
League of Legends: The Grim Wolves

Apollyon - LeBlanc's greatest achievement... Tortured and afraid... he escapes his captors and greets the world... will he become a hero or a demon, read it and find out. I don't own this. i think it's dropped but it's really good, so i'll upload it with small changes and then write on my own. remember it's my first time writing or well copying. all components: LoL x Solo Leveling x Berserk i don't own anything

I_like_gore · Video Games
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27 Chs

Chapter 22

The closer we got the more people awed at the place. The coast was littered with trees and rock formations of gold, white and yellow. But while everyone admired the pretty colors I was enthralled by the magic of this place.

Magic swelled around like it was the most natural thing ever. The magic radiated from everything from the trees to the very air. "Where to from here?" I asked the Captain.

"The nobleman from Demacia will meet us at the town of Weh'le. Though I don't really know where that is." He says staring at a map.

"It's here." I reply pointing at the correct spot. Of course before I left Piltover, I read up on all maps they had on Ionia to learn anything useful. Most people were separated in temples and smaller villages, but nearly everyone lived on the western side of the main island of Ionia called Navori.

The Captain nodded before calling out some orders for his crew as the ship changed it's direction to travel to our destination. "So, we're finally here." Jinx said as she approached me. "What are we going to do?"

"I think we should go to Weh'le first and make sure all these kids are on route to Demacia. Ionia doesn't have a government so our best option is to go to one of the high respected monasteries and show them the evidence I have on an invasion. The closest one is the Placidium of Navori so I guess we'll start there."

She nodded as we stared at the coast of Ionia. Just along the shore both living things and non-living looked otherworldly compared to what we are used to. Some things even appeared to be floating, slightly hovering above the ground or water. All in all it could only be described as beautiful.

Weh'le is usually a phantom port that you can't usually find on maps. But what most don't know is that you can find it if you give some magic into whatever map you're using to reveal it. That way it's used for more secret gatherings for outsiders of Ionia. While I'm curious to find out how the Demacians found it out I did notice that maps from Ionia leak a miniscule amount of magic.

"What the?" I hear the Captain mumble.

I look forward to see a massive cloud of fog covering the water. "It's a magical fog." I call out. "I can keep a lookout."

I go to the front of the ship as the ship enters the fog and only, I could see less than two meters in front of themselves. The fog would deter ships away as it's impossible to navigate in here if you don't know what it is. The fog is Weh'le's defensive wall and is no natural fog.

I pointed out things of interest like if we were coming towards rocks or other destructive things as the ship moved slowly through the fog. But as the moved the second wave of defense happened. In the forms of literal waves. Waves far too dangerous and direct to be natural as they clashed on the sides of the ship.

People started to panic and for right reason. The ship creaked and swayed as it was obvious the ship couldn't take too much of this. "Dire!?" I hear the Captain yell. "What now?!"

"I got this!" I shouted back. I ran over to the side and jump off the ship. I grip onto the ships wood when I was just above the water. Waves crashed into me but I was able to hold on. I placed a hand onto the water and channeled my magic into the water.

The land of Ionia itself is magic, thus mages would feel at home here better than anywhere else in the world. We can interact with Ionia like nowhere else. The Ionians use magic to deter intruders and thus only a mage can get in. "Calm yourselves. We mean no harm." I convey to the water.

Quickly the waves begin to lessen till the waters went back to being calm and still. After the waves stopped so did the fog. The cloudy air dispersed as I climbed back onto the ship. Everyone watched as the fog disappeared to reveal a village lit by hundreds of lanterns with many of them floating in the air.

Many commented on how pretty it looked, and I couldn't help but agree. We pulled into the village's port when I noticed another ship even larger than the Counterguard. It's size and the fact it was clearly Demacian told me this is the ship of the Demacian nobleman.

"Why the hell would we be asked to meet here? We would've died if not for you Dire." I heard the Captain approach me.

I shrug "This place is one of if not the safest coastal village in Ionia. Only someone who knows of the magic defending Weh'le and how to calm it can get in via sea."

He shrugged "Either way we're here finally." He then turned and started giving out orders to dock.

As we were approached we were met with curious, but warry looks from the locals. It was clear but both the village's defense and the residents stares at outsiders are not well trusted. When we finally made port, everyone was told to stay on the ship as me, Jinx, Francis and the Captain stepped off.

Watching us was a crowd with an old but sturdy man in the front "Who are you?" He spoke in Ionian. "What is your purpose here?"

The others clearly did not know Ionian since they all looked a little confused when the old man spoke. Luckily for them I knew the ancient language. Self-taught actually. It would be kind of stupid to go help a foreign country when you can't even speak their native language. I stepped forward and cleared my throat a little before speaking in Ionian "We mean no harm. We are here on business relating to this ship." I say pointing at the Demacian ship.

The old man looked at me with one raised eyebrow. But before he could say another word someone yelled out "Wait! It's okay! They're with me."

The crowd parted as an old man clearly a Demacian nobleman from the armor he wore. When Francis noticed him he walked forward "Ah, Lord Buvelle I presume?"

The Ionians stepped away as Lord Buvelle walked up to us "That I am. Are they all up there?" He asks gesturing to the Counterguard. When Francis nodded Lord Buvelle did a whistle as multiple Demacian heads popped up. He started speaking in Demacian as multiple people started walking onto the Counterguard. He then eyed Jinx and I and said "So she was right. A blue-haired girl and a boy armored in black and followed by death."

Jinx and I were shocked "What?" I asked him.

He shook his head "My apologies. I have an ally who'd like to meet the two of you. She told me it was urgent that she met the two of you."

"Do you think you could take us to her?" I asked him.

"Of course, follow me." He replies turning.

As we followed him through Weh'le I asked "I hate to ask. But why would a Demacian like you help Ionians? I thought Demacians hated magic."

"I can understand the fear of the dangerous arcane, but I know our way of locking up mages is just inhumane. And the only thing Demacians hate more than magic is Noxus. Although Ionia is too far away for our army to properly assist without endangering our own nation we can still help in other ways."

I nod "Well thank you. You've saved all these children from a life of slavery. Why did you decide on meeting at Weh'le?"

"A few weeks ago I was approached by a woman. She told me in a few months from now Noxus will invade Ionia. She then told me that I'd receive a letter to help assist a man save a camp of child soldiers. At first I was disbelieving but when I got such letter I knew I could believe her. She was one to tell me to go to Weh'le and the one that guided us through that fog."

"She sounds mysterious." I comment "What's her name?"

"She never gave one. She's a mystery but she means good." He then led us to a large tent and said "She's in there. I better go make sure everything's going well back at the ships so I'll leave you two to it."

After giving one last thanks to him he leaves Jinx and I outside. We nod at each other as I step inside with her right behind me. Inside was dark with the only light coming from a small candle that blazed a small purple flame in the center of the room. Sitting on the other side of the candle was a cloaked figure, she stared down at the candle before raising her head. Even with my enhanced senses I couldn't see the top half of her face. She had pale skin to almost the point of white and while the top half of her face was shadowed in black two bright purple eyes stared at me. What surprised me was that she was clearly an adult woman seemingly in her mid-twenties, judging by her figure and face which was completely without wrinkles.


"So you're here... Apollyon." She spoke.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" I ask her.

"I know many things. I know where you came from, and the pain you suffered while there. Now I've seen the trials you've been through as of late, and what lies forward. Rest assured I'm not your enemy, in fact I'm here to guide you."

I then smirk, knowing who she is "The daughter of the Aspect of justice? One of the ancient protectors of Demacia along with your sister."

She chuckled "Hm, I didn't think my family was so well known."

"What are you doing so far from Demacia, Morgana?" I ask her.

"I've been watching Demacia for a millennium. And while I disapprove of the direction it's taking; I've accepted that I can't be the one to invoke change."

"Why not? You must be immensely powerful." Jinx stated.

"Mortals do not like change. But immortals must accept change as they will constantly observe it. It is not my place to force change onto them, they must willingly accept it and become better."

"And how do we come into it?" I ask.

"All of us beyond mortality can feel you Apollyon. Mortals are bound to a single path called fate, but you stepped off your path the moment you escaped that prison of yours. Your presence in this world has caused fate to change, paths are colliding and tangling in ways they weren't meant for. This girl here is one such example."

"Is it a bad thing?" I ask glancing at Jinx.

The Veiled Lady shook her head "Of course not. You probably saved her life from a life of torment. But fate is a strange thing. Sometimes, it's best to leave some on their original path." She slightly warned.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I say tilting my head.

"Even us immortals can't see a mortal's fate. Whether or not their new path will be better or worse is impossible for us to decide. All you need to know is that it has started."

"You don't really make a lot of sense you know?" Jinx says.

The Veiled Lady was quiet as it seemed everything outside went silent as well. The entire world seemed to become nothing but this tent as everything outside became meaningless. "A Man, a Beast of Darkness and a Monarch of Shadows." The Veiled Lady's voice said as if spoken by hundreds of people at once. "You are all of these things. A being of pure rage followed by death, yet you strive to save others. Kind to some and ruthless to others, but never lose sight of who you are. Your suffering made you the person you are today, the monster we need and the hero we want."

Before I could ask anything about what she was saying someone said from behind us "Hey you two, Lord Buvelle is about to set off."

We looked back to see Francis with his head popping into the tent. We turned back to the Veiled Lady to see nobody there, the lit candle died without even a trail of smoke. "Crazy witch lady." Jinx muttered before leaving to go with Francis.

I watched her leave before staring back at the spot the Veiled Lady sat at. There was literally no indication of her ever being there. Maybe she has some annoying illusion magic like LeBlanc. But either way this only gets more and more frustrating. I sigh before leaving the tent to follow after Jinx and Francis.

I did not want to fuck with Gods, they bring nothing good, LeBlanc was adamant about that.

Most of the children from Noxus were leaving with Lord Buvelle as well as some Ionians. One that caught my eye was a teenage girl with long blue hair holding some giant musical instrument. I could tell she was a mage and a powerful one at that, but it seemed tied to the thing she held. I walked over to Francis who was with Evette and asked, "Are you two going with Lord Buvelle?"

They looked at each other and while Francis looked at his wife with a hopeful expression Evette glared at him making Francis turn back to me "We're going."

"You don't seem too excited." I chuckle.

"Well... I mean... we could help more--" His rant was cut off by Evette.

"We're not going to war you moron. You've already saved these children there's no reason to get your daughter into more dangerous situations."

Francis sighed "You're right."

With her husband finally agreeing Evette then turned to Jinx and I "Well, I would say good luck to you two, but I honestly should say that to the Noxians." She smirked at us.

"Oh, heck yeah!" Jinx laughed. "Don't worry Francis! I'll personally give Noxus a blast up the ass in honor of you!"

Francis bellowed in laughter "I'll hold you to that then." He then gave Jinx a tight friendly hug and nearly as soon as he let go of her Evette followed quickly after. She was holding Ivette in her hand so she could only wrap the other arm around her. Unfortunately, their daughter took that as a chance to start pulling onto Jinx's hair. The two ladies pulled away from each other with some difficulty as it seemed it was now my turn.

"Well then, goodbye once again Apollyon." Francis says and he hugs me.

"And I doubt it'll be the last time, so I'll just say see you soon." I reply as I return his hug.

I then gave Evette and Ivette a hug with me being too tall for the little girl to pull on my hair. Instead, she surprised the four of us by giggling out "Polly!"

"Eh?!" We all said at the same time.

Ivette cooed as she pointed a finger at me and repeated "Polly!"

I started laughing as I pointed a teasing finger towards Ivette's parents "Guess who's name she said first! Not her parents, that's for sure!"

Francis looked betrayed at his daughter as Evette glared at me "Oh just get out of here and die already!" She grumbles walking off.

Jinx and I waved to little Ivette as she waved her little hand back. Her parents were too busy to notice us due to trying to get their child to say either of their names. With our friends on the route to Demacia that was three people I didn't have to worry about. I then approached the next person to check on "Captain!" I say.

The Captain was still on the Counterguard talking among his crew when he heard me and walked over to us. "Hey you two."

"What's your plan?" I ask him.

"Lord Buvelle offered to guide us out of the fog and towards Demacia. There we can repair the Counterguard back to her former glory." He grins admiring his ship. I was a little worried about being guided out of the Weh'le fog without a magical guide.

But that worry quickly died when I looked onto the deck of Lord Buvelle's ship looking down at me with a smirk on her face was once cloaked pale witch with purple eyes. She gave me a wink before walking out of sight. "Weirdo." I say.

Lord Buvelle signaled for his leave as his ship started to leave Weh'le followed by the Counterguard. While everyone waved to Jinx and me the Captain simply nodded at us with a smile. I then turned to see the last person I wanted to check on "I knew you wouldn't be on that ship." I comment.

"I said I was staying here to fight." Kayn grumbled.

"Well then." I say as I start to stretch. "We better be off now. You brought Mouser, right?"

"Of course!" Jinx giggled. She ran over to her horse and started to pat it's neck "You get quite seasick don't you girl?"

"How'd you get her onto the ship?" I asked her.

Jinx shrugged "Oh, a little of this." She says making an explosion-like gesture with her hands "And a little this." She then starts to flap her arms like wings.

I look at her confused "Are you saying you launched Mouser onto the ship via explosion?"

She swayed her head before nodding "We can go with that."

I stare at her some more before rolling my eyes. "Okay." I then summoned Dorghar from the ground causing some people to gasp. Jinx mounts her horse as I mount mine. I then held out my arm for Kayn. "Come on, or do you prefer walking?"

Kayn seemed to be genuinely weighing his options before grasping onto my arm as I pull him on top of Dorghar. "Try not to hold us down newbie." Jinx smirks at Kayn before telling Mouser to charge forward.

Mouser stands on her two rear legs before galloping forwards, seemingly pleased to be back on solid ground. I could hear Kayn grumble something as I told Dorghar to go as well.


"Man! This food is delicious!" Jinx says after taking a massive bite of her food. "Hey Chef!" She yelled out. "Fourths please!"

I turn to translate what she said as the chef nodded his head with a twinkle in his eyes. "How the hell does someone so small eat so much?" Kayn commented.

"Don't call me small, pipsqueak." Jinx retorted.

"Who are you calling pipsqueak?!" He yelled.

"You! You hairless Yordle!" Jinx yelled back.

"Please do not fight here. The man makes food for you, and you decide to fight in his shop." I say making the two stop glaring at each other before they start pulling out swords and guns.

We rode till the sun started to set and Mouser started to tire. We managed to reach a village that seemed to be common to outsiders unlike Weh'le. Foreigners from all over the world seemingly lived here. That meant there were things like restaurants and even an inn. We had already gotten some Ionian money by selling some pieces of my metal which I secretly created till we had enough money to last us a couple nights. Or it would've been if Jinx hadn't spent so much money on food.

"Come on you two. We've got a long ride tomorrow so we should get some sleep." I say getting up.

Jinx groaned loudly as she quickly ate the rest of her food before getting up after Kayn does. I pay for our food before leaving. We started walking back to the inn when Jinx suddenly yelled out "Dire! Dire! Look at this!"

Before I could ask her what is it she ran off in another direction. Kayn and I followed her to a very large open tent revealing tattoo artists. Jinx stared at the people currently getting tattoos excitedly before turning to me "Can we get one please, please, please?" She begged.

"I mean I'm fine with you getting one but why all of us?" I asked her.

"Because it's cool! We can get a different one or we can get the same one to look like a gang." She giggled.

I thought about it for a second before shrugging "Why not? I practically already have over a dozen tattoos anyway."

"That's the spirit!" She says with a grin. "What about you pipsqueak?" She said, turning to Kayn.

Kayn glared at her for a moment before grumbling "What a waste of time."

"That doesn't sound like a no!" She laughs. No caring if he actually was getting one or not, she grabbed Kayn by the neck and dragged him into the tent. I chuckled as I followed them inside.

It wasn't long till it was our turn. I had decided to go first since Jinx was still thinking of what to get and Kayn was clearly nervous but too prideful to confess that. "What do you want?" The artist asked.

I thought for a little bit before whispering what I was thinking. I then pulled off the shirt I wore revealing all the sigils etched into my skin. Both Jinx and Kayn looked at them in shock as they clearly were far too pain inducing to be regular tattoos judging by how far they dug into my skin. "Do you think you can do that?" I asked the artist.

He looked at my sigils as shocked as Jinx and Kayn before nodding "It'll hurt but I can."

"That's fine." I say as I lie chest down onto a bench as the artist starts to get work on my shoulder. Sure enough it hurt but it wasn't too bad.

After about an hour he was done as I stood up. "Prefect." I say admiring myself in the mirror.

"You got them over your present tattoos? Why?" Kayn asked standing by my side as Jinx walked to the other side.

"They aren't tattoos. They're symbols of my suffering. I've turned these symbols into new symbols of strength instead." I smile.

I got five tattoos; they all cover one of the many sigils across my body. They cover it and show a small shape: A red feather on the outside of my left shoulder, a dagger on the outside of my right shoulder, a shield stretching across my shoulder blades, and then a bear and a horse along my back mirroring each other. Each one is meant to represent my top Shadows in order of Igris, Blade, Iron, Tank and Dorghar. Of course, this means I plan on adding more as I get more Shadows. Eventually I would have enough to cover all of my sigils.

"They look sick." Jinx awes. She then claps her hands "My turn!"

Due to Jinx being a girl she leaves with a female artist as Kayn takes his turn with the artist that did my tattoo. When Kayn stepped up, he was clearly nervous so I whispered "You know you're going to be fighting Noxus right?"

"What about it?" He replied.

"So why are you being nervous around getting a tattoo?" I chuckled.

He stares at me for a bit before nodding both to me and then to the artist. He tells him what he wanted and where. He didn't need to take off his shirt or anything else as he was getting one on his arm. When he was done, he had decided on a trail of fire wrapping around his right arm.

"Is there any reason why you got this?" I asked him.

He looked away with a sad look which told me there was some personal thing with his new tattoo, so I decided to leave it as we waited for Jinx. Unlike Kayn who was quite quick Jinx took nearly as long as me. She then jumped out behind a curtain spreading her arms out.

"Tada!" She squealed.

"Oh, they look cool Jinx." I comment. Along her entire left side there were tattoos in the form of blue clouds. "Why'd you decide on that?"

She looked a little nervous as she reached into her bag and brought out a metal device shaped like a stick. "Cause of this." She says quietly.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"It's a flare. It's the last thing my sister gave me. She told me 'Wherever you are, light it up, and I'll find you, I promise.'"

She held the flare in her hands as she stared at it sadly. Kayn looked at me a little confused as I walked up to her and brought her out of her past by placing my hand on top her head. "I think it's a beautiful way to remember her Jinx."

She smiled "Thanks."

/Apperantly this ff is not dead. Very cool :] /