
Learning How to Get a Good Girl's Heart

Elly Mae is a transferee in a known university. The students are from elite families. Elly Mae is kind, responsible and a smart 2nd year business student. She wants to hide her identity in order to lessen those people who take advantage of her and stabs her in the back. But, a man named Hero, the campus' richest student knew her real identity. What will she do when their characteristics differ? Will there still be a chance to fall for him?

A_Gandalf · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 9

Things with Hero lately are getting weird. They said he's not the type of person to help or to care about a person. He's a bad boy. A person who only knows how to bully a student. A person who always starts a fight but from what I see, he's not like that.

To me, he just hides his feelings. He shows his bad side to other people so he could see who wants to stay by his side even after seeing those. He wants someone who accepts him. Who won't take advantage to him. Who won't use him. And sadly, only I can see through him. Only can tell how he feels.

His reasons? I don't know. I don't want to forcibly know it because it won't do anything good.

"Thank you" I thanked Hero who was driving. Roland sent Rane to her house and I insisted on being with Hero rather than being with Trever because Hero knows my house.

He cleared his throat before saying anything. "Why bother thanking me?" he asked that made me frown. He looked at me for a second then looked at front again. "Roland just asked me to come with him"

I looked outside so he won't see me smiling lightly.

'Tsss. Reasons'

We remained silent after that small talk until we arrived at my home. My dad was waiting at our garage and I don't know why. He doesn't usually do that.

After I got out of the car, I went straight next to dad. "Dad, what are you doing here outside?"

"I was waiting for you" he answered and look at my whole body as if he's checking if something's wrong. When he was satisfied, he looked at me and said, "Hero told me about what happened to you"

I glared at Hero. Why did he tell my dad about that?! I didn't even told my father about my date and there he goes telling him about everything that happened to me. What is he? A human CCTV?!

Hero saw the way I looked at him so he looked at my dad. "I'll go ahead, sir"

I just sarcastically smiled at him and looked at my dad. "Let's head inside, dad" I said. When I took a step, dad stopped me. When I looked at him, he was looking at Hero who was picking up his keys on the ground.

"Hero" he called him. Hero glanced at me before looking at my father. "Why don't you join us for dinner?"

I was surprised by what my dad suggested. I looked at Hero and widen my eyes when he looked at me. "No need sir, I'll just eat at home" he said that while looking at me.

"Just eat here, besides if you'll have to eat alone if you go home" Dad said. What does he mean alone? Doesn't he have his parents?

"Maybe he's busy dad, let's just eat on our own" I said but Dad stopped me for the second time.

"Do you not like the idea of him eating here?" Dad asked.

I was surprised. If I will tell him the truth, he might get mad at me. "Ahhh" I glanced at Hero and his eyes are fixed on me. I looked back to Dad. "No"

"Then, " he said, "Hero follow us inside"

I stopped walking so I could keep up with Hero. When I was with him I whispered to him, "Don't tell dad about Chad and me being hospitalized" while still looking at my dad's back. I saw him smile and nod on my peripheral view.

When we were inside the house, I went straight to my room to change my clothes and take a shower. It took me thirty minutes to shower and pick my pajamas. I don't even know why I have to prepare this much. He's not even my friend.

When I went downstairs, Hero was sitting at our sofa, watching TV. I could see his side from the stairs. I slowly looked at his face. His thick eyebrows suits him. His cherry colored lips. Sometimes I even wonder if he's wearing lipstick.

Haysssttt!!!!! What am I even thinking?!

I sat down on our sofa, at the opposite of direction of Hero. "Ma'am, sir, dinner is prepared" one of the maid said. I looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you, Mindy!" I cheerfully said before rushing to the dining table. "You can go to your room and study after calling dad"

"Okay Ma'am" she smiled before going upstairs.

I looked at Hero who was surprisingly still sitting on the sofa. " Hey!" I called him. He looked at me. "Dinner is ready" he won't still move. I slowly walk towards him and gave him a teasing smile. "Don't tell me ... you're embarrassed."

He suddenly frowned. "W-what?!" he shouted. "No, I..." he stuttered, "I was just waiting for your Dad"

Tsk! Reasons!

"Then wait for him at the dining area" I said then went back to the dining area and sat next to Dad's seat. Hero then slowly walk to the table.

"W-where should I seat?" he asked. Why are you so nervous?TSK!

"You can sit here," I pointed the seat beside me, "or there," pointing the seat opposite of my seat. "Which seat do you prefer?" I asked while looking at him and smiling a little bit. He was just staring at me, as if he was so stunned by me. I snapped my fingers at him, "hey!" He was startled that I almost wanted to laugh but I had to hide it.

"I'll just sit there" he said while pointing at the chair opposite of seat.

when he had already sat, I looked at the stairs to see if Dad's there but he's still not there. I then looked back at Hero. "Why are you acting like that?" I asked. "It's not your first time here, so relax." I heard him take a deep breath.

After a couple of minutes, Dad came down and sat at the chair between Hero and I. Well not technically between but— it's hard to explain. "Let's eat" Dad joyfully said.

We were in the middle of dinner when Dad suddenly asked, "So, do you any special relationship?" After hearing his question, I almost choke. Hero immediately gave me his water.

"Are you okay?" Dad and Hero asked at the same time. I didn't know whom to look so I just nodded at both of them. "So?"


"Answer the question"

"We don't have one" I formally said.

"What do you mean you don't have one?"

"Well," I looked at Hero and he was also looking at me "you can call it, frenemies, I guess"

Dad laughed. "What do you mean frenemies?"

"We were not on good terms before but were okay now. I guess we're friends since he knows almost all of my secrets" I explained.

"Soon it will be more special" Dad whispered under his breath but I still hear it. Maybe Hero didn't.

"What Dad?" I asked pretending I didn't heard him.

He shake his head. "Don't mind it." he said then ate a spoonful of rice.

We finished our food and Hero said he was going home so I decided to see him outside. Before opening his car door, "Thank you for the dinner" he said while smiling.

My heart raced so fast. Damn! My heart is betraying me again!!

"You should thank my Dad" I tried to make it seem like a joke.

"Yeah, right" then laughed. He opened his car door but before going in, "Goodnight!"

"Hmm. Goodnight!" I answered. I waved at him when he started driving.