This is a story that is taking place in the TVDverse in the legacies timeline. The whole world is AU so anything goes. English is not my first language so there can be some errors and I will rely on you the readers to help me fix those problems.
(Hope's Pov)
Someone was at the door I thought it was my Aunt and I opened it and it was Josie. She looked exactly like how Lizzie described her. Black veins poping out of her forehead and an abyssal black pupils. She said "Fluctus Inpulsa" and I was tased and disabled. She then walked into the house.
She paced around and then took a chair and sat in front of me. She smiled and said "How are you Hope?"
I wanted to say sorry but I couldn't. Words were not coming out of me. She looked at me and said "Don't worry, I didn't want to hear you so, I used this spell."
She then chuckled and said "You know every since I was a kid, I always cared about my sister, my dad, mom and my friends, even you" She sighed and continued "I never put myself first, you know, I always did what was best for others. But no one really cared about what I wanted, what I needed."
She then got up and said "There were two people in my life that cared, more about me than themselves. One of which left me and the other one cheated me."
I watched her as tears started to fell from her eyes. I finally managed to utter "I am sorry…"
She then laughed and walked towards me and thrashed the room and dropped down and just looked at me and said "Sorry, doesn't cut it Hope. You took away him from me."
I looked at her in horror and wondered what she was going to do. She then looked at me and said "Shh… I am not going to kill you. Because then you might meet him, but then again if I do kill you. You will become the tribrid the very thing you are scared of becoming." She then looked at me and said "Don't worry Hope, I will never kill you. I will do something worse." She then revealed a three pronged dagger and was about to stab me.
But then we heard a loud banging noise and my aunt came in and took me and ran away. We got in the car and and my Aunt Rebekah looked at me and said "Are you alright?" I nodded and We then drove away as quickly as we could.
Every since that day, I am on the move with my aunts. Because Josie has been sending these ghoulish creatures after us. I don't even know how she is doing it and I don't even know how she got that body stealing dager. Josie wanted to steal my body, I still don't know why? And who is helping her do this.
We are in Austin, well, for sometime. I have been trying to contact Ric but my Aunts won't let me. She thinks it is too dangerous. Me and Aunt Freya have been looking for a method to contact Lucas to find him, but we can't figure out where he is. Even though I have his necklace. Every time we try to do the locator spell, the map gets torn for some reason.
I am starting to lose hope that I will see him again, I don't know where he is or how he is. I was sitting in my motel room looking outside the window.
My Aunt Rebekah came into the room with food and said "Who likes Tacos." She put those down and walked toward me. She then turned my face towards her and said "Come on Hope, we will find a way to get him back. I promise."
Tears started to fall and I said "I don't know if that is even possible anymore. Because of me, everyone is unhappy. I teared a family apart."
She hugged me and said "everyone deserves happiness, Hope, even you."
I looked at her and said "But at what cost?"
She then looked at me and said "Look Hope, Lucas, had hope. Even though to the uninitiated he may look like a scum, but he tried to do the right thing and it is your duty to find him, so that you all can be happy."
Someone then knocked on the door and we thought it was Aunt Freya but it was not, it was a man and he said "Can I come in?"
Aunt asked "Who are you?
He said "I am Lucas, well for right now that is."
Aunt looked at me and I got up from the bed and asked "What?"
He said "It is me Hope, Lucas."
I looked at him and said "You are not Lucas, he looked different."
Aunt looked at him and said "Time for you to go."
He shouted "Wait! I can prove I am Lucas."
Aunt asked "How?"
He looked at me and said "Remember the first time Landon was kidnapped? We sat on Prof. Saltzman's truck and drank Bourbon?" I walked closer to him he then said "Remember the time when I was stabbed you watched my Uncle's black wings?"
I saw him and tears came to my eyes and I said "Lucas?"
He smiled and said "Yes! Finally, I have been trying to contact you. But you kept killing all those Ghouls I sent."
Aunt Rebekah asked "They were yours? Couldn't you have send, I don't know a human?"
He said "Yeah, but I couldn't find a fresh body where you guys were. This is the freshest I could find near you."
Aunt asked "Wait this guy is dead?"
He nodded and said "Heart attack, anyway, I don't have much time." He looked at me and said "Find, my father he is in L.A. He knows how to get me back."
I asked "Where are you?"
He looked at me and said "I am in hell. Please find my dad fast. It is getting bad in here."
I nodded and then he said "I will see you again." I nodded and then he walked away and ran into the traffic and a truck hit him.
Aunt said "Your boyfriend is a moron."
I looked at her and she said "What?"
I looked at her and said "We are going to L.A. aunt. We are finally getting him back."
(Lizzie's Pov)
It has been months and everything has gone to shit. Josie has gone Awol. Dad was arrested for trespassing, he and mom are still looking for Josie. Vardemus was Clarke the mud man. The real Guy was kidnapped and stored inside a therapy box kind of thing. Dorian is looking over the school in the meantime. There have been constant attacks on Landon, but we have been successful in defending him. He tried to ran away again, but we caught him. I tried a relationship with Sebastian but he was a douche.
I am barely keeping it together, I don't know how long I will be able to keep it up. I am still looking for answers. Why Josie is fixated on this Hope person? Where is Lucas? And most importantly who is Hope? Cause it looks like everything that happened was because of her.
I was in my room looking for ways to cure Josie of her dark magic but I just can't seem to find a solution. Someone knocked on the door and it was MG. He entered and said "How are you?"
I smiled and said "I am fine."
He looked at me and said "Look, I know that times are tough, but I know we will pull through."
I said "How, MG, Josie can't be found for some god unknown reason. Lucas is literally not on the face of the earth. Every time we do the Locator spell the map spits up. It is like he wasn't even here.
And all of this is connected to someone called Hope, and we don't know who she is. We don't even know of she is alive or not let alone find her for some answers." tears were coming from my eyes.
He looked at me and said "Hey, hey look at me, you are stronger than this."
I looked at him and said "What if I am not?"
He smiled and said "I believe in you Lizzie, you have always persevered, we will find a way to save everyone, but we need to be positive."
I looked at him and said "Thank you, MG. You have always stuck with me."
He then looked at me and he was coming closer and I didn't hold back, I took me too much time to realize this, I leaned in and kissed him, he holded me and also kissed back, I removed my top and he was removing his shirt.
He asked "Are you sure?"
I said "Just shut up. I want to do this."
He removed his shirt and we got onto the bed and he was removing his pants and then someone knocked on the door and He said "Busy!" I then chuckled and he kissed me.
The knocking still continued and I sighed and asked "Who is it?"
And he said "Oh, no, no, no, please." I got my top on.
He said "It's me Wade" MG then got his pants on and I asked "What is it?"
He said "Someone wants to see you."
I looked at MG and kissed him and I said "Alright, thank you Wade."
MG got up and I put my hands on him and kissed him and smiled and said "Let's go."
We then went downstairs to the Principal's office. We entered the room and we saw Lucas with a girl who had brown hair and she was wearing a red shirt, underneath was a black t-shirt, high black boots and jeans.
I saw Lucas and barked at him, I wanted to scratch his face off but he had a very painful look on his face "Where in the name of Hell have you been do you what has happened, while you were gone?"
He got up and looked at me and said "I am sorry."
I said "You are sorry for what? Because of something you did, Josie is… Josie is…"
He looked at me and said "I know and I am sorry but I am going to make it right."
I then looked at the girl and asked "Who is she?"
He turned and sat down and said "Have a seat first."
I said "What?" He just looked at me I sighed and sat down and asked "Who is she?"
He looked at her and the girl nodded and said "I am Hope Mikaelsson." I looked at her and then I looked at Lucas and said "She is Hope, all this started because of her?"
Hope looked down and said "Ye…" he stopped her and looked at me and said "Although it is about her but I was the one that let all of this happen. And I will make this right."
I hope you guys liked the chapter. I don't know if the chapter feels rushed or not because the thing is this was done last night but then I send the draft in the discord server and people didn't liked what I was doing so I needed to rewrite the whole chapter in the morning, so tell me if something feels off or rushed and I will fix it.
Thank you to all who voted and commented on the chapters.