

Months have been passed sinced I go back to school. Those months is not a normal months for me. Louis keep pestering me, he’s always following me. We lunch together, went home together and even going to school, were together. I don’t want to ask him why he’s doing that, Im afraid what will he answer. I’m a hypocrite if I will say that I don’t like him. For months, that he’s pestering me I start to be fond of his presence and I my feelings for him grew. Never in my life know that I will felt something romantic to a man. I know this is wrong but why it seems right? I know he likes me, Lucy my friend and her sister confirmed that Louis is inlove with me. That’s the reason why I can’t tell him about my feelings. If he know that we felt the same, he will hope and that the last thing I want him to felt. I don’t want to give him false hope, I can’t love him back. I saw my notebook where I wrote my plans in life. I think I can’t do this anymore. I don’t have time. I ripped the page where my writings and throw it on the nearest trash bin. I look up the sky. I love the color of sky, it looks peaceful. I close my eyes as I let the wind touch my skin. So refreshing. But, I opened my eyes when I felt something on my lips, that were I saw the man that invading my thoughts months from now.

“did you?” he didn’t answer but he smiled

“why did you do that!?” he just shrugged.

“you! Run as fast as you could because if catch you swear I’m gonna break every bones you have!”I run and run trying to chase him, that jerk! Why did he kiss me?! He’s so fast so I run as fast that I could just to reach him, but felt something on my chest.

“I c-cant b-breath”I don’t know if he can hear me, he’s so far. He seems not know what is happening because he’s still smiling. That’s it, smile my lord. I don’t want him to see me like this, so I try myself to take a step to him but my body don’t want to cooperate. My vision is now blurry, I can see him running to me calling my name. No. No Louis don’t come here. Please. But, he didn’t hear it. As I try to take another step,my body collapse and a shoulder catch me from falling, the worried face of Louis is the last sight I saw before darkness swallowed me.


“Mr. Valdevino you should calm down, we already taking care of her doctors here are the best so you can entrust her to us”

“CALM DOWN? HOW CAN I CALM DOWN IF I KNOW THAT THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH HER?” I know,I keep observing her I know that there is something wrong, but I ignore it I choose to ignore it. I catch Fayies before her body reach the ground but she’s so pail and her pulse is so slow. I got panicked so I hurriedly sent her to the school clinic but the nurse tell me that I should bring her to the nearest hospital because they don’t have the apparatus that will help her.What apparatus? I thought she just fainted.

‘Where’s my daughter? Angel Fayies Dizon?” I looked back whose calling Fayies name, I saw a man and a woman. They both wearing corporate attire. I think there are the parents of Fayies.

“are you Louis?” Mrs. Dizon ask.

“You know me? “

“of course my daughter keep telling stories about you” my heart is pounding about the words I hear.

“I’m sorry about what happened to Angel ma’am I don’t know that-“

“it’s ok, it is not your fault, we already know that this will gonna happen”I smell sadness and pain to Mrs. Dizon. What did they mean?

“Ma’am if you don’t mind I would like to ask if what is exactly happening? I can’t follow, is this not the first time that she became like this?” I want an answer but they remained silent.’ Why they don’t want to say anything!

Three days, since she fainted. She still not waking up, and my worries is increasing. It’s been three fucking days, and yet she’s still unconscious, unresponsive. I never stop asking them but they still refused to answer. I don’t know what to do anymore, I know there something wrong, but I need confirmation.

‘I am here at her room, sitting behind her. I’m staring at her. I feel like I’m looking in a porcelain doll, beautiful yet, fragile. It’s been a week already but she’s still the same. Her eyes are still closed, her pale lips is still shut. There’s no day that I never talk to her. After school I come here, taking care of her, waiting for her eyes to open.

I got up, and go to the bathroom to get some towel, I’m about to wipe her face when I notice her finger move, I click the button to inform her doctors about what happened.Minutes later, the door open two doctors enter and some nurses, they check her. And my heart pound, when I saw her beautiful eyes finally opened.