
Lavandeir's Revenge (English Version)

Underground Organization Series 1 : Completed Lavandeir Trinidad is an outcast of Elites College University. She was the only one who's a scholar student, the only reason why she was being bullied by most of the students. The leaders of the bullies are the Elites, which are consisting of few individuals who are part of the richest socialites. One day, someone offered her to be part of an organization. An organization which she didn't expect it to be existed in reality. She'll meet few new students which she started to suspect that they're also a member of that unknown organization. Will she trust them? A/N : This story was made since 2018 and completed in 2021. I just revised it to a new version but the plot, characters, and settings were still the same. The story consist of action, mystery, teen romance, and betrayal

Parisfrans99 · Action
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Third Person


"So cousin? Mind telling me who's this beautiful lady laying on your bed?" asked by a rather tall and beautiful woman sweetly. she smirked as she followed her gaze to the young man.

He didn't say a word and just took a towel and a plain t-shirt and lower pajamas from his closet, causing the girl to grin even more.

"You even rushed me here despite knowing I'm on a mission, asked me to take care of her... hmm... Which is the very first time this happened. So? Who is she?"

"Lower your voice or shut up," he said in a monotone voice.

"C'mon! You're obviously avoiding the important subject here!"

"If you're done taking care of her, get out and wait for me in the living room," he said and went in to the bathroom. He's afraid the girl will wake up from her deep sleep. Her face looks so tired.

The young woman looked at the face of the woman her cousin brought here for the first time.

'She looks like someone... but not really.'

But she just ignored that thought and grinned even more. She was curious about the sleeping woman but she couldn't help but wonder why she had many bruises.


"They still haven't tracked us but we know that anytime, we'll be traced. What will you do if Jax Blaine find out you're back?"

"So be it! I don't plan to hide forever. He already has an idea what we are and our whereabouts and he's just confirming things."

The girl frowned when she saw that he had prepared a bag filled with a binder notebook, a few books, and a ballpoint pen.

"You're going back to school?"

"I already enrolled for the second semester. ECU," he said boredly.

"And you didn't tell me?" she frustratingly asked. The young man didn't answer so the girl just sighed and stood up.

"I better get going! I still need to prepare for my transfer. And when I have time, I'm going to follow that girlfriend of yours whether you like it or not!"

"She's not mine. And no need, she's also studying there," he boringly said referring the ECU. His cousin looks more excited because of what he said.

"Oh? This must be interesting! So? What are you gonna do with her? You're not planning something on her now that you're alone with a girl, aren't you? You're a man after all."

The young man swiftly took one step and dragged the girl to the outside of his condo and closed the door. He sighed as the surroundings became quiet again. The girl laughed and immediately called someone as she left.

"You won't believe what I've witnessed! Our leader is already bringing a girl in to his condo! Inside his very own room!"

The young man entered his room to check on the girl who was still sleeping.

'Those bastards! They still haven't changed!'

He was supposed to drive her to her house when she fell asleep in the passenger seat of his car. He also tried to find her address and when he saw that there was someone in her house, he didn't continue, especially since the girl's bruises were obvious. He doesn't want her family to worry and he doesn't want to waste his time explaining to them what's going on.

He recognized the girl's face when he saw that the students worked together to bully her.

He wanted to monitor ECU first before showing up to Jax and Reid again. So he was observing the surroundings first, finding out everything that was happening inside the campus.

'But I didn't expect there were more students who were also members of the underground!' he thought when one of students saw him surveying the campus and even mistook him for a spy.

'I don't have a choice but to silence the witness! But that bastard already informed them about the intruder, which was me!'

He knew that Jax already had a hunch that he was there in the campus, that's the reason why they went to the Commerce building where his first class was.

He doesn't care if Jax knows he's here. He was ready to face him again. It's been three years since they last met, back when they were in high school.

And his anger towards Jax still doesn't change.

He went out to the balcony and took out a cigarette and lit it.

'I still have something to do. I'll just drive her home when she wakes up. Why did I even help her in the first place?'

He felt remorse for why he helped the girl. Because of what he did, he knew that there was a possibility that her situation would get worse.


It's been hours since he left her in his room. He's busy doing some important matter in front of his laptop. Telling his members about the plan that they need to execute tomorrow tonight. Listening to their reports and asking commands from their headquarters. He didn't even mind their queries about the girl he brought in his condo.

He was about to take his cigarette when suddenly... someone cleared a throat behind him.

He quickly looked at her that makes the girl stunned because of his sudden action.

"Ah! H-Hi!"

"When did you get here?"

"J-Just now. W-where am I?"

'Why didn't I feel her presence?'




I woke up and wondered why I was in a room I wasn't familiar about. The room is beautiful and its owner is obviously rich. The surroundings are very clean and the design is simple. The space is also big.

I frowned when I realized that the owner was a man. Because of the color combination of the items. Pure white, light gray and dark gray. Both the bedsheet and the curtain are black. There is a small cushion seat on the side that is also plain dark gray in design.

The size of this bed. This is my brother's dream bed that he always includes in his imagination. My brother said that when he becomes rich he will buy a king size bed like this with this color.

I quickly got off the bed when I remembered the man who helped me earlier... What time is it?.

Did he bring me here? Is this place his? Why did he bring me here? Why didn't he wake me up?

I even gasped when I saw that I was wearing something different now! A pajama suit that was for a... 'girl?'

And my eyes widened even more when I wasn't wearing a bra. Good thing I'm still wearing panty shorts. Did I slept like a log? Why didn't I wake up when someone was changing my clothes?

'I'm dead brother!'

I left the room and was even more amazed at the surroundings. The space is also clean and big. Even though it was a little dark because the other lights were off, I could still see the surroundings. There are three long sofas and a long glass table in the middle. The living room is so big that it seems like several people live in the size of this house. Or is this a house?

There was no one here but I saw an ashtray in the middle of the glass table and based on the cigarette butts that was there, the ashes were still new. Grandpa loves smoking so I know whether the ash in the ashtray is new or not.

When I noticed that the kitchen was very bright, I was about to go there but my eyes caught a picture frame on the TV stand.

I immediately approached it and examined it carefully because my vision was blurry. A photograph of a boy I don't know. Maybe this is the man who helped me. Next to him is also a girl. His sister?

I put it back in front of the TV and headed to the kitchen. I know he's there because that's where the light comes from.

I saw him and he wasn't facing me. He is busy with what he was doing. I don't know what to say first or how to get his attention because he seems so serious. He's typing too fast! I looked at the monitor but I didn't understand anything in it. Is he an IT student?

There was a cup of black coffee on the long table and there was also an ashtray with a cigarette that's still lit.

'Another ashtray? He might like smoking so much.'

The cigarette is only half, except for the two that are already consumed, but the coffee is still untouched.

I sighed and decided to stop observing him all the time and get his attention.


I was surprised when he quickly turned to me and glared at me. His movements were very alert, causing me to step back a little.

"When did you get here?"

'Those eyes of his that are always looks angry.'

Maybe that's just how he looked. It's like he's checking the soul of the person and like a grim reaper that's about to give judgement.

"J-Just now! W-Where am I?"

'Why was I felt uneasy? Well, I am just asking and I have the right to ask!'

He looked at me for a few seconds before he sighed and closed his laptop without taking his eyes off of me.

"You're in my condo. You fell asleep in my car and I didn't know your address."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You're sleeping so soundly," he said sarcastically, frowning at me. Why do I seem like a burden to him?

"W-who changed my clothes?"

I stared at him as he stood up and brought the cup of coffee and poured it into the sink and washed it.

"My cousin. Don't worry."

I breathed deeply. I thought he was the one who... erased! Forget that thought!

I suddenly felt a blush at that thought so I immediately forgot about it.


To be continued...