
LCK Finales

S10, the final season of Faker, the demon king, and the start of a new dynasty. SK Telecom is facing the newly created AZ Gaming in the finals. SK Telecom has lost its dominance after another brutal loss in S9 against Kt Rolster. Their major starters Mata and Khan both chose to retire after that loss. Clid transferred to Gen.G to compete for starters against peanut who is not doing so well. Only Faker and Teddy remained.

However, even with their newly formed team, they are able to join the finals with the hard carry of Teddy and Faker and the awesome coaching by Kkoma. They had some struggles losing their first two games in the regular season. However, had a 5 game winning streak right afterward. Teddy showed his ability to carry and his dominance during that 5 games. They finished in fifth during the regular season. They won 2-1 against Gen.G, then 3-2 against Kt Rolster and Griffin in order to reach this final stage.

AZ Gaming, on the other hand, seemed like they had an easier journey. All of the players are new to the LCK but showed extreme dominance over both laning and team fighting. They swept through the regular season losing only 5 matches and winning all games.

Here, the two most competitive team currently in LCK is going to compete against each other to see who is the best in the LCK right now.

The first game of the best of five started where SK Telecom is on the blue side. They are able to ban first. They banned Lissandra, a current tier one mid-lane champion who shows its dominance in split push and the laning phase. This is also a very hard champion to counter because of the R ability that gives this champion insane survivability. AZ Gaming banned Nocturne, a tier two jungle champion who is insane at counter gank and starting team fights with its ultimate once it hit level six. This also indicates that they are going to pick Galio since Nocturne counters Galio in every way.

SK Telecom banned Galio in the next ban. Kkoma must think that AZ Gaming is going to pick up Galio as support or Mid-Laner because of the ban of Nocturne. This ban also means that SK Telecom wants to play the laning phase with less Roaming. AZ Gaming banned Kai'sa a tier one AD Carry who is a top prioritized ad champion in this patch. This will make sure Teddy doesn't get a champion that has crazy agility and can do an insane amount of damage without anyone's support.

SK Telecom banned away Olaf, a tier 2 jungle champion who is very disruptive during the early laning phase. This champion is very strong in the early game and it can quickly snowball once a mistake is made due to its insane ability to 1 vs 1 any jungler in the early phase. AZ Gaming banned away Orianna, a destructive mid lanner that can turn the tide around in any part of the game. They do not want this champion on Faker's hand.

The picking phase came. SK Telecom selected Urgot for its top laner. This champion is dominant against most top lane champion and is very hard to counter. Even if its countered, it still has the ability to do a decent job in the laning phase. AZ Gaming picked up Lucian and Braum, a very strong bottom lane duo. Braum's stun can be maximized in the laning phase due to Lucian's passive. This gives them so much dominance.

SK Telecom picked up Ezreal and Tahm Kench. Tahm Kench can make sure Ezreal is safe during the team fights and do consistent damage. Ezreal is an AD Carry that does not rely heavily on its support due to its e, which gives it the ability to jump around quickly. AZ Gaming picked up Xin Zhao, another high priority jungler who was not banned. It is a very consistent champion that gives a good amount of crowd control and damage.

The second banning phase came. SK Telecom is going to ban Aatrox because of its massive AOE's and its ability to counter Urgot during the laning phase. AZ Gaming is going to ban Lee Sin, a jungle champion who is strong in the early games and is a very good functional support in the team fighting phase. They also want to prevent Lee Sin to kick Lucian over since Lucian is a big part of AZ gaming's damage in the late games.

SK Telecom banned away Yorrick given how disgusting and annoying it can be for a lane pushing Yorrick who is getting towers one by one while a team fight is happening. When the team fight is won, the Inhibitor Turret would be gone. AZ Gaming banned away Zoe because of its insane poke and its ability to burst down a carry. Faker is extremely good with that champion. He has a 60% win rate with that champion and a very high KDA.

AZ Gaming picked up Sion to strengthen their front line since they do not have that many tanks. This means that they will have a Sion VS Urgot top matchup that goes even for both sides. SK Telecom picked up Gragas and Syndra, a very classic duo. Gragas can E and R the enemy back to Syndra while she used her w to stun them and r to kill. This combo is really scary. AZ Gaming picked up Fizz to counter Syndra. Fizz's E can dodge Syndra's Ultimate thus making its main damaging ability not work.

The coaches shooked hands the game started.