
Battle to kill

The rules of the game is that, you must win." He beamed.

"Huh!?" The students looked at him like an idiot with horns. What was he saying? Did he come here after drinking too much liquor? They thought.

"I know you will be confused. Let me explain. When you are challenged, you must accept the challenge and then fight to win. You can push your opponent out of the ring and the one pushed out would give the winner 5000 academic points and if the loser cannot afford it, then they would be the slave of the winner throughout his or her remaining days in school."

"What an absurd rule!" A year four student yelled.

"Yes, it's unacceptable! Does the school know this?" Another year four student added.

"I'm sorry to rile you all, but there's nothing the school can do about this. The law was brought from above a few minutes ago and the Principal has signed it, so…" he shrugged his shoulder.