
Lawless Love

Raven was just a little demon child when it happened. ...In more ways than one. Having been born into a world of two constantly clashing fractions, her life took a turn for the worse as she ends up on the receiving end. With an upbringing more peaceful than most of her kind, she grows up with a taste for mischief and adventure. And oh boy did mischief find her. In the face of her mother's death and the arrest of her father, her childhood had ended with them, along with her memories. As of a lost romance waiting to be rekindled, first, a forgotten friendship must reignite. Now as she navigates the maze of life to discover a forgotten light, will she find that theres more to her fate than just the daughter of a criminal? Discord Server of Yuri Authors and Readers, Feel free To Join~ - https://discord.gg/a4T9yTR72Y

Yuro · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter XXX - The Three Sword's...Maid Cafe?

So they told us where to go, but HOW do we go there?

After I was out of the school's gates, I stand stupidly in the plaza as I just realized I have no idea where the cafe was.

In the hustle and bustle of the market, the sounds of conversation were everywhere. From deals to gossip, to a merchant advertising...troll feet? I wonder what kind of medical-inducing properties it would have, definitely not the air-freshening kind I bet.

My eyes look over the crowd, trying to pick out some people that look nice enough to talk to as I realize I will have to ask around.

Relax, it's just talking to strangers...random people, it can't be that bad right? Tell that to somebody with severe social anxiety. Anddd then I would consider the possibility of miracle cures.

I take a deep breath, steeling my nerves. And walked up to the nearest stall.

"Uhm, does anyone know how I can get to the Three Blades Cafe?" I asked, trying to appear as collected as possible, and I think I already failed miserably as my voice audibly cracks on the word, cafe.

"The Three Blade's Cafe? Ah, the Three Sword's Cafe? I've heard of it, but I don't where it is," A male shopper responded.

I mentally facepalm as I realize my mistake. Ugh, I blame the note, making me mix up the names.

The people next to him, mumble the same, nodding.

"Ah, okay...thank you anyway," I turn away, trying not to let the disappointment discourage me.

It's fine...maybe the next person knows...and I will be sure to get the name right this time.

I approach a cheery woman, her friendly air making me feel just a little more confident in approaching her. "Hello, I'm looking for the Three Sword's cafe. Do you know where it is?"

"Oh, sorry. I don't think I do. But you should ask old Jody over there, he owns that shop," She points to a nearby stall, "He should know where it is. But he's...usually grumpy. So good luck!"

I thank her, before heading over to the stall she mentioned. The third time's the charm I guess...and I hope he's at least willing to help...

An elderly-looking man tends to the shop behind the counter, his hair streaked with grey. His jaw was set in an almost permanent scowl, making me understand why the woman said he seems to be usually grumpy.

"Excuse me...do you know where the Three Sword's cafe is?"

"The Three Sword's Cafe?!" He turns to me sharply, eyes squinting, "Are you one of those no-good ambassadors from who knows where again? I told you I have to nothing to do with-"

I nearly jump back in surprise at his hostile tone, but I school myself and try to control the situation. "No, no. I'm not. I swear an... associate is just waiting for me there. But I don't know where the cafe is." I raise my hands as a gesture of peace, not sure how well that would go across.

He narrows his eyes at me, hand gripping the handle of his broom tightly before relaxing slightly, "...Hmph. I suppose you really don't look like one of them. They were quite the filthy little-"

I will spare you his colorful choice of, insults, let's just say it's more than offensive for anyone.

"...The cafe you're looking for is down the street. Turn right on the corner and keeping walkin'." He impatiently throws a finger over his shoulder at the supposed street, his voice gruff, "Now if that's all, I have other things to do."

I nod, voicing a quick thanks before hastily getting out of there.

That woman wasn't kidding, the man's grumpy. Well, at least I got the information I needed now.

After following the man's directions, I find myself looking at a quaint red-bricked building, the sun glinting off its wide glass windows. A metal sign hung above the door to the store, reading 'Three Sword's Cafe'.

Sure that I've got the right place, I open the door, a little bell ringing above it as I step into the shop, instantly, the smell of fresh ground coffee hits my nose. I glance over the patrons at their tables, searching for a particular head of unruly white hair. Until a familiar voice calls over my shoulder.

"Raven..! Over here."

I turn, seeing North nodding me over from a booth through another doorway that split the shop into seemingly two dining rooms. I walk over to him, he averts his eyes for a moment, as if in guilt.

He looks back at me, expression completely apologetic, "Look, about yesterday night...I'm-"

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault," I slide into the seat across from him, already knowing what he was going to say. I give him a small smirk as I settle into the surprisingly lush seats, "We're siblings after all. Don't they always fight over nothing and then make up the next morning?"

He cracks an almost amicable smile, the tension seeping from his shoulders just a little. "Fair point."

I look at our surroundings, a fair amount of other people occupied the tables, most in business casual clothes, others like your usual passerby on the street. A waiter in a butler uniform bustles past us, carrying an impressive tray of teetering drinks in one hand, and then another floats along by his side, trailing magic.

The smooth leather of the seats in the booth was cool to the touch and the white marble tables just reflect money spent. And I just had to note the slightly jazzy music in the background

"So...why the sudden change of time?" I asked, "I doubt we're here at a fancy place just for brunch before we meet up with our informant."

North takes a sip from a cup of coffee in front of him, eyes flitting to the side to briefly scan the room, "...I received a message by raven saying that we had to come, as soon as possible. Alpha did say before three...this is before three, just not when we expected. Also, you should try their coffee, it tastes great." He takes another sip as if to add emphasis.

I follow his gaze, observing the nature of the uniforms each server wore, and then looked at a waitress in a short-skirted maid's attire, cheerfully greeting a customer. "I've noticed...why are the waiters dressed as if they could be serving high-noon tea at fancy parties?" I look to North, who just quietly sips his coffee as an answer. "Who...", A figure crosses the corner of my vision, appearing at the front of our table. I look up to see a waitress, her maid uniform framing her...cleavage..assets. I direct my eyes away hastily.

North glances at me, the surprise in his expression mirroring mine.

I guess he didn't expect this kind of...service, either. Then why...

Before I finish that thought she smiles at us, a flirtatious glint in the sea-green color of her eyes, she dips her head coyly.

"Welcome to the Three Sword's Maid Cafe. How may I be of your service...masters?"

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