
Lazaro's smile

LAZ or Lazaro's Smile was born as a surreal project in order to grant a dying wish. The first fully embedded game, an RTS or Real Time Strategy game, where one could literally command his troops through a magnificent world. But with certain features: First, you start by selecting an animal. Second: every decision or act can transform your entire faction. And third but most important, there are two types of players, players and reincarnated players. Since Lazaro was created so that when you are about to die you can decide whether to send all your knowledge, memories and personality in a new virtual body, being part of the immortal war.

Verith · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 46. Gift from Heaven

With his haughty arrogance and contempt, Marcus walked towards his seat, his gaze met mine and I could sense some hostility, I wish he would insult me, I need it, an excuse, just one, however paltry, I can't contain my urges, my desires.

 [ Your emotions are igniting your bloodline, if your blood lust continues there may be a partial awakening and end up in the frenzied state].

 I really wouldn't mind, but I can't destroy this place, not as long as I can control myself, well if anything happens I'll blame it on my kind or say the abyss forced me. hehehe that's a good way to tear it apart.

 - Good evening, my lovely empress, I am praised for your grand banquet, although I would have preferred something more intimate - The very unfortunate one didn't even dissemble.

 [Your faction has developed the curse: Fervor (Bestial)]

 [Fervor (Bestial)]

 When loyalty reaches the fervor state, your subordinates are dependent on your health and safety, if the target of this fervor suffers a loss of health or it is believed that their health may suffer damage without corroborating it with reality, an altered state will be imposed in accordance with the name to the entire military population or with offensive or religious endowments.

 The bestial state causes Frenzy as an altered state.

 Shit, I don't know what the hell is going on, this is one of the few decent curses, it means you are very important to yours, but if this notification has appeared it means they have already activated the curse, that is Frenzy, the only state we can't resist, it had to be this and no other....

 While Gwen was putting up with Marcus' bullshit I tapped him on the shoulder, noticing this, Marcus made a bad face, but I didn't care, I lowered my head and talked to him in his ear.

 - We have a problem, one that could turn out to be very big.

 She looked at me and I could see some nervousness, which she quickly hid.

 - Tell me Mr. Hel and please, don't say anything, like that you have to kill Marcus or that you can't resist strangling him - Hahaha, I had really thought about using a joke like that, but it wasn't the right time.

 - Nothing further from the truth, little empress, I have received a notification from the system, my faction has acquired the curse of Fervor - Gwen looked at me and smiled, congratulations, that shows the deep affection your subordinates have for you, tell me what it was, maybe sacrifice or maybe it's lament.

 I didn't know whether to laugh or not, it seems he still hasn't understood the problem.

 - Miss Gwen, the curse is the beastly one and this is the first time I have had the notification, you know what it means, don't you? -

 It was then that Gwen's face changed to a paper white, though as before it returned to normal within seconds.

 - They're in a frenzy, it couldn't be any other damn time, well it's alright, if it doesn't have low life, then they think you're in danger, so they must have a reason to have assumed your danger, I just hope it ends well, usually when they see their fervor target is safe they lose the altered state - Looks like he's taken it easy, well they shouldn't be long in getting here.

 Just then, Marcus sat down, continued his small talk and started making attempts at rapprochement with Gwen.

 What a character.

 Following the guests, Leva arrived along with Lidia, who was wearing a beautiful red dress in comparison to her previous maid outfit, I still doubted my eyes and Leva's luck.

 I could also notice the perverse look of Marcus, that being only seemed to think with his member.

 But his lust reached its zenith, when Leva sat one chair away from me, leaving lidia two seats to the left.

 The reason for the increase in lust was because of the innocent Moon priestess, at the large table there were only two seats left, one next to Marcus and one next to me.

 Marcus smiled and stood up.

 - Beautiful priestess, would you care to join me for the evening - He kindly pointed to the seat next to him, Luneth's face was a real map.

 Her lips trembled slightly, then I watched as her eyes turned to me and the vacant seat.

 Her lips made a movement imperceptible to all but my sight, a plea.

 Although I hadn't intended to do so at first, it occurred to me to be nice and tease the bird, yes, I had to.

 I stood up and with that alone both the music and the banquet members were silenced, how ridiculous, cowards.

 - I'm sorry Mr. Marcus, but I asked Miss Luneth if she would join me this morning, so I'll have to steal her away tonight - For emphasis I walked to Luneth's side, leaving my arm for her to hold on to and lead her to the table.

 She obviously grabbed on and pretended to give apologies, Marcus' face looked like a real godsend.

 The room seemed dumbfounded by my act, as if being nice was the most amazing thing they were seeing, even the crab popped some bubbles.

 But then Marcus gave a wave of his hand, the soldiers had surrounded me.

 - I don't know who you are, nor do I care, if I asked for her to sit with me, will she sit with me or can you help it - HAHAHAHAHA, here it comes, here it comes.

 - I'm sorry Mr. Marcus, but as a priestess I must keep my word, but I will confer a dance with me, I hope you understand - And so with a smile, Marcus sat down. God, for it was a magnificent opportunity.

 And as he came, so he went.

 The soldiers moved out of the way, a good opportunity, wasted.

 Following my role, I led Luneth to the seat at my side, pushing her chair aside with complete courtesy, so she sat down while smiling.

 - Thank you very much Mr. Hel, you saved me from that dastardly man - Her smile shone like the moon in the sky, truly beautiful, but that doesn't take away from the fact that you got me out of making trouble.

 - It was nothing, besides with your company I'm sure the food is sweeter - I couldn't help but be kind and peck the priestess.

 At that moment, just like before when in the military zone it became silent, now even the economic zone, the only thing that could be heard was Marcus breaking a glass and some spitting out their drink.

 Luneth reddened and looked down.

 God, what the hell is wrong with them.

 With the shock and absolute silence I set out to drink but, I broke the glass into dust, there was too much strength in my body and I couldn't control it, I no longer felt the oppressive feeling.

 Shit, the curse has activated the frenzy of my faction, a frenzy born of desperation to save me, that is to say... the curse of the abyss was lifted.

 It was then that with an immense blow, a soldier of Marcus, who was still in the castle, broke the entrance window and went all the way through until he fell in front of the throne table, all smashed.

 They are here.