
Laziness Prevails (Old)

My attempt to make robots do my own work I hope you enjoy my attempts (I forgot to put this into the fanfic second so I will be making another one with the same name the stories however will not transfer)

IncognitoAuthor · Urban
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5 Chs

Attempt #2

Time for the SECONDU ATTEMPT!!! This time it will be something that is worthy for the fanfic name A NARUTO ONESHOT!!!! Now let the attempt begin!


As the ashes of Konoha settled, Naruto stood amidst the ruins of his once beloved home. The pain of loss was too much to bear, as he looked upon the destruction that Pein had wrought upon the village. He felt numb, yet angry all at once. He clenched his fists, and vowed to make Pein pay for what he had done.

He had lost his best friend Jiraiya to the same man, and now he had lost the love of his life, Hinata. Naruto knew that he had to act fast, before Pein slipped away and caused any more harm.

He left the remains of the village and began his journey to find Pein. He didn't care what it took, he just needed to avenge Hinata's death. The path ahead was dangerous, filled with bandits and rogue ninja. But Naruto knew that he couldn't let anything stand in his way.

As he traveled through the land, he encountered many people who had lost their homes and loved ones to Pein's wrath. They saw in him a hope, a symbol of courage, and many joined him in his quest for revenge.

Together they fought through the toughest of conditions, and Naruto's determination never wavered. He was relentless, constantly pushing himself and his companions to the limits, always seeking new and better ways to improve their skills.

With each new battle, Naruto felt his strength and resolve grow stronger. His determination never faltered, and he continued to push forward, no matter the odds. He knew that this was his chance to finally bring justice to Hinata and Jiraiya.

As he drew closer to Pein's hideout, he knew that the fight ahead would be the toughest of all. Pein was not just one person, but a group of six powerful warriors. Each one was a master of their own element, and Naruto knew that he would need to be at his absolute best to defeat them.

But he was not alone. His friends had rallied behind him, and together they planned their attack. They knew that Pein was strong, but they were not afraid. They would fight until their last breath if that was what it took to avenge the fallen.

Finally, they reached Pein's hideout. The battle was intense, but Naruto's determination and strength was too much for Pein and his minions. One by one, they fell before him, until only Pein remained.

The two clashed in a fierce battle, Naruto's passion and desire for vengeance driving him on. Pein fought with all his might, but Naruto was too much for him. As he dealt the final blow, Naruto felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had done it. He had avenged Hinata and Jiraiya.

As the dust settled, Naruto looked around at his companions, and knew that he had accomplished something great. He had shown that the power of friendship and determination could conquer even the most formidable of foes.

As they began the journey back to the ruins of Konoha, Naruto felt a sense of hope. He knew that even in the darkest of times, there was always a glimmer of light. And with that light, anything was possible.

He promised himself that he would do everything in his power to help rebuild the village and honor the memories of those who had lost their lives. He knew that it would be a long and difficult journey, but he was ready for it. For Naruto, nothing was impossible.


This was attempt two this is the first fanfic I tried to put into the machine but next time I will ask it for a synopsis then put that synopsis into the machine cya later!