

Briana comes to terms with her magical powers and the fact that she is the scion of Arthur and not Nick. Will Nick remain her love interest? or will it be Sel, the angry and enigmatic Merlin and Kingsmage whom she has come to rely on though accidently.

Daoist8BvRoc · Book&Literature
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Bree's POV

"The Regents are coming and there is no place to hide." This was the first thought that came to Bree's mind after coming in to the Lodge. She looked around at the Lodge as if to ascertain her feelings for the place, but as always she just sighs and turns away.

"I do not have the time to think of things like this. The first thing the Regents would do after arrival would be to debrief everyone at the Lodge. We will be like specimens.....asked to show things we do not want to and face things we want to forget." Bree has these thoughts while sitting in the kitchen, trying to make sense of her ever-changing world.

A few weeks before, Bree-Briana-was just a brainy sixteen year old girl who joined the Early College Program at UNC. But since the day of her arrival at her new College, things had been weird. She started seeing demons invisible to normal humans, encountered a Merlin who more than once threatened to kill her, learned that King Arthur and the Round Table are real and last but not the least, she can do magic.

But last night got even weirder with the leader of the Southern Chapter-Lord Davis, Nick's father- opening gates in the underground tunnels and letting the Shadowborns in to force Arthur's hand to call his scion, Nick. But it was not Nick who turned out to be the scion of Arthur but Bree who thought she had nothing to do with all of this and Nick turned out to be the scion of Lancelot. After the fight with the Shadowborns, Bree lost her consciousness and was brought back to the Lodge by Sel. But the next morning Sel woke everyone up saying that Nick was kidnapped by Lord Davis and his Kingsmage Isaac and taken away so that the table will fall without Nick.

While everyone were trying to understand what happened last night and coming to terms with the lives lost in the fight, Tor announced that she had called the Regents to make sense of what was happening and to find out how Bree could be their King. The news almost resulted in a scuffle if not intervened by Sel, Sar and William.

"I love Nick and I wont let anything happen to him. But that does not mean I won't accept the fact that it is me who is the scion of Arthur and not Nick. Whatever was..is between Nick and me, I am not going to let go of it. Let the Regents come, let the Shadowborns come. I am ready and I am not just me." Saying these words to herself as if saying them aloud would affirm it, and taking in a deep but shivering breath, she went to the foyer where the others were waiting for her.

Their heads snapped in her direction as she entered. Only Sel and Alice looked at her as Bree, while in others eyes she was their king. The sound of tyres hitting the gravel had Sel position himself to Bree's right. The other followed his cue- even Tor- and flanked Bree from all sides because now she is the most important player.

Sel inhaled and whispered, "Get ready", and his magic filled the air and that was all it took Bree to concentrate on what was to come. Without asking for anyone's permission as always, red Mage flames lit up from the tips of her fingers and enveloped her hands. But this time she was not afraid, but ready, and waiting for the front doors to open.

I read Tracy Deonn's Legendborn this week and was completely hooked. I couldnt wait to read what happened next, but sadly the next book would be released only next year. So, I had no choice but to write this fan-fic to feel a little better. I hope the fans of Legendborn and others would like what I wrote and support me.

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