
Meet and greet

"Yes Princess, it's her," the boy sitting in front of Mebony said.

"Rumor said she hugged General Vim. What did you see?" She asked the guy?

"I won't call it a hug. She was pushed from behind and bumped into his chest "

"So you mean it wasn't intentional?" She asked.

"I'm not sure, but one thing I noticed was that she didn't look like she was seeking attention."

"How do you mean?" Mebony stared at the guy in front of her with her dark green eyes.

"The moment she bumped into him, she raised her head and looked at his face for a second before saying something to him to which General Vim gave a small unnoticeable nod to before she turned around to beat up the girls. Wouldn't a person who liked him stay a little more in his arms?"

"Wait… What do you mean by 'in his arms' didn't you say they didn't hug?"

"Yes, General Vim held her waist, probably to prevent her from falling after she bumped into him."