
The Manor

was completely shocked . She asked me to bring a piece of parchment and a quill . Good Lord ,Tonks was there too . After bringing her the parchment and quill she started scribbling on it . Then what seemed like a few minutes she set it off to the Malfoy's with her owl . The next morning another owl returned with a letter . As soon as she read the letter tears started pouring down her cheeks . ' Pack your things up Laura we need by floo today evening . I mean only you so ...' she said in a broken voice then she hugged her tightly . Laura ran up to her room and started crying against the door Tonks started knocking it she opened it . She hugged her tightly then helped her pack up of  the rest things . 'Lets go downstairs you should probably have something .' said Tonks in an concerned tone the latter nodded . They both walked downstairs and in the kitchen . There were some pretzels and juice kept on the table . They both had them and Aunnie entered the room ' come on it's nearly time .  I guessed you've packed your things up Laura ? Very well  , then .' she embraced her niece and started crying . She handed Laura a letter ' Give it to Cissy . Ok ?' Laura nodded then walked towards the fireplace and flashed  a small smile at Nymphadora then took some floo powder and exclaimed ' Malfoy manner .' she got one last glimpse of the Tonks'kitchen and then she landed in an other fireplace with was much more fancy than the Tonks' .  And the roonm was surrounded by elegant and expensive household . The blond woman who she met a fortnight ago was seated elegantly on a chair having tea.  'Good evening .' she wished Laura with a smirk-smile 'Good evening .' replied Laura sternly . 'So you must be taken to your room first so you can make yourself at home and don't worry about your luggages they  would be carried by the house elves we can have enough time to chat afterwards ,maybe at tonight's dinner .' she finished smiling  . Laura nodded 'Thank you , oh and also Aunnie told me hand you this letter .' she handed over the letter to the older woman who took it gracefully . 'Very well then . I'll take you up to your room .'  she started walking Laura followed shortly . As soon as they reached the room that was supposed to be her room from now on a couple of house elves came hurrying with her luggage she took them from the elves and thanked them they looked rather shocked and Narcissa snorted .  'So , get yourself comfortable then if you need something call on the elves .' she walked off . Laura looked around it was a handsome room she started unpacking everything and after what seemed like hours she nearly finished someone knocked on the door Laura looked at the watch ' ten past eight ' she opened to the door revealing Draco who looked rather business like and so voice his voice ' Dinner's going to be served , mum expects you to be downstairs shorty .' as soon as he finished he walked away  . Laura closed the door and tidied the room after changing her clothes as the previous ones were not very clean after all this unpacking . She walked downstairs and found the Malfoys' were all about to be seated they all looked up as Laura entered ' Good evening ,Ms. Lestrange .' greeted who seemed to be Draco's  father . ' Good evening .' wished Laura with a smile . They were tucked in their seats dinner had just bein' served when Narcissa broke the silence ' Um Laura I wonder whether or not you like your new room ?' 'Oh it's really nice and warm and duh you can see a lot of different shades of green . It's really good I like it .' said Laura with  smile . Lucius joined in the conversation ' Narcissa we will go to the Diagon alley next  week , so Ms Lestrange would you like to go with us .' he says looking over at Laura .  ' I'm sorry but I'd like to go by myself .' Laura says looking down at her plate . 'But we can't leave you on your on in a place like Diagon alley , I don't know what your 'Aunnie ' did and not in present times .' said the other lady , Narcissa . Laura felt a muscle twitch in her jaw . 'Its settled then I'll go with you I haven't got a choice have I ?' said Laura . 'Excuse me .' she leaves .