said "Even though I have met her time and time again this feels a little more real." I looked at her and said "Life is unpredictable and I want to live it to my fullest without any facade. I love you even if you don't"
She then looked at me and kissed me and I held her and smiled and she said "I love you as well."
I nodded and smiled then she said "Come on, don't just stand there drop me to my room."
I walked her to her room and Lizzie and MG were there and they looked a little odd.
I just ignored them and I looked at Josie and I said "So see you in the morning I guess."
She smiled and said "Yeah." She then kissed me and I said "Good night."
She said "Good night."
I looked at them and I said "Good night guys."
I was walking towards my room and I saw Hope in front of my door and I said "Looks like I need to give you a copy."
She turned around and she said "Hey." I kissed her and she said "I wanted to talk about tomorrow."
I opened the door and we went in and I asked "Where were you? I didn't see you."
She looked a little worried but she shook her head and she said "I was a little busy preparing."
She then looked at me and asked "Josie did tell you about the plan right?"
I nodded and I said "There is not much of a plan you know."
She chuckled and said "Yeah, I know. It's mostly a reaction rather than a plan."
We laughed and she looked at me and asked "I want to thank you for supporting me there."
I looked at her and said "I only told the truth… you are one of the strongest people I know."
She looked at me and smiled and I said "I know you can take care of yourself. That's why I said you are a good idea, Hope."
She said "I am sorry for Landon."
I looked at her and I was confused "Why are you saying sorry?"
She said "I should have already talked things out with him you know… I should have said something…"
I looked at her and I said "You can't take the burden of someone else Hope… and as far as Landon is concerned I don't care… I believe in you and I trust you."
She said "Thank you." She then asked "So where is you new home?"
I chuckled and she was confused and I said "Come let me show you." I then gave her the full tour of the house.
We were in the backyard and she saw the tombstone and she said "That's your mom?"
I nodded and she hugged me and I chuckled and hugged her and I said "To think that because of her. I would meet all of you and even meet my dad… just seems like a dream."
She chuckled and "Remember the time when you blackmailed me into giving you the address of your ex?"
I looked at her and said "It wasn't a blackmail, it was a fair trade. It's not my fault that you didn't specify the terms beforehand." She looked at me and I said "Okay, sorry."
She shook her head and said "You and your silver tongue."