
Lea(i)ving whit my Prince

Felix had been promised that once all the scenarios were over he could choose the world of his choice and live in peace for eternity accompanied by whoever he wanted. He hadn't expected the MC from his last scenario to fall with him into the portal.

Polyamoory · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Annoying Meeting

Felix was no more a good person than he was a bad person.

He was human. It is often said that to have humanity is to be good, Félix does not think so. For him, to have humanity, or rather to be human, is to be in the middle. you are not a good person as much as you are not a bad person.

Why should humans be good all the time?

They also have the right to feel bad sometimes, to not want to be nice to everyone all the time.

Felix feels like he's the only one thinking like that.

He is often insulted for being selfish in his family.

During a meeting, her sister came to show a video of several suffering women around the world. She broke down in tears saying how lucky she was to live and that she would never complain again.

Felix to find his sister so ridiculous.

Everyone has their problems. Why should the fact that someone is suffering more than you prevent you from feeling sad about a more mundane problem? It does not mean anything.

If that's selfish, then yes, Felix is.

He always says out loud what he wants. He hides nothing.

He was never loved because of that.

He doesn't care, he doesn't love anyone himself.

When he died, he expected nothing. Not even a person coming to cry on his grave, and even then it's only if his family deigns to buy him a grave.

When he opened his eyes and found himself face to face with the infinite void, he thought he was in paradise. He had never believed in it but it was the only solution his brain offered him.

Then a small voice configured itself.

"Hello Felix!"

Before him stood a pretty young girl. She had thin dark blue eyes, short pink hair, heart-shaped glasses in the colors of the pansexual flag, and pointy ears.

Did Felix fall into a convention whit some weirdo ?

"Do we not say hello at your place ? "

"Hmm... hello...?"

"My name is Destiny ! I am your assigned system for the next thousand years!

" Pardon ? "

"Do I really need to explain to you ? I mean...Most of my colleagues have people who already know what reincarnation is. Have you ever read an isekai ?"

"I do not like reading"

"Oh great, I fell to the bottom of the pot..."

Félix won't say out loud that he feels slightly offended by this comment.

"Well, I'll explain it to you live ! Grossomodo, you're dead."


"Your NPC reactions aren't helping you."

"Am I supposed to enjoy death ?"

"...And suddenly you will be reincarnated ! For the next thousand years, you will occupy the place of a character from the books. You will know the whole story of the book and live as one of the characters !"

"It's used for ?"

"Assume the desire of our great goddess."

"She looks crazy, your great goddess."

"Don't insult the goddess like that !"

"I don't understand why I'm going to reincarnate into book characters."

"Don't ask questions ! Do you know how many people would be honored to be in your shoes ?"

"Why don't you take his people ? "

"Because you were chosen."

"How are your selections made ? "

"You are the most annoying human I have ever met."

If you ask him, Felix will say it didn't affect him either.

" Well, get up and come spin the wheel ! "

" To do what ? "

" This wheel is the one that determined the role you will play in the future ! For example, if you land on Male Lead, you will always be some kind of prince or aristocrat. If you encounter love interest, you can or no end up with the pretty girl depending on the time frame in which you arrive, do you understand ?"

" No. "

" Oh please, just spin that fucking wheel. "

Felix grabbed the wheel that had appeared out of nowhere and half-heartedly spun it.

He watched her spin with Destiny who had stars in her eyes.

The stars quickly evaporated.

"That...that can't be possible"

" What ? "

"You…you came across Antagonist. "

"And ?"

"So you are destined to suffer for the next thousand years."


"Are you sure you're really human?" Your lack of response worries me. "

" I am. "

"...Not very convinced. But anyway, we have 10 years before the first scenario begins I will find you books to read on isekai and cute stories that I liked so that you at least know what waiting for you."

" And after ?

" After what ? "

"After the thousand years. What is this ? "

" Eh.... You can stay in the universe of your choice by keeping your memories and the powers which will have been attributed to you throughout your reincarnation, you also have the right to take someone with you. "

"I have nobody."

"I don't like you...I've been told humans are fun. You're anything but fun"

"People often tell me this"

"Even you are spoiling the mood. Here, start by sitting down and reading this!"

Destiny give hime a book called "Reincarnated as Alpha in a Straight Omegaverse".

"This book looks weird."

"Read it and don't ask questions."

Felix is ​​already bored.