
Chapter 7: Kryss Mills in New York

Kryss was flumping inside a VIP suite in a five star hotel in Manhattan, New York. He turned off the television after he watched his interview earlier. Media is nothing but an entertainment. It clearly conveyed in his eyes the misery he felt. He has been exploring around the world for the past six years of his life. He got adopted by a rich couple sixteen years ago. He was brought to New Zealand which he strongly disagree back then. But according to his foster parents it is for his own welfare so he obeyed them. He lived there for few years and soon hauled to New York to study and got his Master's Degree. He has everything now: riches, favored aura, good physique, and benevolent parents.

A month ago he travelled back to Los Angeles to catch sight of an important place and person who jabbed a big hole in his heart. He tracked down someone he had been aching to see for a very long time but due to unforeseen situation which might put forward stumbling block to his plans so he decided to pulled back his initial plan and compelled some changes.

By choice he mandated his private investigator Edward to look into the day to day updates of this special person and the people around her circle. On second thought now his plan is to delay his stay in New York for the next few months. He had been funding international competitions for couple of years already because he set one's heart to lend a hand to talented people showcase their skills to the world and specially he had deeper motive for backing up the event.

In three months time the big international competition will take place so he desired to attend and ease himself from all the worries and stress for a while before going back to business. He owns numerous businesses across the world. His foster dad transferred the ownership of everything to him. He has been in charge for all of it but once in a while he had been relaxing and exploring the world. It was his childhood dream to be able to go around the world. His dad granted this opportunity to him. His parents were very up to date what he had gone through for the past years and how he pulled through depression that nearly rubbed out his life.


Thirteen years ago, he was adopted by a very rich couple. The day when Ma'am Cindy set forth that it was him to be adopted by Mr.and Mrs.Mills he surely recalled it. It was during Dolly's birthday celebration. He saw the despair in Dolly's face. She was dumbfounded, it was apparent in her reaction. Dolly glanced at him for a minute and suddenly flashed a smile. Although she smiled, he felt the suffering she needed to withstand that time.

On the morning of her birthday, he gave her a wooden bracelet along with his promise to Dolly. That time, he perceived that sooner or later he will leave her.

On that day before he left, he witnessed how Dolly cried so hard for him. She was in great torment. It smashed his heart too but he was left with no choice. Before he shoved off, he intoned her with assuring promise,

"Remember my promise, keep it. It will lead you to my heartbeat and will lead me to yours"., then he left.

Inside the car of his foster parents, he wailed in grief, he shed tears too.

"Everything will be fine son, "Mrs.Mills said comforting him.

"You can get back and pay them a visit when you're settled. We are here to stabilized your life. Every little kid deserves to live a better future", Mr. Mills said with assurance.

"Do you like her?" her foster mom inquired again.

He rendered with a nod indicating his answer is a yes. He kept crying until he fall sleep.

When he woke up such a marvelous view set forth into his innocent eyes, he was already in foreign place, The Mill's Mansion.

-End of Flashback-

It was up against his will to depart the orphanage. It was the first place he called home where he felt free, loved, and cared for. Ma'am Cindy and Ma'am Sophie were so affectionate to them. They provided security and love to every child who lived there. Everyday they keep looking for foster parents for orphans. It broke their hearts to see someone shoved off but they said they wanted to provide a wonderful future for every liittle kid like him. They used to become an orphans too. He owed it to them for where he is and who he is now. He acquired the comfort of life because of them.

One thing that troubled him was that maybe the girl whom he first loved has a boyfriend now or might be she has been dating with someone else. His existence perhaps just only a piece of memory to her. It's been thirteen years. Thirteen years of his disappearance in her life. Who would have waited that long?

When he travelled back to LA last month to have a glimpse of her, his first attemp was when Hillary was singing on a gig but out of blue he noticed unusual scene so he pulled back. He thought it wasn't the right time yet. His second attemp was when she was perching on a bench in a park with one girl and a boy beside her which he assumed his boyfriend. She was humming them a wonderful song. He never expected she grew up so well. He wanted to ran and hugged her but he wasn't ready yet. He was aching to see her. He missed her so much!

So many questions flooding his mind that moment. What if she don't remember him or what if she will declare that she is inlove with the boy beside her. It's too much to take for him. So he asked Edward to sit near them and eardropped. He was very sure it was her "Dolly". The sweetness of her voice never lie. He requested Edward to investigate her and he found out her new name now is " Hillary Chen" his foster parents changed it. She was living a cozy life like him. According to Edward's knowlege she will be going to an international competition which by any chance he has funding so he guaranteed to himself to meet her in New York instead. He also knew that Hillary was backing up same orphanage where they came from. She attended gigs and shows to donate the money to the foster care.

"You never changed, you are still as generous as you are sixteen years ago", he mumbled to himself.

He touched the wooden bracelet which is a pair to one of Hillary's. He placed it under his pillow to give him peaceful night and comfort to sleep. He had been struggling and fighting depression for over a decade now and he's been surviving. He broke down several times. He got suicidal attemps five times. His parents never failed to give him counsel. Even if he has everything he still felt lost. His encounter with depression was never easy but he is getting better now.

After he turned off the television. He stand up and strolled heading to the shower to freshen up a bit before settling to sleep. As he was about to enter in the bathroom door, his phone rang.

"Hello Edward, what's new?" he inquired his private investigator who has been checking out about Hillary's whereabouts.

"The guy next to him in the park is Marcus Reinards" said by the man in the next line.

"I see, I surely will remember his name. Keep investigating, he ordered.

"What else?" he asked again.

"She is a graduating student. Her graduation will take place a month from now. " Edward stated.

"I see. That's it?" he asked hoping to get another important detail.

"Yes Sir" Edward said.

"Continue to get as many informations as you can. I need to know everything about her." he ordered authoratively.

"Noted!" Edward said and Marcus ended the call.

"Marcus Reinards, whose father is the owner of the biggest real state of LA. Good choice Dolly" he voiced out with sadness.

"Whatever it takes I will get you back. Wait for me" he mumbled through knitted brows. It pained him knowing that she didn't hold on to his promise to her.

He entered the bathroom and opened the shower. He closed his eyes and felt the coldness of the water that ran down to his toned body. His expression was unreadable. He felt a bang of pain in his heart knowing Hillary was with another guy.

"I've been waiting for you. I keep my promise until now. I'll take you back" he assured himself.

He stayed for thirty minutes under the shower and later on dry his perfect masculine body. He has perfect abs, muscled chest, great height and alluring aura. He got his robe hanging in the door and got out of the bathroom. He picked up a satin pair of pajama which looks pricey. He then stepped in heading to his study room and opened his laptop.

He just looked over for some business emails and replied to the messages one by one. After about forty five minutes he felt exhausted. Business sometimes can drain energy he thought. Then he grabbed his phone and dialled a phone number.

"Hi" said the girl in the other line.

"Hello Janna, I'm in New York, Can I meet you tomorrow at nine in the morning?" he questioned.

"Wow, you never told me that you will be here, I thought you are in LA" she asked.

"Just some changes, I'll see you in the Bar Pitti? " he asked. Bar Pitti is one the exquisite Italian Restaurant in New York. It is the top of the line where most celebrities went to unwind and the food is incredibly delicious. Janna loves Italian food.

"Great, see you then. Goodnight." Janna said and he hang up the call. He smiled.

It was past eleven in the evening he walked going to his bedroom to get a good night sleep. As soon as he rested his back in the bed he quickly fall asleep. He was tired.

On the other side Janna can't believe that Marcus is in New York now. She was surprised to received a call from him not long ago. She wasn't expecting that he will call her sooner. Janna and Marcus became bestfriends since Marcus began backing up the event that Janna was hosting.

At first she was fascinated to him and nurtured a deep feeling of admiration to him. When she professed his feeling one day Marcus shut her down and told her that his heart was reserved to somebody else. She was so heartbroken back then. She took three months leave from work to recover and heal her depressed heart.

Few months ago after the confrontation she met Marcus Italian bestfriend Rocco. Like a wind, she quickly fall for him. She discerned that she had no chance in Marcus's heart. Rocco is kind hearted like Marcus. When he confessed his feeling to her, she accepted him without second thought. Her love grew stronger every single day and that lead her to being engaged now.

Having a thought about a long search of Marcus for his first love she symphatized for him for not being able to enjoy life. However both Rocco and Janna supported him. They both wished he will find her soon. He deserves all kind of happiness a world can offer. He is such a good friend to both of them.

While in deep thought, Janna's phone rang. She received a call from her fiancee,

"Hey hon, Marcus called me earlier that he's in New York. He said he will meet you tomorrow.," he gladly said. It was evident in his voice the happiness he felt.

She was lucky that Rocco trusted her so much and never vacillated her friendship with Marcus. Good thing that his fiancee notified him.

"Yes, I was surprised. I thought he was in LA stalking her first love?, she laughed.

"He went there but he told me that there's a big surprise waiting for him in New York. He seemed so happy, hon. Maybe he gave up on the girl and found new one, haha." Rocco can't contain his laugh anymore.

They talked for more than two hours regarding their wedding plans. Rocco is a doctor in New York but he visited his grandmother in Idaho because her grandma requested him. Later on they both decided to rest. It's getting late in New York..