
Law of Perseverance

"You should've thought about that before you said that to me. I am Lev Mikhail Romanov Raskolnikov, one of the Children of the great politician of Russia. And yet... Why did I like someone like you?" Lev said those words with a heavy feeling, his father was there looking at them with a unreadable face. Alexei didn't know what emotion Lev was showing, he knows this is forbidden and yet the two choose to like each other. A thief from Tolyatti and a failure child from the Raskolnikov family. "Lev, don't make me repeat myself. Kill that man, or I'll kill you instead." His father threatened his own son like someone he didn't know for years. "I apologize.." Lev said pointing the gun on Alexei. A/N: This story will only have a few chapters cause I'm lazy. Second, the description was just a teaser on the next few chapter~

MmyRikorin · Realistic
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2 Chs

2: Pointless Being

Life always been much shame, making everything hard and stupid to live in this such life. How pitiful for the people think that there's always a hope for people like Lev. Such patheticness always run on his blood and some people say that 'Life is full of problem and that problems will disappear when you finally did the right thing.' that is the only thing he thinks it's useless. Life is just full of unfortunate for him, it's just full of uselessness like him. 'This is really unfortunate...' He thought looking up at the bright sky with a neutral expression on his face, him carrying the surname of the famous Politician over the century in Russia, The Raskolnikov. But no one even dare to thought how did they even start from the first place.

As he walk pass through the St. Basil's Cathedral, he saw the people devoting their will to the god who thinks it will give them hope to continue living. But they didn't know that everything was just useless. "Abandoned all hope... And continue the life of endless suffer..." As he spoke those words, his voice shook with the weight of the despair he felt. He had given up on any hope of finding joy in life and had resigned himself to an existence of unrelenting misery. The misery to fail to continue living, continue having hope, and the misery to continue the will of existence. How pathetic, really pathetic.

He keeps walking in the endless road and saw someone that looks familiar with, he came close to the girl and saw that it was Anastasiya, the youngest daughter of the Morozov family. "Hi... Haha, I look stupid right now so please don't look at my face." She said with such embarrassing voice in order to make Lev to do what she says. "I apologize Irina, but your face really look so pathetic right now." He said forcing himself not to laugh in front of a girl. "I know!! Just stop please... I just got in this situation cause I chose to ran away from my father."

"Is there particular reason why you ran away from your own father?"

"He wanted me to marry a nobleman, it's really pointless to marry that man! What about you? You should be in the hall with your clan."

"I just don't like crowded places and I hate my family, you know that."

"Yeah... Oh by the way, did you know that my family and your family is having an agreement?"

"No, I don't have a reason to know about it cause I'm only an outcast."

"Then come with me then! I know some places here in Moscow."

Lev didn't mind about Anastasiya dragging him to some places, even though he hates beIng dragged to some places that he didn't know about. "Here..." She said pointing out a coffee shop, "The hell are we doing here?" Anger comes out again, making her somehow uncomfortable.

"A place where you can read, drink coffee and read again or write a story with peace. In short, my safe place."

'Safe place? How amusing.' he thought looking at Anastasiya.

"I don't wanna be rude but... I need to go now, it's because I'm just not a fan of this thing so I'll leave." She said and just left him standing outside the place.

She didn't respond and just look at him leaving without a word, few moments of walking again. He keeps having the thoughts of being killed again. Those thoughts of him getting is getting really serious to deal with, in the family of Raskolniko. The only thing matter is fame and strength.

He was out of the blue when suddenly bump to someone so unexpected, it was his beloved brother. Luka... A young man with such strong part of the school of being in the Secretary position.

"My, oh my. I don't expect my brother in this such place." Luka said looking at Lev with such disgust face, Lev is used to be in the situation where he is the bad guy and his 'lovely' brother is the victim. He didn't dare to say a word and just leave him behind, "Lev Maksimilian Romanov Raskolnikov, such a disgrace when someone is talking to you and you just left." He said looking at Lev with a smug smile.

"What is it you want?" Lev said looking straight to his brothers face without any expression to give. "You know today is our mother's death anniversary. And yet you didn't even dare to step foot at her grave." Luka pointed out trying to make a scene to embarrassed Lev. "And?" Lev trying to make him the fool cause even in the start, their mother will just a nobody to the family since she was dead. "Is that all? Do you really think i care?" Lev added making Luka angry, he didn't dare to spoke another work to lev and just left him with a frown on his face. Lev got into a deep thought and just continue to walk, he was too deep in the thought and bump into someone.

"I apologize.." The young man said continuing to walk like he was getting chase. He was getting impatient to the point he wanted to end things clearly but he knows that if he did no one will be knowing what he sacrifice. As he continue to walk, some police was running towards the young man who bumped into him. "Excuse me, young sir. Did you saw a young man not that tall as you, blonde hair and wearing a fur coat?" Some police ask Lev.

"I didn't." The short answer makes the police frustrated but Lev couldn't care less. "Alright.. Thank you" the police said and continue to search for that young man. 'How amusing' He thought again and continue walking towards the mansion where every member of the Raskolnikov live. As he enters through the gate, he saw Katarina. His cousin, despite using another surname she was welcomed to the family.

"Looks like someone is getting irritated by seeing his favorite cousin~" Katarina starts to tease the hell of him cause she knows that she was the only one he was comfortable talking to. "Enough already." Lev said clearly not enjoying how his cousin tease him. "By the way, did you perhaps saw a young man he was kind of same height as Irina and has a blonde hair?"

"Yeah, i guess... He bumped into each other earlier, he was being chased some police" He stated while looking at her. "You did?! You should've tell me sooner! That man stole my wallet and just ran away!"

She said with a panicking tone, she walks closer to him and grab him by the shoulder. "Find that man, or else I'll despite you too... Understand?"

"Understood." He said getting kind of scared of Katarina. "Now go find my wallet cause i had my important ID in there, now go!" Katarina said pushing him away, if he doesn't find that something will really going to happen.

As he walks away, again. He looks around to find that young man, he couldn't believe he was the one needed to find that wallet instead some police instead of him. He sigh as he continue to walk around area where he saw that young man. As he stumbles into someone to a secluded area, Lev saw that someone is being harass by some three random guys. "Hey. Don't you think it's nice to hurt someone?" Lev said towering over them clearly doesn't care if something bad happen to him.

"Huh?! Who do you think you are? Huh? Your just a kid. Now, give me your wallet so I don't have to punish you." The older guy said smirking at Lev, the old man clearly doesn't know who he was fighting to. Lev just didn't say a word and just gave him a punch on the face making him fall on the ground. "Lev Raskolnikov, the second heir of the strongest and powerful politician in Russia." Lev stated making the other guys leave. "H-Hey! Don't leave me hanging!" The older guy was frighten and was scared cause he didn't know what else to do.

Lev notice that the person they were harassing was the young man who stole his cousins wallet. He let the older guy left and steps forward to that young man. "Thank you.. if you didn't help me here... I was already dead-" The young man was cut off by Lev, he slap him on the face making a red mark on it. "Don't act innocent, tell me your name and give me my cousins wallet." He was getting straight to the point and don't want any talks with the young man. He was getting irritated cause of how the sudden quietness around. "I'm Alexei... Alexei Gorbachev.. I'm sorry for stealing, i just... Don't have any money now and-"

"Then find a job, don't rely on being a snatcher all along. Now give me the wallet." Lev stated getting more and more irritated by the second. "Yes, i will... Here's the wallet." Alexei said giving him the wallet. Lev opens it and saw that the money was already gone and the only thing left is some credit cards and ID. "I'll let you go this time, if i heard that you keep snatching some wallet. I won't let you go."

"Understood.." Alexei said before walking away, as he walks away Lev sighs not knowing what to do next. He took out his own wallet taking some money and putting it on the wallet that was taken. He walks away holding the wallet that was stolen. As he reaches on the Mansion, Katarina was there sitting on the ground waiting for Lev. "Did you find it?!" Katarina was excited when he saw Lev walking towards her.

He just became silent before giving her the wallet. "Thank you! I knew i could trust you!" She suddenly hug him cause of greatfullness Lev have, he was just quiet not into physical interaction. "Yeah, welcome." Lev just letting her hug him and didn't much care about it. As she pulls away, she drags him now inside the mansion where everyone was already there.

"Where the hell are you? Such a total disgrace you become like your mother really is." His father said when they both enter the hall. "I apologize... Father." Lev said trying to look at his father in the eyes but he wasn't looking. "We're very busy and we can't wait till tomorrow so just drop whatever you have to do right now and get ready." He said looking away from Lev.

"But..." he started but was quickly interrupted by his father.

"That's an order." Lev simply gave up, he knew that this time his dad would not change his mind. "I understand." With those words Lev went upstairs leaving his father alone to do anything else he wants.

He takes the first shower as soon as possible, he didn't feel like dealing with his dad now. As the time went on, Lev was just there on his room wanting to end things...