
Lavandeir's Revenge (English Version)

Underground Organization Series 1 : Completed Lavandeir Trinidad is an outcast of Elites College University. She was the only one who's a scholar student, the only reason why she was being bullied by most of the students. The leaders of the bullies are the Elites, which are consisting of few individuals who are part of the richest socialites. One day, someone offered her to be part of an organization. An organization which she didn't expect it to be existed in reality. She'll meet few new students which she started to suspect that they're also a member of that unknown organization. Will she trust them? A/N : This story was made since 2018 and completed in 2021. I just revised it to a new version but the plot, characters, and settings were still the same. The story consist of action, mystery, teen romance, and betrayal

Parisfrans99 · Action
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9 Chs

Who is He?

"Eat first before I take you home."

He faced me and looked at me from head to foot as if he's scanning me. I was conscious by what he did that but I couldn't look away.

"Feel free to feel at home. Just get any food you want and serve for yourself. I'll just get your clothes," he said and left without me even reacting to him. He even cautiously brought his laptop with him as if he didn't want anyone else to see it.

I took a deep breath when I was left alone. I was really nervous and conscious when he looked at me like that, like I was a suspect and he was the police.

'Is it really okay with him that I get food here? I'm a stranger to him and we don't even know each other and he told me to feel at home. Isn't it weird?'

I tiptoed then peeked to know where he went. I saw him calling someone on the phone as he entered another room. There are two rooms here?

I didn't move and just stood there. Observing the entire kitchen, amazed at its cleanliness and how well-arranged the things are. This place really looks expensive.

I don't know how many minutes passed when suddenly my stomach rumbled. I'm hungry. I peeked again at the door he entered earlier and waited for a few more minutes in case he might come out but he didn't.

I went to the fridge and looked inside. But I was surprised when there was a lot of bottled water in there. There is only some sandwiches that still have their wrappers on and look like they still need to be microwaved.

That's all and the others are all drinks. Bottled water, canned coffee, canned alcoholic drinks and canned juices. Only one really caught my attention, the two big red C2s. My favorite drink!

I took one and placed it on the table. I glanced at the door before approaching the cabinets above the sink. And I was even more surprised that there were only canned foods. More cup noodles, and other processed foods.

'Doesn't he know how to cook a meal?'

Because the ones he have here are all those easy-to-cook foods. Different flavors of noodles. I didn't expect a rich person to stock food like this. There's also one cabinet that is full of junk foods snacks.


So many Vcuts!

'VCUTS! Why does he have these here?! Is this a good thing?'

I quickly reached for one Vcut and brought it to the table and couldn't help myself but to smile. This snack makes me happy!

"Woah! S-since when did you got there?"

I clutched my chest in shock when I saw him leaning against the door with his arms crossed. He looked at the Vcut I was holding and raised an eyebrow at me.

"I-I'm hungry. Y-You said it's okay to take food. Hehe! I-I'll pay..."

"No need." He came to me and took the C2 from the table and the VCut I was holding and moved them away from me. "I'll give it to you but eat breakfast first. Junk food is not good in the morning."

"It's already morning?"

"Yes, 04:32. Do you eat any flavor of noodles?"


He turned to me and raised an eyebrow before I could say anything.


'Noodles in the morning aren't good either,' I wanted to say that, but I couldn't.


He frowned and closed the cabinet again before going to the fridge and getting a sandwich.

"You can say you don't want noodles though. Sandwich you want?"

"No, i-it's not like that..."

'Shall I say? Or not? Will he be offended? He looks so scary! Though his voice is still calm!'

"Noodles are not good in the morning either... But that's just my opinion."

"Oh? I didn't know."


"Coffee? Hot chocolate?"

"Hot chocolate."

'He looks normal even though his face is grumpy. Is this really how he normally look? Bored expression with a scary-looking gaze?'

Even though he helps me, I still don't know him so I don't trust him yet.

He faced me while waiting for the sandwich to be reheated in the microwave. We stared at each other so I blinked and looked away.

'Why is he looking at me like that!?'

"You don't cook?" I asked to get away from awkwardness.

'Stop looking at me like that! Do you really have to stare, you grim reaper?'

"It's not like that. But yes, I don't know how to cook proper meals."

I sighed to meet his gaze again. I just have to convince myself that that's just how he normally looks. I admit he's handsome. Very handsome... But I feel uncomfortable whenever I meet his gaze. It's as if scanning the whole me, to my soul.

"You don't have time to cook..." I just blurted out what I observe.

'What's with our conversation?.. But it's better this way than not talking at all. I still need to know why he help me.'

He frowned and was about to say something when the microwave rang so he turned away from me. I sighed in relief!

I approached him when he handed me the plate with the sandwich as well as the cup with hot chocolate. He also took his and he also brought a cup of black coffee and placed it on the table.

'Coffee again.'

We face each other now and eat in silence.

"How can you say I don't have time to cook?" he suddenly asked.

I pointed to the cabinets and the refrigerator. "Pure processed foods that are easy to cook. Cup noodles, sandwiches, water."

He nodded and said no more.

"Is that all yours? Or are you living with someone here?"

"My memb... my friends. My cousin usually comes here. I forgot to bring your clothes but I already put it in the room where you sleep."

'Maybe the phone call he took earlier was that important that he forgot to bring my clothes. What is he doing and he seems so busy? I know it's not about school because it's still the second day.'

'Who could he be? Why did he help me? Why did he seems to know everything about ECU? I didn't saw him in the 1st semester. I know he help me but should I trust this guy?'

He ate fast as if he was always in a hurry but still looked compose. It's hard to describe it. The way he move were as if he's always in a haste but his face is still composed.

There are also small wounds from his hand to his arm similar to the wounds on his back that I saw last time. It's amazing that his handsome face doesn't have bruise like what he have in his arms. He must value his face so much. The skin of his face looks like a skin from a very elegant lady.

He has a pointed nose and his lips are in were not too thin and properly curved and beautiful. It's reddish as if he applied lipbam to it. His hair were like onyx black and even though it's not properly fixed, it's still makes him so handsome. And his eyes--

I gasped when I realized he's already staring at me. My heart beats faster because of shock. That scares the hell out of me!

"Staring is rude. Ask me anything instead, but I'm not obligated to answer but yeah ask me."

'He's just too lazy to explain so he'll just answer what I want to know.'

"Why did you help me?"

"I don't know."

I frowned at his direct answer and his expression didn't seems to lie either. But what kind of answer is that?

"Are you from ECU? Do you know Jax?"

"I just transferred. Jax is famous."

"So you know what I am at ECU..." that I am bullied.

"You are stating the obvious."

"Aren't you afraid to help me? If the Elites find out, you'll definitely get involved with me. And Elites punish anyone who help me."

"I'm not afraid."

"Thank you for helping me…" He took the cup of coffee away from his mouth to look at me, waiting for what I would say next. "But I don't know you so I don't trust you and one more thing, I don't want you to get involve..."

"So you don't want us to see each other again?"

I nodded and looked at him seriously. He grinned making me frown.

"I want that to happen too but good luck to us."

"What do you mean?"

He stood up and did not answer me. He put his plates to the sink so I stood up and came to him with mine.

"Let me wash the dishes. Thanks for the food," I said.


I was about to ask him what he meant with that 'goodluck' when his cellphone rang. He left my side before answering the call. Before he left the kitchen, I heard him say on the other line, "I'll be there in two hours..."

'He is a very busy person which seems different from being busy as a student.'

Because of that, I was curious about him. Those wounds, the person he was talking to on the call, his focused in front of his laptop. What exactly is he doing?

I shook my head to get rid of those questions. I shouldn't be curious about him. I don't want him to be like the other students who helped me before who were also dealt a hand by the Elites. Kim is the only one they don't oppress because maybe Kim's family is strong. But I'm still thankful she's there.

'If it wasn't about your sponsor...'

I remember Jax mentioning that. What does he mean by that?

I stopped rinsing the plate when I remembered what they had done to me yesterday.

'Why are there people like them? So evil!'

After I finished washing, I glanced at the C2 and the Vcut that still on the table. I would like to ask them from him but it's embarrassing, he already gave me food.

I saw him in the living room and was working on his laptop again.

"Change first then I will drive you home," he said without looking at me so I just nod.

Is he that comfortable with me and just let me do anything in his condo? What if I'm a thief?

"Can I... Can I take a shower?" I shouldn't have asked about it but because I only washed my face before going out earlier and I feel sticky.

I don't care what he says about my appearance. I only worry about my brother. I don't want him to get worried so I will just lie to him that I slept in my friend's house. And if I look like this, he might be suspicious.

'Oh no! Big brother! Why did I forget to look at my cellphone? Where are my eyeglasses? I need to call him and tell him I'm okay! Why did I forgot?'

"You can. Told you to feel at home," he said and quickly typed on the laptop without glancing at me.

"I'm sorry. I just---" I was about to say that I didn't want to show my family like this but he cut me off.

"No need to explain. Take a shower if you want."

I nodded and turned back. I was about to walk out when he suddenly...

"Shut up and focus, bastards!"

I quickly looked at him in shock and when he realized I turned around to look at him, he shook his head and pointed to the earpiece he was wearing. As if telling he's not talking to me.

'I'm now too curious! What is he really doing?'