
Chapter 13: Digging a Hole

After Hillary explore around the city to view tourist attraction, she settled to go home.

It was such a glorious day for her to have a short break after many years being occupied with studies. She took hold of her education seriously.

On the other side, Kryss can't do anything but to glanced at Hillary's figure from afar. He craved to feel her presence badly, he fancied to hug her, and to keep her in his embrace but he can't do anything right now. He don't want to intimidate her. She might stay far away from him. He wanted to see her in the competition. Singing is her passion since she was young and he was completely aware with that. He was so amazed how this girl grew up so captivating. He reminisced the past and perceived that she was once a sweet child which turned into a goddess! A true beauty!

When Hillary hailed a taxi, Kryss followed her in silence. He hungerrd to know where she lives. He kept a distance from the taxi so she can't notice him keeping an eye on her. They drove going to a northern part of the city which is not far away distance and he was shocked to see that Hillary from an elite family ended up staying in the old apartment. Although it looks decent but its clearly evident that the place has very few dwellers. He can tell because of the du environment.

When Hillary burst into the gate Kryss decided to depart the place. When he turned the steering wheel he spotted the girl whom Hillary saw once from an old house structured close by. She was observing him from afar so he decided to rolled down his window and the girl was scrutinizing him intently.

Looking at her eyes attentively, there was a hidden message she desired to speak out.

To what it was, he don't know.

"Who is she?" he thought.

Although curiosity knocked him, in the end he still left the place.

When Erica noticed Hillary's arrival she invited her for a meal.

"Oh, hi you arrived just on time. Let's eat."

"Thanks Erica for being so amenable. You know I don't have any family or friends here."

"Don't be too formal. Marina left you under my care so no worries," Erica responded softly.

Hillary granted an appreciative smile to her.

When they were about to begin devouring the food, Erica's phone rang and they both saw who the caller was...

They looked at each other, Erica stand up, she walked not far away and answered the phone.

"Hello Marina, what's up? " she inquired.

"How's my friend? Is she doing well?" Marina asked.

"Definitely yes. "

Marina gave a deep sigh in the other line.

"Oh about what you instructed, everything is all set. Don't worry. Celebrate your victory now." Erica said in a very subdued voice but enough for Hillary to hear. She was offbeat to what they were conversing about. When Erica hang up the phone and returned to the table Hillary asked,

"What did Marina said?"

"She asked if how are you, I told her that you are doing fine." Erica responded while holding her spoon and fork getting ready to eat.

"And what about the victory you are talking about?" Hillary's oddity pushed her to ask the question.

"Ah, you heard that? Well we are talking about the competition. We are talking about your upcoming victory," she stated without looking at her eyes.

"O, o-okay,." Hillary was at ease. They savored the meal together and babbled about how Hillary missed her nanny Georgia's dishes. Hours went fast.

The next day when Hillary woke up she heard a sound of shovel digging in the backyard. When she strolled to the kitchen , she can't see Erica's presence.

"Where did that sound came from? "she whispered.

Hillary realized that it must be from the backyard. She immediately went to her bedroom to open the window that gave access to the backyard. When she slid the window she noticed Erica's figure digging a very big hole in the backyard. The ground is gated with high blocks.

"What is she going to do with that hole?" Hillary asked herself and decided to go to where Erica was stationed.

She fixed her hair and get out of her room.

"Hey, what are you doing? Isn't it too early to do some gardening?" she asked her slightly smiling.

Erica was dismayed to hear her voice. She wasn't expecting that Hillary will be up very early. She can't find words to answer her. She looked at her.

" What's that? A hole? What are you going to do with that? Looks like a graveyard haha . Why that so deep?" Hillary asked laughing.

Erica was caught off guard by her question.

"No, no.! " Erica cut her out instantly. She don't want Hillary to think that way.

"I'm digging a hole for biodegradable materials so I can generate fertilizers out of it. It will be beneficial for my plants."

"Wow, that's awesome. Let me help you".

Before Erica can refuse her, Hillary already picked a shovel positioned within her reach. Although she never do something like this before but she wanted to experience new things. They ended up spading the hole together.

Sweat ran all over Hillary's fair skin. Despite that, she looks perfectly splendid. She felt good knowing she executed something. They were completely over before the sunrise. They concluded making ready for breakfast and they rustled up together.

"Such a beautiful kick off to start the day." Hillary thought while beaming. She felt contented doing something she had never done before. It thrilled her. It's a mind blowing experience. Thanks to Erica!

They made a vegetable salad, they collected fresh veggies from Erica's garden.

Another tasty breakfast to experience!

"Are you ready for your competition?" Erica interrogated.

"Yes, I hope so." Hillary said smiling.

Erica just nodded.

"You travelled all the way from LA. Just do your best. You'll gonna make it."

" Yes, I surely do. Thanks." Hillary was pleased by Erica's words. She thanked her for edifying her endurance.

What do you think Erica was doing? Hmmmm, let's find out what happened next.

Ethel_Mae_Floridocreators' thoughts