
Chapter 10: Lunch Out With Friends

Hillary has only three weeks left before the big event. Since she considered coming in New York two weeks prior to the competition. She only have this week to hang around and pull off the things she desired to do.

She received a text from Marina signifying that Marcus will treat them to a lunch out. She was delighted. In spite after they graduated these two friends of her were still attached to her. She is grateful that despite her parent's unavailability she have Marcus and Marina by her side. She was touched.

They will meet up in Adam Perry Lang Restaurant since both of them take pleasure eating with barbecues. It's acknowledged for its mouthwatering menus and is top of the line. She's so happy that she will be allocating a palatable lunch with the chatters.

As she threw herself into the restaurant she quickly spotted the two anticipating for her arrival.

"You're here. Been waiting for two hours already". Marina said grinning.

"Seriously?" she was surprised.

"Just kidding. Anyways let's whoop it up for our unending friendship and of course for making an effort to fulfill our goals and dreams." Marina said to them.

They cheered and toasted giddily.

"Eat everything you want. I'll pay for this." Marcus assured.

"Wow, great. Let's make him feel sorry about it and back off, haha" Hillary said and they laughed together.

They conversed for a while and moments later the food was served.

There is silence as they munched large bites of the grilled pork. It was made available in their table with carbonara and goes along with pineapple juice too.

"I heard Marina arranged your stay in New York. Will you be safe? Marcus can't help but inquired.

" Oh, ah yes she did. Yes, I'll be fine. Marina helped me." She offered a lovely smile.

"Please take care of yourself. We are not there to protect you." Marcus eyed her with serious expression.

"What are you saying? Don't frighten her. She will be fine." Marina looked at Marcus intently.

"Just reminding her. We are both aware she don't have any friends out there" he said honestly.

"I will surely miss you both" Hillary professed.

"We will miss you too." Marina said granting her a warm embrace.

Hillary had no idea why she felt that Marcus's words flashed like a warning device to her. She was confused and alarmed. She concealed how she felt now. She don't want to ravage their moment together so she stow away the thought. She maybe exaggerating things.

They redeemed the awkward silence, they talked about their hilarious instructors in college and how Marina restrain from sleeping in their class at times.They were so joyous bubbling about their off the wall memories with each other.

Suddenly Marina's phone rang. She perceived the name of the caller and she lit a slight smile.

"Excuse me, I have to take this." she excused herself.

They nodded. Marcus was thinking,

"It might be her lover. haha. Look, she is happy", he was signifying about the pleasant aura of Marina who were standing not far away.

"Impossible.. She likes you. " Hillary stated.

Marcus gazed at her.

After a while. Marina came back to her seat.

"Who was it?" Hillary inquired with perplexed look.

"It's Erica, I just give her the details about your stay. Your preferrence and everything she needed to know.." she stated.

Hillary was moved by her friend's gesture. She embraced her.

Marcus was observing quietly. He was happy realizing Hillary has a safe shelter to lodge for her competition. However he felt something was not right. It's an odd feeling that his instinct say otherwise.

After the fancy meal, they put into consideration to go to mall nearby so Hillary can buy some stuffs essential for the trip. She wrote down all the things mandatory for her to bring.

They went to footwears section first. Hillary has untold number of footwears but she needed to buy a new one. All her footwears were lavish. She decided to buy a low priced slipper for evenings. After she paid to the counter they headed to grocery store . She needed toiletries, some belongings and other basic needs. Although her nanny was entrusted for her personal consumption but since Marcus and Marina rendered her great company today there's no way she will refuse it.

They were entertained by each other's presence and they savored their wonderful moment together. Marina was killing her time typing some messages in her phone. Hillary pryed on her friend's mobile but her eyes can't view the phone's screen. She desired to know if Marina was tied into any relationship. She might concealing some secret to them. On the other hand Marcus went to buy caps. Marcus loves cap.

When they reunited they decided to settle down on the bench situated on the left wing of the mall where the fountain was positioned. They spotted a lot of couples and family gathering and spending precious time together. Hillary was unable to hold back what she felt. She felt unhappy that she can't have a wonderful moment like this Both her parents were engaged into their own businesses. She heaved a deep sigh.

After a while they both agreed to separate ways. As Hillary was about to hopped in her car Marcus said,

"In any case, you need our help, we are just one call away."

"Thank you. " Hillary smiled and waved goodbye.

She arrived home safely and went directly to her room. She immediately stuffed her belongings so she won't missed anything. She has ample of time to prepare. She decided to brought her two suitcases.The bigger one and the smaller one. She packed her towels, toiletries, and her favorite pillow.

On the other side. Kevin Chen was perching on his swivel chair inside his office. He was looking intently on the screen of his laptop. He was halting some updates for his business transactions when his phone suddenly beeped. He picked up his mobile and spotted some messages. He read it carefully and he slightly smiled.

On the message it said, "All set." He was satisfied.

While Hillary was loading things she decided to call her mom. After few rings the call was answered right away.

"Hey mom, I'll be heading to New York next week." she said merrily.

"I really don't want you to go." She can sense her mom felt troublesome.

"Mom, I'll take care of myself. I'll be fine. and..."

Hillary was not able to complete what she wanted to say because the call got disconnected. She thought her mom was running out of battery as she always do. So she just buzzed her a text message.

Thereafter dialled his dad's phone number.

"What's up princess? I'm quiet busy now", his dad said as the call got connected.

"Sorry to bother you dad, just want to let you know that I'll be in New York next week. " she apologized for disrupting his dad's business hours.

"Okay then, I'll follow you there. Just text me the adress. Okay? " he declared.

Hillary was touched that his dad will witness her competition personally.

"Thanks dad, you make me so happy and excited". She tucked away her happiness. It was evident in her voice.

"Everything for you. By the way I have business meeting now. Will catch up with you soon."

"Bye dad." she hang up the call.

Who do you think Marina Was Talking? Do you think He is KRYSS? Or might Be someone related to KRYSS? Or might be someone else?

Ethel_Mae_Floridocreators' thoughts