
Leaving My Dead Wolf Pack For The End Of Times,But With My Unborn Baby

#Bl #Evolution #Mutation #Romance #Gl

LovableX07 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


[Picture Here]

Name:Enzo Rivera

Age:24 Years Old


Species:Hybrid(Half Werewolf Half Vampire)


Language(s):Japanese(Native Tongue), Italian(Learned), Spanish(Learned), Chinese(Learned)

Occupation:Works as a Low pay cafe and book store

Personality:Kind, Caring, Overprotective, Gentle, Sensitive, Smart, Shy, Quiet, Introverted, Bookworm, has a motherly personality and gentleness, soft, loving, supportive, cold, sassy, badass


Mother(Nika Rivera/Alive)A Bitch

Father(Yato Rivera/Alive)A Bastard

Pack:Blue Moon Pack

Pack Leader: Alpha Jake

Body Type:Curvy Frame, soft smooth pale skin, big butt, thick thighs and slim legs which is mostly a omega feature they are very and more feminine then girls

Mate/Fated Pare/Partner:???

Hight/Weight:5,3 / 43kg

Info:Before Doomsday Enzo was sold by his mother and father to the alpha's son Chris Nolan who is next in line to be Alpha. He was raped and days later he became pregnant. At the cost he ran away to raise his child alone but when doomsday came he had no one to turn to and only a week later he died from the cold and starvation and so did his unborn baby.


{Enzo's POV}

When I awoke, the first thing I smelled was the smell of sweat, sex, cum, and lots of heat. To scared to move I turn my head and see the one man I wished to kill for my suffering, but not for my unborn baby. Chris Nolen. The son of the Alpha and the one who raped me. I didn't know what to do. Why was I reborn to this time?. Why couldn't I had be reborn a day or two before or after. At least i won't have to see or smell this disgusting man. He makes me sick. I wouldn't have been in the situation if it weren't for...for...my parents. Yes, It was them. The most disgusting people on earth. I hated them with all my heart. They have never been my parents. They have always been strangers to me. I could never forgive them for what they or this pack has done to me. My whole life I have been bullied, picked on, and beaten. To scared to do anything about it and stand up to them. I just sat and took it. But not anymore.'I won't let anyone tie me down ever again. Nor will I ever give into anyone's commands. From now on I only listen to myself and my gut. As that was the only way I managed to survive for so long in the apocalypse.

When I tried to get up I felt immense pain in my ass and lower back. I couldn't really feel my legs. They were a little numb but I couldn't sit here and wait for Alpha Chris to wake up. So I used all my strength and pushed my self up and out of the bed. Falling to the floor in response.

"Ouch! Fuck!" I managed to inky say in a screaming whisper not wanting to wake the bastard up. I quickly crawled and grabbed my clothes putting them on as fast a I can. Then I went into the bathroom in search for pain killers to help me walk at least. I found some and I popped two in my mouth then took a hand full of sink water. After that I slowly crept back into the room and saw Alpha Chris in a new position. He's waking up. I though. The plan I made up in my head was to grab whatever money he has then go to my parents house and take whatever money they have and their car and drive away. I looked at the clock and saw it was 2:34 am so I only had minimum time for my parents to wake up. They wake at 4:00 am. But since I'm not there I might be a little later. I crept towards Alpha Chris's pants and searched through his pockets until I found his wallet. I open it and take whatever money he has in it which was about $600 so I took it all. And since I had my phone which was also in my pants pocket I took his card which he has three of them. And there all VIP cards as him and his stupid father are rich rich. I transferred all his money from all three cards onto my bank account and I locked it so no one and even my parents can't take out of it. I then silently walked to the door and saw Alpha Chris waking up. I hurriedly bolted out the door but closed it softly so it wouldn't be to loud.

I didn't have much time considering that Alpha Chris would be pissed when he found me gone. I could only be happy that when he raped me last night he didn't mark me. As I don't want to be with him and if he did he could easily track my every location down by our connection through the mark. I ran and I ran down the street going straight to my house wasting no time. When I arrived at my house a took the spare key from under a rock and h locked the door. I closed it softly and crept up to my parents room. I peeked inside and saw them still asleep. So I slowly tiptoed to their bed and walked to my fathers side. I then took the key that was just sitting on top on the nightstand and opened the drawer. Inside was about $500 and I took it. Yes I knew my parents would be pissed as they have a huge debt to pay and if they couldn't pay it back by two weeks they would be killed. So their plan was to sell me to make money and yes it worked which I am pissed about. So technically all the money 'they' earned is not theirs but is mine as I was the one who had to forcibly sell my body to make this much for them. After grabbing the money I left my parents room and went upstairs to my fathers office. I went to the painting sitting begin his desk and punched in the pin which I knew as it was his stupid birthday 08161990. When I light flashed green I opened it and my eyes sparkled.

I have never seen so much money in front of my face. And if you saw you would be just as happy and greedy as I am right now. And there's no shame in that as all this money was from MY hard work and just a little of their investment but a well they have to suffer more then me now as all their money is about to be gone. That includes the money in the cards which my dad had four and my mom has three and they are not VIP cards but their silver cards that just shows that they don't have money but bought a card to make it look like they do. Inside the vault was over $8,000 and I stashed all of it into my pants pocket, and my hoodie pocket though it wouldn't all fit so I went into my room which was the one door over and I grabbed my big backpack, then I went back to my fathers office and stuffed the rest of the money plus the ones in my pocket into the bag. I then grabbed my phone opened my bank account and transferred every. Single. Dime. They had in their account. Yeah this may be a bit much. But after everything they've done to my they can suffer the wrath of their 'debt collector'. I then locked my account again and went back to my room. I packed to duffel bags full of clothes and shoes. Which was like the only things I had. I also grabbed my personal items I managed to keep hidden from my parents for so long. It was an Apply laptop, tablet and watch and iPhone 16(New generation and made up😂)which was far more developed then my parents iPhone 13s. Alpha Chris and his father Alpha Jake also have the iPhone 16 but I don't car I just know because of gossip and because I saw that bastards Chris's phone after stealing his money.

After packing I grabbed my bags and went down to the kitchen and grabbed the car keys out of the bowl sitting in the middle of the island counter. As I was about to walk out the door I heard scratching at the basement door and at that moment it hit me. THE DOGS!. I couldn't leave Bane and Rust. They were the best dogs. Bane is a Doberman and Rust is a German Shepherd. They are both very aggressive dogs and will kill if told. They only listen to me secretly but I told them to listen to my parents or else they will be killed. They are very smart and overprotective dogs. They are also very skilled. They were both trained in the army and police force until their owners died and no one could take care of them as they would never listen. But when I met them they listened to me so we took them in. After getting done with my little flash back I quickly opened the front door, ran to the car and dropped my three bags onto the ground before running back into the house. When I got to the back door I saw their leashes hanging in the wall. So I grabbed them and unlocked the back door only to be tackled by them both. And them licking my face roughly. They were good but very scary dogs.

"Guys that's enough! We need to go now!" I maneuver to whisper out and they kept licking my bust stopped when I said to. They then back off of me and I hooked their leashed on and we started speed walking out the house. When I turned the car on it made a loud growling engine sound which I knew woke my parents up so I wasted no time opening the back door and putting both Bane and Rust in the back seat closing the door then going begin the car and opening the trunk. I shoved the bags inside and closed it. And when I was about to turn to go to the drivers side I heard the door open. I looked and saw my parents angry. No. Furious faced staring back at me.

You little bitch! How dare you come here thinking you can run away you little whore!" My father began screaming which allowed all the neighbors around us to start turning their lights on and peek out the windows. "Shit" I said, "I need to get out of here". I run to the drivers side of the car and get in as I see my angry father beginning to run at me. I start the car and pull out the drive way swerving around and driving down the street not giving anyone let alone my parents and chance to stop me. And I was to dark for them to see the plate number so I knew I was safe. And my parents have terrible memories unless it was for something very very important like how to he have to pay their debt by the end of two weeks from now. And today was only Friday so they have plenty of time to come up with something. I drove and I drove never looking back.

"I made it. I can't believe I made it out!" I was so happy I started crying. I would never have to go back to this pack or my parents. I could do as I please. In some cases if you were in this situation you would think that once your free you could live your life peacefully but that's not true in my case. Because just two weeks from now the world would end as we know it. And I could do nothing to stop it. But i knew I could do something to keep myself and my unborn baby safe. In the next two days I will start having signs of pregnancy that's when I will go to a doctor. But for now I wanted to find a motel and rest with both Bane and Rust until I found a good house.

By the time I made it to the National City is was already 8:00 in the morning and I was tired. My body hurt from the pain of rape and no proper sleep. And I was still very stressed on what I wanted to do before the apocalypse came. Since my old pack aka the Blue Moon Pack was located 5 hours from here and was in a dense forest where there were other small packs around as it was high enough for more then one. I took 5 hours to get from there to National City. I stoped the car on the side of the road that was very much empty aside from a few people walking here and there and some cars going by it wasn't all that quiet or ere but was somewhat calm. I sat there for a moment before pulling out my phone. It wa son 20% so I took out the charger that belonged to my mother that was in the car and hooked it up. I then searched for nearby motels and found one that was $20 per night and they allowed dogs or any animals. I only needed to stay for two so it was good. After putting on the tracker I drove 20 minutes to the motel that gave a peaceful vibe to it.

[Picture Here]

The motel was beautiful. It had a pool in the middle of the surrounding homes. I parked my car in the driveway, popped the trunk grabbed my bags and then opened the back door and grabbed both Bane and Rust out of the car by their leashes. I then lock the car and walk into the reception area to check in. When I walk inside I see a pretty red haired woman sitting behind the counter cropping on her phone. She had on a white off shoulder crop top and black skinny ripped jeans on with boots on. I saw her boots and pants because he feet are resting on the counter. As I walk over with both Bane and Rust on each side of me. My backpack on my back and two duffel bags on either shoulder I was kinda having trouble but both of my boys made it easer by not pulling me forward. When the red haired woman sees me she gets up putting her phone down and come from behind the counter. "Here let me help you". She says in a soft voice. She grabbed both my duffel bags placing them on the floor begin careful not to get to close to both Bane and Rust. As they have soft threatening growls. After that she gets back behind the counter and turns on the computer.

"Hello my name is Merida Vail how can I help you?" She asked typing away some how already knowing my answer as she have done this many times before. "I would like to stay here for two nights". I said. "Sit" I told Bane and Rust which they did so obediently sitting with their tongues out looking up at me happily. Bane was sitting between my legs and Rust was sitting on my right side leaning against my leg. They've missed me a lot so their trying to show as little affection as possible out in the open but also giving me my much needed space as they can also sense my tiredness and that I'm in pain. "Of course that would be $40 for two nights". The woman named Merida said. I took out my phone and did Visa send and just scanned it sending the money through. I'm glad that they do Visa here and not just cash. "Great your room number is 160 second floor, do you need help sir?". She said giving me the room key. "No I'm alright thank you though and have a good night". I said grabbing my bags and pulling Bane and Rust along. "You to sir". The woman said waving at me as I walk out.

After walking around a bit searching for my room number I found it and walked up the stairs Bane and Rust following me from behind and I opened the door with the key Merida gave me. I walked into the room and gave a sign in relief. I could finally relax and no longer have to worry about my pack. As now I am considered a rouge. A rouge is someone or a wolf who have left, or been kicked out of their pack and is now alone with no mate or anything. There are rouges that have mates though but they are still rouges if their mate is also rouge or if their mates pack or family does not except them as no longer a rouge. After locking the door and sitting my bags down on the ground I took the Bane's and Rust's leashes off and let them roam around the room. But I wasn't long before Rust snatched a fluffy pillow off the bed and put it in the corner of the room and curled up on it falling fast asleep. Then Bane jumped on the windowsill inside the room and curled up going to sleep to.

I then smell myself and cringe, "I need a shower I smell like Alpha Chris which could give other shifters the wrong idea thinking I am mates to an Alpha. Which I'm not. I kicked off my shoes and stalked to the bathroom turning on the shower and hopping in. I scrubbed roughly on my skin wanting to get rid of the feeling of having lost my virginity to a man I have no connects with until now because of my parents. And the man who will soon give me my beautiful baby. I softly place a hand in my stomach and rub it softly as I speak in Italian. "Il mio amore. Il mio piccolo angelo non vedo l'ora di incontrarti perché non ho potuto tornare nella nostra ultima vita. Ma ti prometto che ti proteggerò e cercherò di darti la migliore vita possibile. E per farlo sentire almeno un po' normale rispetto alla mia infanzia di dolore e tristezza. Proteggerò il mio amore. Quindi cresci forte per la tua mamma, ok?"(My love. My little Angel I can't wait to meet you as I could not back in our last life. But I promise you I will protect you and try to give you the best life possible. And to make it feel at least a little normal compared to my childhood of pain and sadness. I will protect my love. So grow up strong for your mommy ok?). I finished speaking, washing and got out of the shower walking back into the main room and fishing for something comfortable to sleep in. I put on a comfortable fluffy gray one piece that has a hood on it.

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After going into the small kitchen next to the main room I see that there is a box of instant noodles. I could only assume someone stayed here before me or they just put one in each room incase someone wants a quick meal if hungry. I make myself some instant ramen and I finished it in 5 seconds. "I guess I was super hungry. Though that makes sense anyways". I said now sliding into the big comfy bed turning off the lamp and falling asleep. Peacefully might I add.

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Bane(Doberman) Rust(German Shepherd)

[Picture Here]

Name:Merida Vail

Age:23 Years Old


Species:Fox Shifter(Foxshi)

Nationality:French/American Woman

Language(s):French(Native Tongue), English(Learned), Spanish(Learned)

Occupation:Works at Ni's Motel

Personality:Kind, Caring, Beautiful, Sweet, Smart, Hardworking, Overprotective, Sassy, Badass, Productive


Mother(Alia Vail/Dead)

Father(Salen Vail/Dead)

Twin Sister(Malida Vail/Alive)

Bust Size:C

Body Type:Curvy Frame, soft pale skin, slim legs

Hight/Weight:5,6 / 56kg