
Leave No Survivors(Will Fix And Continue Later)

[Mature content 18+ No rape] She didn't expect to change! She didn't expect to be dark and different from the angel she thought she was! Why has she become this way?! Did the world turn her into such a person?! No, she wanted and had to be such nperson!

AngelLily · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Last Team Standing

With a smirk hung on his suave face, the governor couldn't cease nodding his head as he watched the competitors battling. "This year's competitors are indeed extraordinary." He turned to glance at his son with a broad smile on his face, "Son what do you think?"

"They indeed are, especially that girl," The governor's son who was by the name of Dorian broaden his smile and pointed at a girl in a certain direction.

"The white-haired one?" The governor drew back to gaze at his son and back at the dueling ring. "She is indeed very beautiful but she's weak, so why do you say she's extraordinary?"

Dorian shrugged with a half-smile on his face, "I don't know, maybe it's because I like her." He turned and smirked at his father.

"I see!"

The governor kneaded his learned and glanced at the white-haired girl who was currently battling down in the dueling ring.

Down at the dueling ring, Elsie and her companions continued to cooperate and battle their opponents.

Only 4 people were remaining and only one team must stand in the end. They glanced at each other with blood lust in their eyes as one thing was clear to them 'It is either they die or their opponents die!'

With a loud bang of her heavy sword, Olive roared, "Kill!!"

Elsie and Zarin unhesitantly moved with her, swinging their weapons from left to right.

But something unexpected happened, their opponents had joined hands together to slay them before battling themselves.

Elsie's team had slaughtered the highest and they could kill more so they joined hands and decided to eradicate them first and battle themselves later on.

They were currently besieging Elsie's team who were darting their eyes in all directions with vigilance.

"Wh-what is happening?" Elsie stuttered and confusion flashed across her eyes. What was going on? Why are these people suddenly besieging them?

"They want us dead! Elsie, you must know something, you gat to be ready for the worst no matter where you are." Olive breathed in a mouthful of air and turned to stare at her companions, "It's either them or us."

They nodded at her as their fist tightly clenched the hilt of their weapons.

With their right leg taking a step forward, Olive roared, "Ready!!"

Zarin swiveled his saber followed by Elsie who whirled her swords, and Olive who furiously banged her big sword on the ground.

They raised their eyes to glare at the opponents who were rushing at them from all directions.

Elsie and her companions sprinted towards their opponents swinging their weapons from left to right. They bent in unison circumventing the weapons of their opponents and with a forceful kick of their legs, they sent the opponents in front of them flying. Without squandering any time, they pressed their hands on the ground which aided them in flipping backward in unison and sending a ferocious kick at their opponents rendering them dead.

Oh well, they were just third-level cultivators, so they couldn't withstand the kick, especially those who were kicked by Zarin and Olive. They died instantly unlike the one kicked by Elsie, who breathed a little before dying.

Now only two people were standing, they and their opponents who were fifth level cultivators with only the youngest in them who was a third level cultivator.

"You guys are formidable," One of their opponents who looked wretched grinned like an idiot.

Olive who was in the middle grinned evilly as she eyed them not bothering to retort. She had used eye contact to signal Elsie and Zarin not to say anything. One thing one must know in battle is to never talk too much and just go straight for the kill.

Their opponents became outraged the moment they saw Olive and her companions ignoring them and with an outraged roar, they sprinted towards Olive's team with their weapons ready to slit them.

Olive smirked and roared, "Now!!" Zarin swiveled his saber and flung it towards one of their opponents. With a great force, the saber penetrated through the air, and before the leader of their opponent could do anything to insulate his companions the saber had already penetrated through the neck of his companion, which left his companion sporting a mouthful of blood.

The leader's eyes widened in disbelief and outrage. If he was outraged before he has lost his sanity now! With bloodshot eyes, he cut off the body of his companions to enable them to move forward because now that his companion is extinct, they won't be able to move forward unless they cut his body off from the chain connecting them.

With heavy breathing, his voice thundered, "DIEEEEE!!" He sprinted towards Elsie with his third-level companion sprinting with him.

"Elsie!!" Zarin roared at Elsie the moment he saw those people dashing at them. Without squandering any time, Elsie threw one of her swords to Zarin which he caught with his right hand, and with a jump, the three of them leaped up into mid-air swinging their weapons.

Zarin and Olive clashed with the leader of their opponents and Elsie clashed with the third-level cultivator.

"Hi, nice to meet you," The third-level cultivator smiled cheerfully at Elsie which had Elsie draw her head back in surprise, "Huh?"

At that moment of her carelessness, she left an open in which the third-level cultivator took and swirled her dagger, about to slit off Elsie's neck.

However, a sword from nowhere flew through the air and penetrated the skull of the third-level cultivator with its tip coming out on the other side of the cultivator's skull.

This resulted in the cultivator's sword only being able to leave a not too deep cut on Elsie's neck which had blood spilling out from it.

Elsie was stilled from fear. She had almost lost her life if not for Zarin who threw the sword towards the third-level cultivator on time. She was so frightened that she had no idea that blood was oozing out from her neck.

In a moment of distraction, the leader of their opponent gave Olive an opening in which she took and slit off his neck which rolled off to the ground. Together, the leader and the third level cultivatior plummeted from mid-air falling with a loud bang on the ground.

Everywhere became silent. Nobody expected that this competition will be this gruesome. From inside the crowd, some middle-aged women could be seen closing their mouths with tears flowing down their faces. Those dead ones were obviously their children.

The governor waved his hand and his personal sentry stepped forward and declared loudly, "The fourth team has won!"

The governor was not in one bit entailed by this, he has gone to the battlefield and seen much more gruesome scenes than this, however the same could not be said for his son because his son was trembling in his grand chair.

Flowers fell from everywhere the moment the winners were declared. The thick-skinned one in the crowd clamored with cheers, cheering Elsie and her companions up.

I Am rewriting the chapters to chapter 23, but the newly updated chapters are pl and won't be rewritten

AngelLilycreators' thoughts