
Le Fluer: Braves of the Sacred Flower

Braves. That is the name given to the ones who fight against the Chimeras. They suddenly appeared some hundred years ago, humanity's greatest enemy. After many years of fighting amongst each other the world united to confront a common enemy. The Braves are the only ones who can fight the Chineras. They possess the strange power called Ascedance. The Chimeras brought humanity the power of Ascendance and the knowledge of the higher worlds. Establishing connections with these foreign worlds, humanity struggles against the fight with Chimeras. While they are students, they fight against the Chimeras. Braves' ability vary from each other, some are for combat, others for defense, and some for healing. Arata, a young man without memories who is saved by William joins the Wings Academy a prestigious university of Braves. There he meets seven people who change his life. In the face of despair and powerlessness what he finds is a single flower that blooms in a bloody battlefield. What awaits him is it hope or despair? The gears of fate begin to move and the story of the young souls begin.

Red_Earl · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 121, Hoshisora

As we rode Growth who was in his ship form to the mainland. I spend my time perfecting the spell that'll allow me to lower the floating islands back into their original places. When we arrived on the mainland, we are greeted by Monica, Dustin, Seiji, Hatori and Alessia along with two more Zodiacs. The Fifth Zodiac, the Dragon, Ryuji and the Twelfth Zodiac, the Boar, Louise.

"So, is everyone ready?" Seiji asked.

"Yeah." Ryuji, who had black hair with sharp black eyes and white skin answered.

"So, do we do this?" Touya asked.

"We have two main goals, firstly to stop whoever has casted the spells on the cities that now float in the sky and the second is to safely lower the islands back into place." Monica stated.

"The question is how we catch them." Hiro said.

"Leave that to me." Van said. "My Familiar, Idea, will easily find them."

Just then, I felt it, a strong change in the Vi around us and I immediately summoned Growth. Van's familiar, Idea, that is shaped like a dog begins to move and search for the spell caster. Meanwhile, I try to unravel the secrets behind the spell.

"Truth..Analysis begin." Zander's familiar, Truth, specializes in analysis and esily figures out what I wanted to know. "It's the Forbidden Spell, Chateau du Ciel and underneath it is another spell, Le Meteore!"

I see. To maximize the damage that can be done they applied Le Meteore on it so as it falls it'll build up energy equal to a meteor of its size and destroy everything in its wake. When the Chateau de Ciel is canceled, the Le Meteore actiavtes greatly increasing the damage done on impact and destroy everything within a thousand meters range.

"What do we do?" Van asked.

"First, we must suppress the Capital from rising." I stated.

The magic square has just begun to form above the capital, the people have been evacuated thankfully but I must do what I can to minimize the damage.

"I plead to the one who sleeps within, lead me from the darkness and into the light, I order you sleeps within the ground, by my voice, let your blade strike the earth and hold fast! Juryokujo!" I casted and held my hands together. Despite how it appears, it's difficult for me to hold this spell for long.

Above the city, a second magical circle appwars and a giant crsytal lowers to the ground. My spell activated without issue it seems. I can't undo Chateau de Ciel because it's likely that all the islands are connecetd and kept in place using the same spell. If I undo this one, it may cause a cahin reaction causing all the other islands to fall to the ground.

"What do we do?" Mao asked.

"Watch Arata's back, he can't cast any ither spell over the one he's casting now. If he does, he might hurt himself." Van said, his eyes were closed as he linked his vision with his familiar. "Zander, just incase, be prepared for an attack."

As I held the island in place, I felt my power slipping. I can't maintain it for more than half an hour but... I'm sure that before this thirty minutes pass, Van will find the culprit.

"I've found them!" He exclaimed just as the the timer hit twenty minutes.

"Where are they?" Dustin asked.

"On their way here." Van said and my spell finally broke and I fell on my knees. "Arata! Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Juryokujo is very difficult to maintain. But atleast, I've slowed them down somehow." I answered standing up.

"Yeah, you just slowed them down, the caputal is still going up you dummy." Karin snarled.

"My Petals are keeping it in place now using high level gravitational magic." I staed and pointed to city that has been stopped from rising. "Everyone ready?"

"Yeah." They answered and the three appeared before us.

"Ah, it's them again!" Angie shouted.

"My oh my, my precious Le Fleur has appeared before again." He smiled and I felt something off about this. I felt it before as well, as if his presence is being clouded by something.

"Are they the ones you told us about?" Ryuji asked Monica who nodded.

"Very well, then, dance once more before me!" He exclaimed and this time Chimeras were the ones that emerged.

"As if we'll lose to mere Chimeras!" Dustin and punched the Chimera in front of him.

"Oh beloved darkness, oh long sealed despair, to the ones who walk this path, grant them your might! Midnight Light!" With the chnat of one of the two, who had a female voice, the world was engulfed by a dark sky and the Chimeras were greatly boosted.

"They've been boksted greatly. Tch. It's similar to Arata's spell but shorter." Van said. "What's more, this barrier, it's weakening us and strengthening them using our Vi."

"In the night sky of the now distant past, a thousand stars are scattered. Respond to the cry of this foolish dreamer and grant me strength of the stars." I chanted, this spell, it isn't an attack spell but it'll surely help us. "Come, wondering wind, faster than any other and carry our wishes upon your back. If each and every wish is a small and fleeting light, take them and place them amongst the starless sky. Hoshisora!"

In an instant, a light shines from everyone's body and rises to the sky and the night sky is decorated hy stars. Hoshisora, the spell of dreams. By taking a person's wish and placing them in the sky, they serve as our guide when we are in the dark.

"I'll cast Level Boost on everyone, so, show them what we're made of!" I shouted.

"Yeah!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Oh Beloved Bloom, Oh Beloved Petals, Ou Beloved Bond, I wish to remain by thine side. This love found after a thousand nights. My name is Argent, an forgotten light. My name is Arata, a new day." I chanted and my body began to glow. Two rings each made of eight petals surrounds me and my crest appears behind me. "For you who reach for the azure skies, I allow this ancient light to envelop me. Echo, voices of you who have walked this path, let the lamplight engulf all, ancient flower, ancient bloom, devour all and bloom!"

"Let them grow. This vessel that has received this power. A tower of riches for a tower of wishes. Until the tolling of the bells, grant forth great strength and glory." I chanted and behind me the flower bloons and above head a flower emerges. "Grow! This power granted by the Ancients, for the bodies that has taken up the might of Ancients. Grant them strenght, as the swords clash, until the light burns out, I emplore you, grant them might and power! Level Boost!"

A golden ligjt engulfs everyone and they are greatly boosted. With this, we can stop them.