
Ch.28 I can make you a deal you can't refuse.

I reached my hotel with Daniel and we entered the room I then saw my father and detective and He looked at Daniel and then he looked at me and asked: "What were you doing there Lucas?"

I sighed and said, "I think we should first feed Daniel here he has been feeling a bit peckish."

He then walked towards me but Detective stopped him and he looked at her and sighed and asked "What were you doing there Lucas?"

I smiled and said, "I think it is best if we all sit and talk... "

He then nodded and we sat down, Detective a blood bag to Daniel and he feed on it and Lucifer asked me "Why were you there Lucas?"

I then looked at him and said "Because I got a message that said they have caught a person who knows about the neckless but is refusing to give up. So I go down there and try to salvage some information I can but I only find Daniel there and he looks like he has seen better days, I try to read his mind and I see that he genuinely doesn't know anything about the necklace but I find that he is your friend so I decide to save him and here we are."

He looked at me and asked, "Who sent you those messages?"

I smiled and said, "The guys who were working for Micheal." He nodded and I looked at him and asked, "So do I get thank you or something?"

He then said, "Well, I do appreciate your help but I am not particularly happy that you have turned Daniel here into a Vampire."

I sighed and said, "If I did not save Daniel he would be dead right now."

Everyone looked at me and Detective said "We are thankful for what you have done Lucas."

I then said "Thank you, Detective. Now I think we should discuss as to what are we going to do with Daniel here."

She asked, "What do you mean?" I then got up and poured us some drinks. Lucifer and Daniel accepted but Detective didn't.

I sighed and sat down and said, "Well since Daniel is not really human anymore and since he can live forever, I think this accident is the best opportunity for him to disappear."

She was confused and asked "What? You want him to just pretend to be dead?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I think it is the best coverup story, he died at the hands of those guys and was never found, it is quite simple actually."

Daniel said, "You want me to quit my job?"

I looked at him and said, "Daniel you will live forever and being a policeman is kinda detrimental to hiding your identity, you will need to quit and besides you can now be anything you want... except the stuff that attracts too much attention."

Lucifer then looked at Detective and said "I think Lucas is right, it is the best opportunity for Daniel to disappear."

She then looked at Lucifer in disbelief and she asked "What about Trixie?"

Daniel then said, "Lucas, said that I should take her with me when I move to Mystic Falls."

She looked at me and said "What?"

I said, "Detective you will become Mrs God, you will be able to commute from heaven to earth there is no problem and Daneil here needs help he needs to learn how to be a functioning Vampire."

Lucifer then said, "I wouldn't be too sure Lucas, I don't think I can convince my brothers and sisters to make me God."

I then saw an opportunity and I said "What if I can secure the position of God for you?"

He looked surprised and confused and said "Lucas, even if you are trusted by Micheal you can't promise something like that."

I smiled and said, "Let's say if I can... then what is it that you can offer me, father?"

He looked at me and said, "You want to make a deal with me?"

I leaned forward and said, "Why not?"

He then smiled and said, "So then tell me, Lucas, What is it that you desire?"

I smiled and said, "I want you to grant me three wishes when you become God."

He then looked at me and said "Did it not work?"

I smiled and said "Father you forget my mind is stronger than normal... So what will it be?"

He said, "How can I be sure that you can help me?"

I smiled and said, "It's because I know where the Blade is as well as how to find the neckless that we want to complete the flaming sword."

He said "And you will give me the Flamming sword? Just like that? Why not become God yourself?"

I smiled and said "I think you still don't understand the scope of the job you are trying to take on father, being a God will mean taking care of all those damn universes all the time. It is a 24/7 gig and I just want to be with my girl and have a good life and since you are soo eager to fulfil the role, why not?" The detective looked a bit concerned when I mentioned what this Job will really be like.

He then looked at me and leaned back and asked, "Why not make anyone else God?"

I smiled and said, "It is simple really... you keep your word, you are truthful and more importantly you are my father, so who better than you... father"

He then smiled and said, "Alright so you help me in becoming God and I will grant you three... wishes, this somehow makes me feel like I am a genie." He then offered me his hand.

I smiled and shook his hand and said "Deal" The ring noise was made the deal was in place now. I then got up and said, "Now on to more pressing matters at hand, I will need some stuff of the guy who has the neckless."

Detective asked, "Why?"

I then got up and said, "Well, I will need something of that guy to use the locator spell to find him."

The detective looked at me and said, "Spell?"

I then looked at her and said, "Do you not know Witches and Werewolves exist... I mean it is not a that surprising as Angels and Demons is it?" I then walked up to the balcony and said, "Get me something personal of this guy and father keep an eye on Daniel here."

Lucifer asked, "Where are you going?"

I said, "Well, seeing that my enemies are dead and I have you as an Ally I can safely bring Josie here and I need her to make Daniel a ring and for the locator spell."

Lucifer then said, "What do you mean by your enemies are dead?"

I nervously chuckled and said, "Gotta go talk to you later?" I then flew off.

He came out and said, "Get back here Lucas and explain yourself!"

I didn't even look back and flew away to Mystic Falls. I wanted to see my witch.


(Josie's pov)

The school year is coming to an end now, we somehow managed to survive the year without any more Malivore incidents it is because of Landon, he somehow managed to defeat Malivore. It was odd but Malivore was gone soo I didn't really care much.

Ralf is somehow stuck in the wolf for some reason and we don't know why, Landon is trying everything he can to fix his brother, Mg and Kaleb are spending some time together Kaleb is like his sober sponsor, he is keeping Mg in line and soo far he is been doing a good job.

I am keeping my distance from Lizzie, I can't really be near her right now, after learning about the merge and all that. I am trying to find any possible answer for surviving the merge, but soo far I don't really see anything. I am also incredibly Lonely. Lucas has gone to L.A. in search of something but he can't really tell me anything.

I just don't understand why he doesn't want me to come, it's not like I am weak. Yeah I get he is like a demonly thing but it is not like I will not be helpful to him, I just want him to trust me that I can take care of myself.

I was laying on his bed thinking about what he was doing when I hear my phone ring it was Lucas, I picked up the phone and he asked: "Josie, where are you?"

I then said "In your room~"

He said, "Well, then what are you doing?"

I smiled and said "I am thinking of you~"

He said "Well, I am" I then heard a flapping of wings and I heard "thinking of you as well" I got up and saw him, he was there, I got up from the bed.


(Lucas's Pov)

I was standing in my room, Josie was in my bed wearing shorts and my vest it looks like she has adopted my nightwear. she got up from bed and said "It is midnight and you are still wearing your suit."

I just looked at her and smiled and said "How is my favourite little witch?~"

She then walked up to me and put her arms around my neck and said "Waiting for my devil to kiss me.~"

I smiled and put my hands on my waist and said "I think I can fix that real quick." I then kissed her. She held on to my hair and we just kissed trying to tie a knot with your tongues, I suppose.

She then said "You are happy to see me~"

I smiled sheepishly and still held on to her said "I am always happy to see you~"

She then asked "Are you here? Is it like everything is done?" her eyes were hopeful

I sighed and said, "No, I am here because I need your help."

She looked confused and asked, "What is it?"

I then looked at me and hesitantly said "I... kinda created a Vampire."

She was shocked and she started to hit me in the chest and said "Bad Lucas, Bad."

I then looked at her and said "You know I like it when you do that right?"

She sighed and removed herself from me and said "Lucas, I am serious... this is bad. Why did you make a Vampire?" She then walked to the bed and sat down

I sighed and sat down and looked at her and said "The man was dying Josie and this was the only way to save him... You know I wouldn't go around and make Originals."

She was flabbergasted and she looked at me and I looked away and she asked "Lucas? Did you just say you said you created an Original Vampire?"

I didn't look at her and she said "Lucas?"

I looked at her and said, "I mean I can only create Originals, my blood is too potent."

She was confused as to how was I even able to create a Vampire so she asked"How did you know you could create a Vampire?"

I then said in a low tone "My father told me."

She was again shocked and she asked "You met your father?!"

I then told her everything, as to how my dad is Lucifer like the actual Devil, and how he loves a human woman and has human friends and is actually a good guy. How God my Grandpa retired and how her boyfriend who is an Archangel killed Michael and Gabriel his Uncle and Aunt and now is in possession of the most powerful weapon on earth and needed her help in finding the rest of the weapon so that his dad can become God.

I then looked at her she looked shook so I placed my hands on her shoulder and said "Are you okay?"

She nodded her head and said "No, I am just a bit shook that is it. I mean your Grandpa is God, your dad is the Devil and you are an Arch Angel. Somehow you making an Original Vampire just seems a bit small."

I then made a face that looked like I had sucked on a lemon and she asked "What?" she then sighed and asked, "Oh, please don't tell me there is more?"

I then said, "Oh, no that is like the complete story."

She was confused and asked, "So why did you look upset when I was talking?"

I sighed and said, "I am by the definition an Angel but I am technically a Fallen."

She looked at me and sighed and chuckled and said, "I really don't care what you call yourself Lucas, you will just be Lucas to me."

I then just looked at her and smiled and she asked me "What?"

I smiled and said, "I am just surprised Josie, I say that my Grandpa is God, my dad is the Devil, that I killed 2 Arch Angels and you just take it all in."

She just smiled and said, "Well, I have a high tolerance for the crazy."

I then leaned in and we kissed and she asked "So when do we need to leave?"

I kissed her and pushed her down and said, "Let's see I hold every possible card so I can be as late as I want to be~"

She started to giggle and we kissed, she took my shirt off and I started to kiss her neck and removed her top and I was presented with two very perky pairs of breasts, I grabbed one of them and started playing with it and rubbing the nipples, the moans of pleasure escaped her mouth, She then grabbed my hair and started to nibble on my ear.

I then started tracing my hands around her body and started to make my way down, I then slid my hands in her shorts and we were about to begin, that is until I got a call from my father.

I ignored and continue, I slid my two fingers inside her slit and as I inserted my fingers she started to moan and I then sucked on her nipples, and with my other hand playing with the other, I continued to move my fingers inside her. Her moans were becoming heavy and a bit louder. She started to pull my hair.

Father continued to call but we ignored it, I then increased the speed of my fingers and started to move my thumb in a circular motion, I licked her breast and she started to become more and more rigid, until at one point her back arched and she climaxed.

She then grabbed me by my hair and got on top of me and then she kissed me and then slowly made her way down and then she removed my pant and was greeted by my son, she smiled and said "How are you this big?"

I smiled and said, "Good genes I guess?" She then looked at it but then father again called and Josie was pissed and picked it up and said "Lucas is busy right now. Call a bit later"

But before she could hang up she heard "Josie do not hang up the phone, I need Lucas this is an emergency." She then looked at the phone and it said "Father" She then looked nervous and said "Oh, hello, yeah Lucas is here you can talk to him"

She then gave me the phone, I didn't want to talk right now but Josie told me to, so I did and said: "Father you are being a buzzkill right now. I am in the middle of something."

He said "Lucas, you can have sex later, Remeil is here" Josie looked embarrased.

I sighed and said, "I don't want to talk about that right now father."

He then said, "Lucas listen to me, angels can't find Micheal and they are suspecting something is wrong soo I want you to get your witch and come here right now so we can get the last piece and I can become God."

I sighed and said "Fine, I am coming, hang tight." She then got off of me and I said: "Come on take the stuff necessary to make the ring and the locator spell, we need to go Angels are moving."


Hello readers,

I hope that you liked the chapter, Please also join the discord server some people already have and know about some upcoming stuff about the FF and had also helped with this very chapter.

I would like to thank DevinelyChaotic, TheLonelyGod and ALLAC they have helped me with this chapter.

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