
Lawless Love

Raven was just a little demon child when it happened. ...In more ways than one. Having been born into a world of two constantly clashing fractions, her life took a turn for the worse as she ends up on the receiving end. With an upbringing more peaceful than most of her kind, she grows up with a taste for mischief and adventure. And oh boy did mischief find her. In the face of her mother's death and the arrest of her father, her childhood had ended with them, along with her memories. As of a lost romance waiting to be rekindled, first, a forgotten friendship must reignite. Now as she navigates the maze of life to discover a forgotten light, will she find that theres more to her fate than just the daughter of a criminal? Discord Server of Yuri Authors and Readers, Feel free To Join~ - https://discord.gg/a4T9yTR72Y

Yuro · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter XIX - The Morning After the Celebration

I wake up to the feeling of the sun on my face.

I sit up, yawning. Something slides off my back, the sound of fabric softly hitting the ground. I pick up the bundle of cloth, recognizing it as the cloak Minuet had worn.

But the president herself was nowhere to be seen.

James lay sprawled, snoring on top of one of the couches.

Everyone else was also passed out around the room, even Ari who was asleep with her head in her arms at the table, muttering something about a diary

At least...almost everyone.

I look out towards the balcony- balcony? There is a balcony? It seems I have failed to notice there was.

Puzzled, I notice the door to the terrace was slightly cracked open, letting in a cold draft as the chirps of birds can be heard outside. Following my sense of curiosity, I got up, the cloak in my hand, quietly making my way towards the balcony, careful to not wake anyone up.

Outside, the sun was already shining at the edge of the sky, the birds sang, and the air so crisp so it was almost minty- almost.

"Looking for some of the morning air too hm?"

I nearly jump out of my skin, snapping my head towards the voice.

Minuet greets me with a small smile, leaning against the railing with her arms, the soft breeze caressing her dark silky hair as her striking deep-blue eyes gleam in the pale sunlight.

She laughs at my startled expression, making me flush with embarrassment.

"Oh, it's just you," I grumbled, looking away.

"Mhm...fine morning isn't it?" She said, an amused smile still tugging at the corner of her mouth as she turns away, looking over the empty courtyard and gardens, "Some fresh air is always nice when clearing your head..."

My stomach growls involuntarily, making itself known. Flustered, I try to cover it up, pushing her cloak in her hands.

"Um-Your cloak, I...thanks for that..." I mumbled, already embarrassed enough, now on the verge of wanting to leap off the balcony to escape the humiliation.

"Oh-! Well, thank you," She takes the cloak into her hand, briefly surprised.

Suddenly remembering, I take the now slightly bent letter out from my pocket, miraculously not crippled or lost after all this time it spent cramped into my jacket.

"I think you dropped this, I found it when you left in the library," I hold it out towards her.

Her eyes widen slightly at the envelope, before relief floods into her expression, "Oh no, that's for you." She pushes the paper back towards me, "I was planning to give it to you later that day, but I couldn't find it. Luckily you did, or else I would get into some trouble for failing to deliver it."

I blink in surprise, "A letter, to me?"

"Indeed, I was told by the messenger it was an important mail," She answered, "Would be a shame if it was lost or fell into the wrong hands."

I stare at the envelope in my hand for a moment, before deciding to tuck it back into the pocket of my jacket.

"I will take a look later..."

My stomach growls again, louder.

Minuet raises her eyebrows, I look away, ashamed.

"By chance, have you been into town yet?"

I shake my head, "No..."

"How about this then, I will give you a tour of the town, and we can grab a bite along the way- How does that sound?" She offers, looking to me for an answer as she peers at me over the top of her glasses.

After a moment, I nod slowly, my ears still burning.

"I...If you're offering...who am I to refuse?"

She smiles in kind, the action enough to make hearts flutter, "It's decided then." She turns, stepping back inside, "Meet me at the plaza in fifteen, you should have no problem getting there, it's right down the hill from the school entrance."

Minuet walks away, a few of the Elites already starting to stir awake as she disappears out the door.

Evelyn sits up from her place on the ground, rubbing her eyes groggily, "Mn? Morning already...?"

I turn to look out over the stone railing, a small smile falling onto my face.

Me, looking forward to a casual outing? Even I would be surprised. Nonetheless...I'm, excited.



A few students milled about the campus, but otherwise, it was deserted. Presumably, because classes were out of session for the weekend.

I quicken my pace down the stone path, passing through the school gates as I walk by. The scenery was good enough to stop and marvel at if one could. Trees blotted with red and gold, lined all the way down the path from the entrance. The leaves look as if they have been picked up, dipped in a tub of fire, and then unceremoniously plopped back on the lawn.

The further I traveled from campus, the more the sound of lively instruments can be heard, the upbeat music perfect for the bright morning to get people moving and awake. The noise of people bartering and chatting was all around as I walked into the plaza, stalls lining the square as they advertised their goods.

I scanned around for the president, looking for the glint of her glasses with her notable school uniform. I find her- but not in what I thought she would be, I catch sight of her figure in front of the fountain, glancing at her wrist.

Her hair was put over one shoulder, tied in place middle by a thin ribbon. She was outside her uniform, wearing a white short-sleeved dress shirt and navy blue suspender dress, all held together by a black belt near the waist.

Almost as if detecting my presence, she looks up, glancing in my direction, turning as I walk towards her.

I tried not to stare, but I couldn't help but stare.

Her brilliant blue eyes unobscured by her glasses, with her bangs falling just slightly into them. A silver necklace laid around her neck, tying the whole outfit together as it glints in the sun.

She smiles as I approached, making my heart skip a beat.

"...I see you came."

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