

Briana comes to terms with her magical powers and the fact that she is the scion of Arthur and not Nick. Will Nick remain her love interest? or will it be Sel, the angry and enigmatic Merlin and Kingsmage whom she has come to rely on though accidently.

Daoist8BvRoc · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Sel's POV

Sel rushed in to his room in the tower fuming. He shut the door with a bang that echoed through the Lodge. "What sort of morons are they?", Sel wondered out aloud and his hands went through his hair in frustration.

The sun was setting, but the whole day was just long for everyone in the house. The Regents arrived in the morning and questioned every Legendborn about what happened the previous night and today morning. None of them wanted to talk about the nightmare they witnessed, but had no choice not to, because of Tor who called the Regents' emissary without asking anyone else's opinion.

Sel knew in his heart that Tor was not to blame in rejecting Bree as their king-not really-and the Regents would sooner or later would have to be brought in to deal with the mess, but the fact that she ignored the hierarchy was daunting. What surprised him most was his take on all that happened; he was surprised that Bree was the scion of Arthur and not Nick, but he was graciously able to accept it unlike some others.

Sel was Nick's kingsmage, but if Nick was not the king then was he really his protector? This was the question that was haunting him since last night, but the question escaped his mind when he found out Nick was kidnapped. Sel remembered the Oaths he took; first to bind him and Nick and the second to the Legendborns. But from what Bree said this morning, the Order was lying about a lot of things, even regarding the Oaths. Sel was made to believe that Merlins like him are bound to the Order and the Legendborns by Oaths and if they try to break the Oaths, they would succumb to the blood; in other words they would be more like animals than humans.

"I can't believe that my constant terror of being a half-Shadowborn and succumbing to the blood was all a ploy to make me a puppet in the hands of the Order." Sel thought, but added "I don't think it was just me they manipulated, but many Merlins throughout many generations."

He started walking the length of the room in frustration. With each second his anger seemed to be reaching a whole another level that even he thought he was going to explode in to a cloud of smoke. He tried to relax but couldn't. His mind went back to the image of his mother he loved. Bree had told in the morning that she saw his mother at the hospital the day her mother died and that it was she who mesmered Bree and not any other Merlin. He couldn't believe the rapid turn of events because he was made to believe that his mother died in a uchel attack, but last week learned that it was a cover up and that his mother was admitted to a mental asylum by the Order because she had succumbed to the blood. After hearing that, Sel too believed he was following his mother towards self-destruction with Nick complaining to Lord Davis about his paranoia about an uchel imposter in the Legendborns.

Sel laughed out aloud- a strange and unpleasant sound- and made his way to his bed and laid down. He had a bad headache and just wanted to sleep for days, but he knew that he couldn't afford it.

He sighed and stared at the ceiling of his room. He wondered whether he should leave, and his hands went through his dark hair again. Just then, Bree's face came to his mind. He said to himself, "Even if I want to leave this all behind the Order won't leave me alone. I need to find out if the Order was manipulating me and the other Merlins or is there another reason for Mom to be alive and living well, and living outside the confines of the Order. And what is the relation between Bree's mother and my Mom? How did they become friends?"

Even when these thoughts came to his mind, there was another reason why he couldn't leave that easily, even if he was ready to defy the Order; and that was Briana Irene Matthews or otherwise called Bree.

Sel knew in his heart that he could never leave Bree now, and she does not even have a kingsmage to protect her. Sel did not really understand his feelings for Bree, but he knew for certain that he would-could-never leave her to fight the Shadowborns alone. He couldn't help but laugh at his stupidity for thinking she was a Shadowborn disguised to sow discord among the Legendborns. But now she turned out to be the scion of Arthur. He couldn't believe how the girl turned from being his enemy to his ally, maybe to be his friend, and maybe something more....

He knew that he was getting carried away, but couldn't help it. Bree was very special and that was why he was drawn to her. But Bree had feelings for Nick. Now that it was understood that Nick was the scion of Lancelot and Bree Arthur's, maybe their feelings had more to do with the relation between the king and his first knight, and less to do with Bree and Nick. At least that was what Sel wanted to believe.

Just then his phone rang and he answered. It was Sar. "What is it Sar?"

"It's time to go. All of us are gathered in the living room." said Sar

"I will be there in ten minutes." replied Sel and hung up.

Sel took a shower and changed in to new clothes. Before leaving, he stared at his reflection in the mirror and said to himself, "The only thing that matters is finding Nick and thinking of a way to stop further attacks by the Shadowborns. So right now you are not allowed to think of Bree or why the Order is doing the wrong things. Got that?".

Saying these words he went out the room to join the others to go to Lord Davis's hideout and get back Nick.