
Chapter 14: The Competition

Today is the day of Hillary's momentous event. She set an alarm and rouse at four in the morning. She received messages from Marcus and Marina wishing her good luck and looking forward for her victory.

"I hope I can make it. The orphanage needs the money." she uttered.

While selecting an outfit from her suitcase she recall that her dad assured her that he will look over on her before her competition. She decided to call her dad.

The phone rang twice and got connected.

"Hey dad, I'm about to compete today. " she said avidly.

"I know honey, send me the address of the event and I'll be there. I just set foot in Manhattan Airport but I still have business to sort out to. What time is the event?"

"Wow dad, you make me over the moon. You are my only support for today. I'll text you the exact address and please show up at exactly 8:00 a.m." she said merrily.

"I surely will, honey. Get some breakfast before leaving and keep safe." Kevin Chen ended the call.

Hillary was so jovial upon hearing that her dad will watch her competition personally. Later on, she decided to call her mom too. She called three times but the call said it was out of coverage so she left a message instead.

She sent a message to her dad providing him the complete address of the competition.

While perching on his car, Kevin Chen received a text message from Hillary with the complete address of the event hall. He smiled while eyeing at the screen. He buzzed someone over the phone.

"Are you ready for the big surprise? Meet me at my suite. Let's talk about the business. I'll text you my address." Kevin Chen voiced out while grinning. As a business tychoon he booked a V.I.P suite in New York.

"Yes, I'll be there in a minute". said the person on the other line.

Kryss was getting ready for the competition. He pulled up his grey pair of tuxedo and black shoes. He fancied this day to be a very remarkable day for him and Hillary. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror. He shaved his beard and newly cut hair. He whisked a very expensive perfume . He smiled and said,

"I'll make you fall in love with me Hillary Chen. You're mine."

Hillary Chen picked up her red halter dress that suited her curves perfectly. It has above the knee length. It exposed her fair skin and eye catching features She matched it with high length black boots. She tied her hair into a ponytail. Her face radiantly glow. She smeared a light pink blush and varnised her lips with dull read matte lipstick. She was a head turner. She seized her guitar and Gucci black shoulder bag. Hillary strolled going off her room, she don't want to be behind the schedule. She sighted Erica in the kitchen.

"Erica, I'm heading to the competition now. Please wish me luck. "she said smiling.

"And please saved your phone number here" she was about to hand her phone to Erica.

Erica didn't respond she turned her heard instead while grasping a glass of water. Hillary didn't anticipate that Erica will turned that fast so the water was splashed into her phone.

Erica felt sorry,

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do it. I was just lost in mind and worry about something. What are you saying again? I'll buy you a new phone. I'm really sorry." Erica explained.

"Nevermind. It's okay. " Hillary was somehow upset but thinking that it wasn't intended she understood l. Today is her big event she don't want to ruin it just beacuse of a simple mistake.

"I'll be heading to the contest now." she said.

"Good luck dear. I'm really sorry what just happened," she said apologetically.

"Hey, it's okay Erica. I can always buy a new phone. Don't think about it too much. Okay?" Hillary patted Erica's back assuring her that it's not a big deal. She shove off going iut of the gate.

She saw a taxi nearby and motioned her hand.

"Please send me to this address" , she demanded while handling the driver a piece of paper containing the exact address.

The driver nodded.

Upon setting foot at the event hall, Hillary paid the driver and gave him a tip. She was thirty minutes earlier before the competition officially start. She was ushered to sit beside the other contestants. She noticed some other contestants too. She smiled to them while settling to a vacant sit. They smiled back to her. She was searching in the crowd hoping she can saw his dad. She can't text her mom either. She sighed.

While she was busy looking around, she spotted a familiar figure,

"Is that Kryss Mills?" she thought.

Hillary can't believe she will see him for real. The very known multi billionaire she once saw on the television. He looks dignified. His outfit was indeed perfectly suited for him.

"He is so drop dead gorgeous, gosh. I heard he is one the sponsors and will stand as one of the judges of this competition," the girl beside her spoke up talking to the boy facing the other seat .

Hillary felt nervous. She can't explain why she felt her heart beats so fast. He is the only person who striked her this way. Even watching him on the tv he captured her attention aready.

"What's in him? Why he has a great impact to me?" she murmured.

The people were very busy around. At exact eight in the morning the competition began. She was the number twelve around forty eight contestants. Each contestants has five minutes to showcase their talent. At twelve thirty noon the event will end.

All the judges sitted on their seats and the girl earlier was accurate Kryss Mills was one of the judges.

As the event kicked off , the host has thirty minutes to present the sponsors.