
Lazaro's smile

LAZ or Lazaro's Smile was born as a surreal project in order to grant a dying wish. The first fully embedded game, an RTS or Real Time Strategy game, where one could literally command his troops through a magnificent world. But with certain features: First, you start by selecting an animal. Second: every decision or act can transform your entire faction. And third but most important, there are two types of players, players and reincarnated players. Since Lazaro was created so that when you are about to die you can decide whether to send all your knowledge, memories and personality in a new virtual body, being part of the immortal war.

Verith · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 19. Another Viewpoint

Lilith's point of view

 Everything starts when we are born, we were nothing before, so it is normal to start there.

 We had the knowledge given by the gods and the order to serve someone else, which made me very disgusted, because I would have to serve anyone, I have my freedom and I will do what I want.

 And so I appeared in the world, simply made and sent to our death.

 When I could open my eyes I was in the water, with me the other puppets and in front of us was the stupid one we had to serve, I felt like killing him, but then I realized something very significant, he was an immortal or as they call themselves, reincarnated, people who suffered and died, giving them another chance in this world.

 For that reason alone I decided to hold back with him.

 We had other names for these beings, the immortals, which are the reincarnated and the dreamers. The dreamers were like the immortals, but every so often they were lost in a dream of days, weeks or even years.

 In this I have to be grateful, if I were a dreamer, I would have to spend my existence protecting a sleeping body.

 Shortly after staying still, he ordered us to dive, a damn stupid thing to do, of all things to us dolphins he asks us to dive, what a retard.

 By doing so we gained the ability to dive deeper than normal, something I would later be grateful for.

 Of all the possibilities to improve us, with telling us to run we would be much faster, if he asked us to get angry we could have a passive of fury or simply to rest and with that we would have an active ability, which would allow us to enter into a sleep capable of restoring our health.

 Well his foolishness was already done and we obeyed.

 Soon this fool got lucky and we spotted a large school of fish.

 I have to admit that at this point I have to give him a point for his intelligence, following his orders, we could catch the whole school of fish and eat with impunity, satiating us completely, we could even eat quietly surrounded by enemies.

 Another point is how cautious he was, he asked us to always keep the sonar active and to move away from the bank when we were fully satiated, the point is that he chose a random route to avoid any route.

 This was when the retard seemed somewhat more decent to me.

 He had earned our loyalty with his choices, but it was a loyalty imposed by the gods, more painful than any chain.

 At that moment I hated him with all my heart, I cursed him in my mind, thousands, tens of thousands of times, he had bound us, he had bound me.

 Then the night passed and a stupid, loud-mouthed dreamer showed up, just what I needed to vent my anger.

 Thanks to our bigger bodies we were able to stand up to him, beating them even though they had more numbers than us, what assholes, plus I could see a use for diving, dragging the dreamer so deep he couldn't even move, I was secretly laughing him off, Here I must admit again that our bastard leader did well, besides he was improving our intelligence non-stop, giving us more freedom, it seemed that he didn't know that we already had our freedom taken away, I could see that he wanted us to be able to do anything without having to have an order in between.

 We continued on our way, we had almost no wounds and this special place had the ability to recover faster than normal.

 At that moment my sonar picked up something, something atrocious, my death.

 Lots of enemies coming for us.

 The stupid one didn't seem to have noticed, so with a blow of my head I woke him up.

 Then we could only run away, run as far as we could, but we ended up surrounded, I was dead and had not been able to live more than a week in this world, god how much fear and hatred I had at that moment.

 But the stupid one didn't seem to want to give up, with an order, we threw ourselves to the bottom of the lake, I knew his intention and it was the only way to survive, but the enemy also seemed to know it and didn't want to let us escape.

 The fastest dolphins and sharks jumped on us, while we could not hit them back, we just swam in a straight line, trying to gain ground as fast as possible.

 But the wounds were piling up, one after the other, we were not going to make it, but our pressure started to drop, at that moment I turned around and I could understand why, the very stupid guy was stopping all the blows with his body, I could not understand how this guy, had such a stupid idea to become a meat shield, From the behavioral records of the immortals and dreamers, normally, they would sacrifice us without hesitation, they did not seem to be accustomed to pain, according to our knowledge, where they came from there were almost no large-scale wars, making people weak and susceptible to pain.

 But he was still standing between us and the attackers.

 But they were more and we were slowly losing life.

 It was then that we could see salvation, we had almost reached the right depth, down there they could not follow us or so we hoped.

 The enemy continued his attack and then, he did the stupidest, weirdest, craziest and again stupidest thing.

 He began to swim to the side, while he ordered us to keep swimming deeper.

 He who had already suffered the fear of death was facing it for us, it was at that moment that I could see him with different eyes, I can say that it was a crush, I am not afraid to say that I fell in love with him.

 I'm sure if someone finds out they would jump with the stupidities, that it's too soon, that you've known him for two days, that he's your boss.... BLA, BLA, BLA, BLA.

 Subnormalities all, if I like him, I like him and as I like him now he is MINE and I will not hesitate to sacrifice anyone as long as he does not suffer this same pain again, nor death in any way.

 Obviously, I will not let anything come between us either, I will kill without hesitation anyone who gets too close to him, as if I have to burn villages full of innocents if he likes that....

 Yes, it's decided, he's mine now.... Ha wait, what's his name?

Want to see the characters come to life? Follow me on my instagram and tiktok account (Verith11).

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