
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Teen
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30 Chs

She just wanna see th long thing.

           "Our last meeting didn't end well right?" Enola sounded on the phone.

          "Yes, I guess so. Did your mum ask you any questions?" Ekaris asked eagerly.

          "She didn't even suspect that, thanks goodness we didn't go inside the bedroom before she entered", she stated.

           "By now, I might be in the police station waiting for bail", Ekaris as both of them burst into laughter. But come to think of it, the mother could have really done that. She knew top people in the police as she had eyes on security matters. She might probably do it just to make sure that her daughter is very secure or even put both of them in order to secure the safety of the house.

     Their discussion over the phone was very intense and daring just the way she normally did with Bruno. That was the very first deep and arousing call they had made ever since they started talking to each other. During the call, they talked about many things and one they didn't forget was to plan for proper meeting and execution of plans. His house would have been perfect but due to the kind of parents he had. The mum was sick, so the sickness wouldn't allow her go anywhere. It was like that before though, the mum used to be a principal in one of the prestigious secondary schools around. She stopped after she was diagnosed of cancer. It was actually a breast cancer. It was discovered lately and that led to the removal of one of the breast. So, she stayed in the house without attending to or participating in any social activity.

They made another exclusive plan to meet up at the hotel. The queen's hotel became an option to her because she has been there with Bruno. The plan was made and finalized before they ended the call. Ekaris got himself thinking and wondering what made her choose that particular hotel among host of others.

     "wait, could it been that she has been there before, he asked himself in his thought and continued, wait a minute, with Bruno I guess"

He knew that something must have led to some and definitely, his instinct never failed him most times. He didn't bother to trouble her with questions or brought up something that would impale the plans. He left it rather, for another day. They made those plans without anyone being aware of that.

The day came like a flash of light followed by impending thunderstorm. The two secret lovers dressed in a disguised outfit to avoid suspicion. They didn't go together, they went separately on their own. First to get to the hotel was Enola. She was alone and had ordered what to eat and what to drink as well.

In this world, everything we intend to hide, happens to find a way to pop it's head out and surface on the outside. A very popular adage said that, 'when the footsteps are too fast and quick, the eye that's fast and quick as well sees it and can even count it.'

Seated at the other side of the bar was Clinton. Though, he was there base on work. He was also an event planner amidst other works he did. The way he appeared then, no one would easily notice him but he would base on the position he was. He turned his eyes to the other side of the bar that wasn't occupied by the celebrant, lo and behold, it was the sight of Enola. He was excited that at least one of his friend came to the party and due to that, he quickly stood up to meet her. As he was struggling amidst the crowd to get himself over the other side, another sight came. Instead of him to see a sight of Bruno, it was a sight of Ekaris. His heart skipped immediately he saw Ekaris and he wondered what might have happened. What made Ekaris got that close to Enola. He observed them from the distance as they eat and while away their time. The way they talked and ate showed that something was going on between them. Clinton even feared that they might have gone too far to be stopped. The next thing he saw was Ekaris dipping his hand inside his pocket to settle the bill as the waitress was already standing before them with the bills. That already signified that they were about leaving. Clinton thought there leaving for the house and decided to mind his business because probably he must have thought, dinner date could be for anyone both dating and single. His mindset changed as soon as he noticed that they were headed towards the hotel room reception, definitely to get a key to the room. Clinton observed them closed to know which room they entered.

     "wait, hope this is not what am thinking", he asked himself and continued.

     "Has it reached the point that they now hang out in the hotel and lodge for the night…,….wait…..wait….. now things are becoming clearer. That hug in the woods now makes more sense to me", he said to himself and stood one corner wondering. At some point, he decided to go close and know what he could hold on. He got to the door of the room, stood there for sometime, looked around to make sure no one was coming. He peeped but couldn't see anything, he was able to hear deafening noise of their uncontrollable moan. As they entered the room, they didn't waste time…. Everything happened so fast owing to the fact that they were drunk a bit.