
Lead The Way (English Version)

Lead The Way Tells The Story Of A World On The Verge Of Death By A Virus. Actually This Novel Is An English Version Of The Indonesian Version Entitled "Lead The Way (Terdepan)" The Following Is The Synopsis... Uminoke, This Girl Has To Follow A Mysterious Man Who Claims To Have Met Her. But Uminoke Didn't Believe It At All, She Was Just Protected By The Man And Followed Him, Her Sister To Kyoto Because Her Sister Was Trapped In The Middle Of A Zombie Virus.

KharaChikara · Sci-fi
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21 Chs

Chapter 16 (Lead The Way)

"Shall I try first..." He remained silent in his place and then started trying to hack the security of the computer password. And finally found information along with a short video listed. Out of curiosity he looked at the contents of the recording.

"(Oh, it's easy...)" He smiled smugly to himself.

In the recording, Prof Zone is recording himself frantically. "Hello, I'm Prof Zone. Whoever finds this video, I ask you to access the computer with the password "my last name". There is a secret object which will be explained by the video code "my last name" Prof Zone's recording said then at the end of the video he was seen by a group of unknown people and the video ends.

Line felt a little speechless after seeing the video, then he got up and looked again at Prof Zone's corpse. "[He doesn't have any bite marks from that creature. So he was killed by an unknown person] I don't know your last name, tell me something, Professor Zone" Line looked at him with a cold face. Then he remembered something.

"Hm, let me think about it, he said it was during an emergency so he would tell me the real password. He said the password was

"last name" He paused in thought. Suddenly an idea emerged that made him happy, he sat back down at the computer and accessed it with a password. "My last name" Professor Zone said. And apparently the password was successfully accessed by Line and was able to find the hidden video.

"(As I thought... That's just a password that a genius like me understands.. In an emergency like that he would definitely immediately say the password, so the password is the word "my last name"

The video contains Professor Zone holding a serum injection. This time he had a normal expression. "Hello, I'm Professor Zone, I can see what will happen to this destroyed world in the future. All these creatures will consume all human flesh and mutate in a matter of one week. For example, one week passes then they will appear a new regeneration will make their bodies strong. That's why I created the 2000-v serum. This serum is not the only one because there are still many serums that need to be combined with this serum.

There are still 10 more serums that need to be collected and also 5 small rock-sized meteor fragments. "These 15 components will be combined and become a medicine. When combined, it must be with special guidelines. Thank you...Hopefully this world won't just be destroyed and stay at the forefront of an attack." The video ends.

Line fell silent and thought again and read the video information that said. "Computer drawer"

"...?" Line was confused then opened the computer drawer. There was a very small suitcase specifically for medical equipment. He opened it and saw cleaning smoke emerging and revealing a blue serum that was already in the injection.

"[This serum is not the only one. I may have to find several more serums to combine them all. But where???]" Line closed the suitcase again and put it in a small bag that he would carry later. Then something came to his mind.

"Ah, I just remembered that this city has a large laboratory," Line said with a small smile. Then he immediately ran from the spot and broke through the tall apartment window.

He really likes to cut corners by jumping from the top floor and this time, his landing was absolutely perfect.


Roland found a messy supermarket. He turned off his motorbike and got out and looked inside. He found a white bandage. He took it and observed it by removing the helmet he was wearing.

"This... Exactly Uminoke's blood, is this blood still fresh, is he around here?" Roland looked around and thought Uminoke was nearby. He could even remember what Uminoke's blood was like.

Roland walked quickly looking in every corner hoping that Uminoke was nearby, but there was no one, including Uminoke. Disappointed, he got back into his vehicle and walked away.


On the other hand, Uminoke is in a bed. He woke up confused, he saw that his leg was completely unbandaged. "[What happened, where am I, my leg...It doesn't hurt anymore]" Uminoke tried to stand up and leave the room. Judging from the appearance, it looks like he is in a house that is not too big. He walked somewhere and headed towards the kitchen.

Uminoke briefly saw a man cooking with his back to her from afar.

"Hah..." Uminoke was shocked and immediately covered her mouth to avoid the man's sight. But the man heard his voice and walked slowly into the hallway where Uminoke restrained himself from making a sound. Uminoke, who panicked, took the iron stick that was in front of him.

When the man saw him, Uminoke immediately pointed the stick with both hands.

"Don't try to touch me, where am I now, tell me!!" Uminoke threatens him with amateurism.

The man just smiled slightly and offered a handshake. "I'm Labis, I found you unconscious in front of the supermarket so I brought you here" He smiled sincerely. Uminoke, who saw his sincere smile, melted and lowered her staff.

"...Um, I'm Uminoke, thank you for saving me, I was separated from my friends when the bomb exploded."

"Bomb? What was that big explosion that made a very thick fog?" The man named Labis pointed to the window in the corner of the hall. Uminoke turned her head and was surprised, she approached slowly to the window. From outside, the fog was thick and getting thicker.

"Line..." He became worried about Line. Labis came closer and heard that. "...Uminoke, what did you just say?"

"Hng... No, I'm just worried about my friends," Uminoke replied.

"Don't worry, this mist won't necessarily hurt them."

"Yes, you're right, ah so-and-so... Mr. Labis, why is my leg fine? You saw that I had a wound before, right?"

"Ah, about that, actually I am a medicinal scientist, I have been creating healing medicine for a long time, and the results are used by you, the medicine I apply is medicine that can heal internal parts and scars."

"Wow, great, thank you, Mr Labis, I'm really grateful" Uminoke bowed her head.

"No problem, are you hungry, I just cooked something for us to eat together"

"Yes, thank you" Uminoke nodded, then they ate together.

Meanwhile, Line finds a red glowing rock on the road. He came closer and studied it. Then became surprised. "{This is the meteor stone that the giant was wearing}" He took a handkerchief and took the stone with the handkerchief and put it away. He used a layer to hold the meteor because it was not an ordinary meteor rock. If you carelessly touch it, it will cause something the same as yesterday's giant zombie.

"[This is just the first shard, if the other shards are hit by some of the zombies here, they will experience excessive regeneration and will become even more violent, looks like I have to collect them]" He looked around among the many mists.

But not long after, he heard moans for help, Line looked around warily then found the direction of the sound, the sound came from inside a small house. He pushed hard with his feet. Then he was surprised to see a middle-aged woman lying limp in front of the door.

"Are you okay?" Line came closer to look at her face.

"Please bring this." The woman handed a bag that wasn't too big.

"I was sent by one of the doctors to protect the object, but my leg was bitten, please take the object to the city laboratory," said the woman. Line opened the bag and saw the same serum he was carrying now. He became silent then looked back at the woman. "Is this the serum that should be combined?"


Then Line closed his eyes, nodded and stood up, then took out a gun and pointed it at the head of the woman lying limp.

"Thank you, go in peace" said Line, what the woman saw was Line's face full of cruel bloodlust, even though the woman had not asked her to kill her, but Line had killed her. Then he walked out and continued his walk.

"[There are 10 serums, I have to collect them as quickly as possible, but..]" He stopped and looked up at the sky. "There's someone I have to pick up first."

Roland stopped and got off his motorbike again, suddenly a zombie was about to bite him from behind, but someone saved him by hitting the zombie from behind.

"Hiyaaaa" The voice was female, and the woman was about to hit Roland.

"Hey, hey, I'm human" Roland held back while dodging. But he fell silent when he saw the face of the woman who turned out to be Imea. "Mr... Ro, Roland?!" Imea was shocked and dropped her stick. She immediately hugged Roland, who still didn't believe it. "Mr Roland, I'm very scared"

"Imea, I'm glad to meet you... (As I thought... I could see her bravely hitting... In fact, this is the second time she's hit a zombie just for me)" Roland stared.

"Yes, I'm happy too, but I'm separating from Miss Uminoke"

"Don't worry, I'm looking for her too. Have you seen Line too?"

"I'm sorry, but I didn't see it"

"He should also be looking for us, but maybe he would rather look for Uminoke, I also want to look for Uminoke first actually."

"Why are you looking for Miss Uminoke?"

"The person who gave me a place to stay has a wife who will be born soon"

"Mr Roland, I want to meet them"

"Yes, get on," said Roland as he got on his motorbike. Imea got on the motorbike behind Roland. She just grabbed Roland's clothes with her hands from behind. Roland became confused she didn't hug him.

"Imea, you have to get closer"

"Eh, what..?!" Imea was shocked.

"For your safety, hold on tightly," said Roland. Although somewhat embarrassed, Imea hugged Roland's back and became very close. Roland smiled and then started his motorbike to go to Mr. Rudi's house.

A few minutes after they left the place, Line apparently walked down the street they had stopped at. He stopped and saw the tire marks of a motorbike that had just left on the road. "Motorbike, why can't I hear the sound and it seems like... Maybe because of this thick fog, I was also too late to ask for help from the person riding this motorbike. It's definitely not far yet," said Line then he walked straight hoping for the motorbike driven by Imea and Roland. not far yet.

But apparently he was on the wrong track. He is now at a fork, he must choose left or right.

"... The footprints of the motorbike are gone, where should I go? The fog is getting thicker and it's blocking my sense of sight." He looked around and was confused, so he took the right lane but apparently Roland and Imea passed the left lane.