
Chapter 4: The Nightmare

It was already past half an hour ago since Marina fall asleep. Hillary kept rolling on her huge bed. Some thoughts were gambling in her mind. She concluded to go downstairs to get some milk. Her mom once said that the milk enables someone fall asleep comfortably.

She jilted and adjusted her right arm to outstretched for the metal door knob.

While meandered going down the stairs, she spotted a shadow through the glass window of the living room which was bosom to her.

"Georgia possibly forgot to secured the curtain." she whispered in her thoughts.

She halted for a while. Tension distinctly put on view in her alluring face. She devoured her saliva. Her throat went droughty. This figure beared resemblance to the same person she spotted during her performance earlier. She wanted to called out her nanny but pulled back.

Her foot was strucked by horror to where she was positioned. She was terrified. Her mom and dad are inaccessible at the moment.

"How can this person blew in the gate?" she was bewildered.

The shadow was gaping at her direction. He was glaring at her furiously.

Their body guards served their family since she moved to this mansion. They will not execute such scheme. She's positive about this.

A little later, the shadow vanished from her eyesight.

"Where did he go?"

Hillary was definite that it's a guy because from afar his figure revealed his muscled chest through his suited shirt.

When she retaliated that the shadow was out of her sight she contemplated about her friend's safety in her room. Oh! she needed to check on Marina.

She rushed back to her room. In a bat of an eye she opened the door but staggered to notice that Marina was sitting in her bed staring at her with serious expression.

No one plucked up the courage to speak up. Minutes passed.

"Did I stir up your sleep?" Hillary inquired beyond trembling voice.

"No." Marina refuted shortly fixing her eyes at her friend with anger. Hillary startled.

But few seconds after, Marina was grinning widely.

"I'm just kidding, haha. I caught sight of you headed downstairs so I was alarmed. I ceased for you to come back. Are you okay? You look pale." Marina explained worriedly.

" I saw., I....,it's uhm.. something.. uhhm" she said through twitching voice.

She desired to say that the image of the man in the show kept haunting her and the contour she saw earlier was really something.

Marina is one of her bestfriends, she trusted her but something was gripping her not to vocalized the incident to her. What if she won't believe her or that perhaps her friend fend off from her. The whole thing might scare her so she gave ground to it.

"I just need to get some water but the light was turned off". She reasoned out instead.

"I see. You should wake me up. " her friend said beaming and fondled her shoulders.

"Let's get you some water, darling."

She wanted to stopped her friend but she was behind time. Marina already leaped in the staircase going downstairs so she came after her. Marina quickly tapped the switch.

Hillary peeked in the window and perceived nothing. She notion about it maybe it was her hallucinations or illusions but it was dictinctly displayed infront of her wide open eyes. It's real ! She was certain about it.

She revoked the memory of the shadow.

She then closed the curtain.

Marina filled a glass of water and handed it to her.

"Here," she spoke in a moderate tone.

After a moment of silence, they dawdled back to her room. Sooner they laid their back in the sloppy bed and closed their eyes.

Past three in the morning when a girl in a huge bed gasping, breathing heavily, uneasiness clearly manifested in her pale face. Sweat was all over her slim body despite the cold atmosphere from the air condition and the panic in her face was visible.

Then she murmured,

"Who are you? What do you need from., from.. me.. what is, is..?" she was sobbing. Indeed she was dreaming.

She turned her head left and right Feeling chagrined.. Her inaudible sob turned into a scream...

"Ahhhhhh!!! No!!!!!!"

It was a nightmare!

Marina aroused from her deep sleep hearing Hillary screamed.

"What happened?" she questioned with fret.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I..I didn't mean to. .," she didn't wrap up her sentence. A warm embrace of her friend engulped her.

"Shhhh, it's fine. I'm here. It's just a dream".

Hillary can't figure out why she dreamt about him. In her dream he sheltered his face in that black mask. His eyes piercing with great intensity that passed through her nerves. He laughed at her. She was cuffed, and sitting on a chair. A piece of cloth tucked her mouth. There's a dead body in front of her. She was frozen with terror. The figure behind the mask killed someone. She can't recognized the body that was immersed with blood. Her dream was such a crime! It was a murder case!

She questioned the guy's identity. When he was about to get rid of his mask. She screamed

"ahhhh! no!!!!" .

She woke up from her nightmare without catching the figure behind the black mask.

She was disoriented, her face was covered with terror, why all of a sudden this guy emerged in her dream and ravaged her glorious night.

It maybe a very bad omen. Some adversity was bound to arise, she pondered. She needed to probe about the factual profile of the guy in her show. He might hold a strong attachment from her past.

"Are you okay?", her friend interrogated her.

"Yes, thanks to you.. You can returned to sleep now. I apologize for troubling your sleep." she said earnestly.

"No worries", Marina rested back.

She attempted to sleep once again but she can't find her pace.

After a second of realization she heard her friend sleeping soundly.

She stand up to thrum her electric guitar and strung it to the rhythm of the song, "You're love", This song holds a great meaning to her.

"You're the one that never lets me sleep

To my mind, down to my soul..... "

Tears kept rolling down her sweet cheeks until she hummed the last few lines,

"I feel the chill inside

Your love, your love..."

She sang this song when she was in the orphanage.

I want to hug Hillary now.. She had a good choice of song. At least it gives her ease for the moment.

Ethel_Mae_Floridocreators' thoughts