
Late NPC Villain

Koo Hyun-seong, South Korea's best [Winter War 3] nertuber. He died as a result of a sudden heart attack. When he reopened his eyes, he was reincarnated as Pelas, the villain from [Winter War 3], whose death was confirmed. He makes a decision I decided to survive in my second life by writing everything I could! "I'll show you what happens when the dead put their lives in danger!"

Arnnok · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Episode 4. Welcome. >

Episode four. Welcome. >

The Winter War series was not particularly user-friendly.

Some figurines in the game were concealed, and it was up to the players to find them.

The majority of individuals detested such unkindness, but there were obviously players who enjoyed it.

Players, for example, value implementation.

Those with a plan who track down and uncover concealed facts one by one.

Kuo Sung was one of these people.

Therefore, being able to accomplish anything did not imply understanding everything.

One of them was Apel.


Count DiMeo's family has passed down a famed sword from generation to generation.

- Strength gains 10 points.

-Increases Agility by a factor of ten.


When Leonil and Nelsong establish a party, this item offers the following bonus stats. (Quest unfinished)

- Increases strength by 1-10%.

-Boosts agility by 1-15%.

-Additional stats vary at random within each attack's value.

Pelas cast a slow glance at Aphels.

'Do you mean something along these lines?


His lips curved into a soft smile.

Apel is a sword that arrives at the start of the game as a result of the tale.

It was, however, a useful item that could be used until the middle of the story.

A weapon whose power develops with the character.

It was something I knew I wanted to bring to Pellas.

Apel was the sword owned by Leonil, the game's main character, in the original tale.

Pelas' leg was severed and taken away.

'Fuck it. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.'

Nonetheless, when I played the game as Leonil, Apel's damage was stated differently from the published figure.

considerably more powerful than the statistics.

I could see it now.

It was logical if there was such a concealed advantage.

The stats of all items in the Winter War series were corrected.

Unlike conventional goods, though, a sword develops with the user.

I assumed it was just a primary plot quest item when I didn't know.

'Strangely, there was no % increase worn item in the Winter War, so how did you notice? this.'

It was very cruel.

It couldn't be easy to track the data because the two values of strength and agility vary with each attack in decimal units.

Furthermore, when you level up, the facts will alter again...

I know now that I've seen it with my own eyes.

The search, however, presented an unanticipated challenge.

A mission that may be achieved with the help of Leonil and Nelsong.

The two required to be linked in order for Apel to work effectively.

Because Apel's worth was just the component that became stronger with the character.

'The concern is that if I join them, my leg will be severed.'

The accomplishment of vengeance in Winter War 3 provides an opportunity for the two to get close.

Pelas' leg, in other terms, would have to be amputated.

"How about this?"

Pelas' voice broke through without my knowing.

Havertz, who was standing to the side, inquired hesitantly.

"What are you doing, Bochhan?"


"Oh, no..."

Pelas takes a breather before responding.

He gazed blankly at Havertz for a time before crying out in pain.


Then he dashed to the desk.

Pelas pulls out a scrap of paper and begins drawing.

Havertz approached cautiously and gazed at his picture.

"That's Bochhan..."

"Do you comprehend?"

"This is a map of the Norston area, yes."


According to Havertz, a map of the Norston region was drawn on the paper.

Pellas accurately portrays the Norston neighbourhood.

If it's a departed person, this should enough, he thought triumphantly to himself.

It was as though the map had been activated.

Havertz, who was gazing at the map, questioned and pointed to the areas indicated with an X on the map.

"Bocchan, what does that symbol mean?"

Pelas responded by turning to face him.

"Habertz, please do me a favour."

"Yes? Well, yes. Whatever."

"I'll have to hand over the thieves."

Pelas lifted one of his lips.

Since he was going to run across Leonil, Nelsong, and Gren anyhow, he should bring them in straight.

Instead of being caught off guard, it would be far more advantageous to lead them into their own traps.

* * *

Once Havertz has left.

Pelas sat back in his chair, brushing his chin.

"I don't believe it'll be an issue if it's as nice as Havertz's."

Pelas considered Havertz's ability to transport Apel.

He carries a weapon that Egor has specifically hidden at will to Egor's mansion?

This was something that no one could do.

Yet it was Havertz who accomplished it.

Although his skill to battle from the front may be weaker to monsters like Leonil, his expertise as an assassin appeared to be powerful.

Pelas then told him to take a jewellery.

Even yet, it wasn't an item with a special power.

A straightforward, generic necklace.

The necklace was nothing extraordinary, but it was a souvenir left by Nelson and the Gren brothers' mother.

Gren, Nelsong's younger brother, is the one who has it.

"Maybe if you bring that jewellery, you may entice him."

Gren had it arranged such that she always hid the jewellery in the hideaway.

Nelson discovers the necklace after Gren's death and wears it throughout the game's plot.

The hideaway was marked with an X on the map by Pelas.

Glenn was bound to turn up in real to discover it because I had seen it in the game as his favourite item.

"Then I'll be able to plan the welcoming ceremony."

Pelas was getting ready to throw a party.

That is impossible to put into action.

But what about Count Diome's eldest son, Pellas?

There was no issue at all.

* * *

Shake it up, Shasak.

Tall trees that reach for the sky.

A shadow moves like a cat between the woods.

Gren, Nelson's younger brother, was Northston's most heinous robber.

He was peering intently at a window that was suddenly right under his nose.

That was Pellas DiMeo's chamber, the eldest son of Count DiMeo.

"How dare you mess with Gren's thing? Really?"

He snorted once, as though perplexed, and then hurled himself again.


His physical presence vanished in an instant.

* * *

Pelas' room with the lights turned off.

Pelas was looking at the dim crescent moon.

"Haberts, did you follow the instructions?"

"Sure, Bocchan. Like you suggested, I left a small trace so it wouldn't be seen."


Pelas thoughtfully lifted the corners of his mouth.

Remembering what I had told Havertz to do.

Along with taking Glenn's jewellery, the plan was to leave a little hint.

A thief with a keen eye, such as Grenn, would have observed.

He was the one who took the necklace.

He claimed to be one of Norston's greatest thieves.

"Are you certain about what you've discovered?"

Pelas looked across at Havertz.

Havertz responded by lowering her head.

"Indeed, Master. A thief named Gren loves to move alone, and he will most certainly arrive alone this time."

"All well, then we'll get ready shortly."


* * *

less and less.

There were a few sounds, and then


With a faint sound, the locked window unlocked.

And let's build a space that only one person can pass through.


A ghostly shadow creeped into the room.

Glenn, Norston's most infamous thief.

Glenn rolled his eyes and looked around the room.

He instantly came up with locations to hide the jewellery.

'okay. It's somewhere about there, there, there.'

He cautiously took the dagger from his waistband after deciding where to look.


He arrived with a wicked black sword and went gently towards Pelas, who was asleep on the bed.


One step at a time.

It was preferable to remove the danger factor for a more pleasant search.

Moreover, the opponent is Pelas Dimeo, who stole his belongings in the first place.

There was no need to keep Glenn alive, in Glenn's opinion.

Glenn went silently until he reached the head of the bed.

Under the sheets, he raised his blade aloft at Pelas.

The lungs are the intended focus.

I wouldn't be able to scream adequately if I took out my lungs.

He plunged his blade down without hesitation once he was ready.


A deep-cutting sword.

Glenn, on the other hand, was feeling odd at the moment.

That was because I disliked the sensation of burrowing into it.

Glenn grimaced and took off the blanket.


But it contained a cushion.

Glenn's pupils dilated.

'It's a ruse!'


It was too late by the time I recognised what had happened.

* * *


When Pelas gave his commands.


The Dimeo family Assassins sprung from the shadows with incredible speed.

Sharp daggers sliced out like a bee sting.

Glenn, on the other hand, was out of the ordinary.

He was the one who twisted his body and escaped.


Suddenly Havertz, who had been lurking on the other side, leapt out.

Havertz's main weapon, an iron thread, was wrapped around Glenn's neck at the same time.

Be cheerful!

Glenn hurriedly inserted his arm before the iron thread became too tight.


Havertz working on strengthening the iron core.

She couldn't strangle him since her arms were tangled around each other.

Even so, it wasn't without money.

One arm was restrained.

Pelas extended his sword directly this time.

Glenn bounces his body up to the point that he wonders if it is a human movement, even when bound to Havertz.

His mobility was good, but he was wounded by a series of unexpected assaults.

Kudangtangtang, Chwak!

It hopped around like a cat, but the landing was a disaster.

Still, he straightened himself.

It had a fantastic response rate.

I'm not sure about fighting skills, but Glenn appeared to be faster than Nelsong in terms of agility.

Pellas lunged at him again, admiringly.

A horizontally cutting sword.


Glenn easily avoided the pace break.

Rather, he shifted his body discreetly and even fled Havertz's iron cell.

The moniker "Northton's finest thief" does not appear to have been coined in vain.


He snorted and sighed.

Pelas, on the other hand, raised an eyebrow at him.

Nelsong, the bastard who arrives in the winter conflict, demonstrated inactivity with such type of movement.

The capacity to flee even when trapped, as if you were a ghost.

Because he was his younger brother, Fellas assumed he would be able to do so.

That's why he methodically planned Havertz's path.

Glenn's course to take.

Happily, as predicted, even his fighting course was Gren, identical to Nelson's.

Havertz, who was already observing him closely, was confirmation of this.

Be cheerful!

Havertz's iron thread wrapped around his neck in an instant.

"Cuck! Cuck! Cuck!"

Glenn relaxed his guard, believing he would be able to flee.

Havertz's iron thread properly hooked his neck this time because of his negligence.

He strained, but the iron thread squeezed Glenn's throat the more he tried.


His cheeks went crimson and his eyes progressively closed as he roared like a beast trapped in a trap.

Pelas' smile appeared towards the end of his consciousness.

"Thank you for visiting my home."

Episode four. Welcome. >end