
Chapter 4 Ling Hua_1

Translator: 549690339

The Sihai Bookstore of the Ling Family was famously loved by scholars and poets for its exquisite quality and smooth paper.

Thus, from Great Confucian Scholars to average students, they all desired to have a book of their own published by Sihai Bookstore.

However, the manuscript review process at Sihai Bookstore was extremely strict. If a book wasn't superb, they wouldn't publish it, which sustained Sihai Bookstore's prestigious status.

Because of this, Sihai Bookstore released only a few books and poetry collections each year. Yet, the fewer they published, the more sought-after they became. Any book or poem coming out of Sihai Bookstore would quickly sell out.

Yan Qing had not expected that Sihai Bookstore would agree to publish Cheng Chu's poetry manuscript. In his opinion, the manuscript was decent enough, but the quality was inconsistent. Among that whole basket of poems, only a few were worthy of reading, hardly enough for a complete poetry collection.

Yet, surprisingly, Sihai Bookstore had gone ahead with the publication, which didn't quite align with their usual style.

He pondered for a while and then asked, "How many copies were printed?"

"Fifty thousand."

That was no small number.

Yan Qing inquired further, "Did Cheng Chu get any silver for it?"

"Yes, the poetry collection was priced at three taels each, with a cost of one tael. Adding them up, Cheng Gongzi received fifty thousand taels. He himself bought a thousand copies to give away, which cost him three thousand taels."

Yan Qing: "..."

So, saying that he earned himself a hundred thousand taels, not only did he reward Begonia Sea of Qiyun Mountain, which sparked his poetic inspiration, Sihai Bookstore published his poetry collection, earning him fame and fortune, and he also made back fifty thousand taels?

Where was the fool in this? This was clearly killing four birds with one stone!

Was he blind? Had he misjudged people?

Yan Qing rubbed his eyes, "Go ask why Sihai Bookstore made an exception."

The butler nodded, went out for a while, and returned with a complex look on his face.

"Did you find out?"

The butler nodded, "It's said that Sihai Bookstore heard about how you, young Marquis, traded the Jade Token of Qiyun Mountain for Cheng Gongzi's hundred thousand taels of silver, considering it a huge business opportunity. Thus, they immediately partnered with Qiyun Mountain, using Cheng Gongzi's poetry manuscript to promote a poetry collection themed around Begonia Sea. Anyone wanting to visit Begonia Sea of Qiyun Mountain just needs to spend a hundred thousand taels of silver to enjoy three days of Begonias over the entire mountain."

Yan Qing: "..."

He was silent for a while, unsure of what expression to wear, and finally uttered, "Ling Hua... she truly knows how to seize business opportunities wherever she finds them, she's really not afraid of bursting."

Butler: "...Probably not afraid!"

After all, the Ling Family had the Emperor's support and could never eat too much to burst.

Speaking of which, Miss Ling truly inspired admiration. Three years ago, when the Ling Family was implicated in the Grain Transport Service scandal of Jiangnan, framed by the Crown Prince and Grand Tutor, all males and females above the age of sixteen in the Ling Family were thrown into Heavenly Prison. Many died or fell ill; at that time, Ling Hua was only thirteen. The entire Ling Family was left with only her and a few loyal old servants. Everyone thought the Ling Family was finished, doubting a young girl could do anything to turn things around.

But Ling Hua did just that!

She banged the drum to present her petition to the Emperor, accusing the contemporary Crown Prince and Grand Tutor. She endured fifty blows from the Imperial Court Office, her blood soaking the blue stone bricks beneath the drum, freezing into a layer of ice. She lost a layer of skin but persisted just enough to see the Emperor and present evidence of the Crown Prince and Grand Tutor's framing of the Ling Family to cover up the truth. She won the Emperor's assurance to personally review the Jiangnan Grain Transport Service case.

Subsequently, the truth of the Grain Transport Service case was revealed, leading to the downfall of the Crown Prince and Grand Tutor. Not only did they lose their positions, but the entire Zhao Family also suffered the execution of nine of its clans.

Ling Hua not only survived but also led the remaining members of the Ling Family in rebuilding; unexpectedly, she also gained the Emperor's trust. Despite all the ministers' objections, the Emperor made an exception and handed over the Jiangnan Grain Transport Service to the Ling Family.

Everyone knew that though the Emperor entrusted the Grain Transport Service to the Ling Family, it was actually bestowed upon Ling Hua, for no one else in the Ling Family had the capability to support it but her.

And indeed, Ling Hua did not disappoint the Emperor. Holding tight to the Ling Family's newly reforged broken sword, she doubled the tax revenue from the Grain Transport Service in three years, significantly replenishing the state treasury. The ministers, who kept demanding the Emperor revoke the decision or threatened to bang their heads against the wall, all shut their mouths, no longer releasing a peep.

Mentioning Ling Hua, it was truly a case of respect from a distance for everyone.

Yan Qing also recalled those days. By then, he had been sincerely living as a dandy for over a year, sitting in the teahouse with a bunch of dandies like himself, relishing the topic of the Ling Family's youngest daughter presenting her petition to the Emperor.

Later, he frequently heard about the Ling Family and Ling Hua. Even during palace banquets, he heard that Ling Hua would sit at the guest seat closest to the Emperor.

However, he never attended the palace banquets, so naturally, everything he knew was hearsay, and he had never seen her.

Yan Qing glanced again at the ten poetry collections and grudgingly reached out to pick them up, flipping directly to the end; as expected, the note read, "One hundred thousand taels of silver for three days to enjoy the Begonia Sea of Qiyun Mountain."

He tossed away the poetry collection and turned to ask the butler, "Do you think I should demand a benefit fee from the Ling Family and Qiyun Mountain? Without me, would they have thought of this money-making scheme?"

The butler uttered an "eek" and looked at Yan Qing, "Young Marquis, that... would that be proper?"

You've already got a hundred thousand taels! Being too greedy can lead to trouble!

Yan Qing thought about it too and stood up, "But it's okay to treat Cheng Chu to a meal, right?"

The butler immediately said, "Yes, yes, yes."

Cheng Gongzi is probably looking for someone to celebrate with a drink right now!

So, Yan Qing went to find Cheng Chu, who happily agreed upon hearing the idea. He called his friends, rounded up a bunch of good brothers, and booked a floor in a restaurant for a grand celebration.

Yan Qing followed Cheng Chu to the reserved restaurant, looking at the signboard of Zuixian Pavilion that belonged to the Ling family...

Why is it that even the money for a drink goes into the pockets of the Ling Family?

He doubted himself for a good while before finally entering, albeit reluctantly, at the urging of Cheng Chu.

Although he had made a hundred thousand taels and enjoyed a great meal and drinks, why did he feel like he had lost a lot?

It was unfathomable!