
Chapter 24: Could this be Love?


Did I have feelings for John or was I just being the same old idiotic and reckless Abby? He was amazing, but what if I didn’t deserve him? What if he was lying and pretending to be this amazing to get my guard down in order to hurt me?

What if he was just like Aaron? Luring me in before taking everything out from beneath my feet and leaving behind searing pain and turmoil.

“Abigail, you alright?” My mama pulled me aside from the display of muffins in our market.

“Hm? Yeah, I’m doing fine.” I gave her the best smile that I could.

“You just seem out of it this morning.” She gave me a concerned expression.

“I’m fine, Mama. I promise.” I hated lying to her, but I didn’t want to deal with how she would react if I told her how I was truly doing. I couldn’t hurt Mama.

“Are you sure? You’re not just telling me that to humor me, are ya’?” She placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow at me.

“Mama, I’m fi—” I was about to answer her when John came up to us.