
Lawless ceo

A promise made between the fathers of both parts is forcing them to get married, however Keira found a reason to keep the marriage going

Loureen_Chikanga · Teen
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3 Chs

The promise

"Its time to fulfill your promise Mr Smith " Mr Dennis said as he put down his wine glass . "Yaa I was thinking of telling her today our children are now old enough to get married " Mr smith said . There is no way he was going to break the promise he had made to Mr Dennis . Five years ago when his empire was about to be taken away from him he was saved by Mr Dennis he saved him but refused to be payed back so he promised that he will give his only daughter Keira Smith to Mr Dennis's son Sydney Dennis . "I will take my live thank you for the wine Mr Smith " expect my visit anytime soon Mr Smith said "I will be waiting


"Greetings father" Keira greeted his father as she get down the stairs hey my child he said as he gave her a hug "how was work" she asked "nothing much u know it are you coming to work tomorrow " yeah tomorrow I will be at the HQ just signed a contract with the CEO of Marotech our deal is now finalized " okay yeah I think my company is in good hands I'm proud of you Kiki " thank you father she smiled there is something I want to tell you " what is it

"I want you to get married " there was a long silence between them before she said why is that father I'm still 21 " I want to die knowing you are in good hands he said " you are now scaring me she said as she laughed " I'm serious I've already find a nice suitor for you " what she said wide eyed are serious father besides I have a boyfriend u can't just marry me off to a stranger. He is not a street you will get to know him better as time goes on no need to worry she sighed " who is the person by the way " Sydney Dennis he said " are you serious father you mean the CEO of starlom the play boy my greatest rival how can you do that to me father .Hey Kiki he is a good man I know him you don't have to trust things you see on tv ."I will never get married to him no matter what just forget it father " Kiki what I said is final he said as he said . Keira ran to her room and changed her clothes she went outside and took her motorbike and drove away.


I was not expecting you Kiki wassup Diego asked her Mexican friend . "You can't believe it my father want to marry me of to Sydney " so what is the problem he asked " are you serious everything is the problem how can I get married to him of all people " Diego sighed Kiki come down I personally think there is no problem its a good thing to us we can use him to our advantage "what about Elvis . Forget him your relationship was dead anyway .so what is the plan