
Learning How to Get a Good Girl's Heart

Elly Mae is a transferee in a known university. The students are from elite families. Elly Mae is kind, responsible and a smart 2nd year business student. She wants to hide her identity in order to lessen those people who take advantage of her and stabs her in the back. But, a man named Hero, the campus' richest student knew her real identity. What will she do when their characteristics differ? Will there still be a chance to fall for him?

A_Gandalf · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 7

Elly Mae's Pov...

It's been three days after I got my heart broke into pieces. I haven't been able to sleep that much and I don't have appetite to eat. It wasn't just my heart that was affected, also my everyday life. I know I should be used to being alone but I just can't help myself but to cry over and over again. It's like I'm seeing what happened all over again.

I had been quiet lately and my friends had noticed my behavior. Hero was the only one who understands me. He kept on making me eat but he always failed.

Today I'm having a class with Hero. We have a quiz so our chair is in different position. We have spacings. I wasn't feeling well and I feel like I could pass out anytime.

I managed to finish the test but as soon as our professor left, I felt so weak. I put my head on the table and covered my face with my hair.

"Elly" Rane's voice sounds so faint. I couldn't hear it well and it feels like it was echoing.

"Are you okay?" I couldn't hear it well but I know it's Hero's voice and I could see him. My eyes wanted to close but i tried so hard not to but I can't. Everything went black that time....

Dash's Pov....

"Mae!" I tried shaking her but she's not responding. I felt her skin was so hot. It's temperature was far from normal. " She has high fever" I alarmed them and carried Mae on my back. She feels so light. We hurried to Cedrick's Hospital which was across our school.

"What happened to the patient?" the nurse asked.

"She hasn't eaten these days and I think she had drained her energy" I answered.

The doctors advised us to sit on the waiting area. "What's happening to Mae? She's so strange ever since we came back from the park. Can you tell us what happened Hero?" Rane was very worried and I can sense that.

"The truth is..." I don't think I'm in the right position to tell them. "She broke up with her boyfriend" I said.

"What? She has a boyfriend??" She was so shocked. Seriously? She doesn't know? She's her friend yet she doesn't know that she has a boyfriend?

"You don't know?" I asked her she shook her head. I guess friends also keep secret.

After 20 minutes, the doctors came to us. "She's fine now, she just needs a rest. She can leave the hospital once she regain consciousness."

"Thank you doc."

Rane sat on a chair beside Mae's bed. I looked at Mae's face. She looks at peace. She has a long eyelashes, a not so thick eyebrows. Her lips are as red as a cherry. She looks cute.

"I'll go pay the bills" Rane said.

After she left, I sat near her. I patted her hair gently. "Look at you, you look so pale. Why are you doing to your body? I told it wasn't your fault but you didn't listen. You keep on making me worry about you and I don't know why I care for you. I can't bear to see you hurt and it hurts more because I'm not the cause" I whispered. "Stop hurting yourself. I know its hard to forget but just focus on your surroundings and not on the person who doesn't even care for you. Look at those who can give you strength and hope not those who hurt and discourage you."

"You may not remember me but I remember you too well for me to forget. I remember how we met for the first time. How I saved you from those gangsters a week before you transfered. You looked so gorgeous that day." I continued while smiling. "You were wearing a white dress and a black heels. You wore a little bit of make up. Your eyes tells me that you're thankful even if you didn't say it. That night I wasn't able to sleep. I kept on arguing with myself for not getting your number or asking you your name but then a week later I saw you. You came when I didn't expect, again. I wanted to stay by your side, so I kept on bugging you. I didn't expect you would think that I'm too much so I stopped. But I can't. "

"I... I think I l-like you" I stuttered. She cant hear it anyway. I stared at her face for a few more minutes and smiled.

"What?!!!!" I was startled by Rane's voice. She shouted while whispering so no one heard her. Only I.

"W-what.... I mean when d-did you c-came back?"

"I was listening to your story the whole time."

"W-what?!! So you heard everything?"

"Sort of, yeah."

"Then why didn't you tell me you were there?"

"Because I couldn't speak up because you were busy telling her your story."

I sighed. "I.... I'm going home."

"Will you not tell her parents about what happened?"

"I'm sure she wouldn't allow me. She has some kind of a problem with her family." I lied rather than tell hherthe truth.

After arriving home, I went straight to my room and lay down on my bed. I sighed. I placed my hands behind my head. I smiled unconsciously when I remembered how she looked like when I was teasing her. When she's so irritated by me. When she wants to shout at me but she couldn't.

"You looked so cute" I murmured.

Then I remembered how she looked so pale. How she looks so pitiful. How I wish I could wash away the pain your feeling right now so you don't have to be sad and tire yourself anymore. I sighed again.

The Next Day.....

I was awakened by my alarm clock. I went straight to my bathroom. After washing my face, I looked at the mirror and wondered, "She should be awake by now"

After an hour of preparation, I went straight to the hospital to visit her.

Mae's Pov....

'he likes me?' My eyes are closed because I did not have the strength but my mind was awake so I heard what he was saying. I know for myself that it was definitely Hero's voice but I didn't recognize the other voice because it became so faint again.

"I... I think I l-like you"

"I... I think I l-like you"

"I... I think I l-like you"