
Late NPC Villain

Koo Hyun-seong, South Korea's best [Winter War 3] nertuber. He died as a result of a sudden heart attack. When he reopened his eyes, he was reincarnated as Pelas, the villain from [Winter War 3], whose death was confirmed. He makes a decision I decided to survive in my second life by writing everything I could! "I'll show you what happens when the dead put their lives in danger!"

Arnnok · Fantasy
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47 Chs

< Episode 6 Is this your first time canceling a flat hit? >

Episode six. Is this the first time you've cancelled a flat hit? >

Stab, stab, stab.

The most fundamental combination in Winter War 3.

Alternatively, an introduction combo.

Whiik! Booung! hook!

Pelas was practising the introduction combination in a corner of the room.

Pose is rather steady.

To the point where Pelas was taken aback.

I felt it little during the combat with Glenn, although it appeared like Felas' physique was already known to me, rather than my recollection.

to brandishing a sword.

"I see; even if I'm a tamper, I need some fundamental skills."

Pelas, the moron, was motivated to exercise hard by the power of his money-making disposition.

He has money and attitude, so if you put in a little work, you'll be stronger than most knights in no time.

Things will fill in the blanks.

Fellas' physical condition was improving as a result of this.

A six-pack I'd never seen before was lodged in my stomach when I was living as Koo Hyun-seong.

"It might be worth a go if only certain talents were included here."

Pelas messed about with his sword bottle.

Skill was not a popular perspective in the Winter War series.

The talent was an extremely uncommon element since it had to be earned in a unique manner, as it had been the previous time.

Things posted by YouTuber users are also a type of combination created by exquisitely mixing popular hits.

Looking at it, it appears to be a feast for everyday folks.

Yet even that was difficult.

Even if they knew what the combination was in a fighting game, the bulk of the minions couldn't replicate it.

The player's skills, not the character's, must be employed in a rhythmic fashion.

Pelas straightened his sword once again.

Whiik! Booung! hook!

Pelas is now practising the simplest of such combinations.

The continual skill that can be seen in Pelas' memory was the distinctive swordsmanship that the Dimeo family knights developed.

Pelas, on the other hand, thought it was pitiful.

It's actually full of holes when viewed through the eyes of a departed individual.

That may not be a significant concern while dealing with low-level monsters or foes, but facing creatures in the latter levels was never a good swordsmanship.

Being a knight with such abilities was ludicrous.

Even if given this combination, it would be meaningless in terms of DPS, or damage per second.

"But, the game and real life are not the same."

Whiik! Booung! hook!

In terms of damage per second, the present combination was far superior.

Yet, because the sword's trajectory varied substantially more than planned, the muscles were bound to be stretched.

"Whoa...but the DPS combos are simply too much for me right now; at the very least, I'll have to learn this!"

Pelas swung his blade again to familiarise himself with the combo.

Whiik! Booung! hook!

Pelas, who had been repeating himself, abruptly came to a halt.

He rolled his eyes and wiped the sweat from his brow with his forearm.

"Wait a minute, is it going to work?"

Pellas has previously confirmed that the problem is still in use.

If this is the case, may further bugs emerge?

He moistened his lips at the passing thought.

A glitch that already exists in a number of games.

It is, however, a bug that is acknowledged as a player's talent.

As a result, a problem that has not been repaired so that players who can utilise it can do so.

A insect landed on Felas' head.

"Normal hits are cancelled..."

Alternatively, plain.

Hit cancellation in combat games, RPG games, and AOS games is standard.

It also appeared in the Winter War series.

A skill that can only be used by players in Winter War.

Because Pelas possessed non-skill abilities.

* * *

At dusk, Countess DiMeo.

It felt like any other day as the sun came up.

Except for the fact that there is no moonlight, it is very black.


The two shadows leaped over Count DiMeo's house's fence.

And the eyes that are observing it.

It was Pellas, of course.

His voice came out quite softly.

"Your guests have come; please prepare."



The gentle sounds, like Pelas, responded and then vanished.

Pelas also left after confirming their disappearance.

Moving away from the window and towards the bed.


In Winter War 3, they initially meet in front of Pelas' bed.

That was just how I recalled.

In my prior existence, I did it hundreds of thousands of times.

Pelas chuckled at the current scenario, which was rather animated.

"Haha, I've played numerous times, but I never believed I'd have this experience..."

Rumble, rumble!

A noise is heard suddenly from the window.

Shak-Sak, Ki-Ik!

Two shadows stole into the room as soon as the window opened.

And the presence of sneaking up on Pelas' bed.

According to the original account, Nelson then places a knife to the neck of Pelas, who is sleeping comfortably.

'I've come to settle my sister's grudge,' says the cliché.

This time, though, things were a little different.

No, it was different from the beginning.

They were confronted with Pelas not sleeping in bed, but sitting on the bed and smiling.

Pelas spoke out when they noticed he was there.

"Let's hurry because you waited."

Pelas' gaze was fixed on them.

Leonil and Nelsong exchanged glances.

Their eyes twinkled together.

Pelas arched an eyebrow, certain that the surprise party had gone well.

It was time to get a little raucous around here.

When I was doing YouTube, it was the same.

What if the 7th treble appears when the singers are expecting the 3rd treble?

Because the impact has been multiplied and tripled.

Naturber's execution was knowing how to apply that type of psychology effectively.

Pelas clapped his hands to signal the start of his second surprise celebration.


The Dimeo family Assassins moved in an instant at Pelas' signal.


Wooden planks are used to block the windows.


I entered and shut the front door.

Break, break, break.

In an instant, all of the candles were lighted to illuminate the room.

Leonil and Nelsong were perplexed by the situations that appeared one after the other.

Now that the situation has deteriorated, it is the protagonist's turn to act.

Pelas stood boldly, as if he were a protagonist in the midst of a nutube screen.

He drew his sword gently.


Apel became flawless.

He pointed it towards Leonil.

Of course, this was insufficient.

Leonil defeats Fellas while clutching Apel in the original narrative.

Pelas' downfall was already predetermined.

That is why Pellas planned so well.

I'm getting ready for this concert.

Leonil, who looked Fellas in the eyes, pulled his blade as well.


That the opponent is aiming and thrusting a sword towards himself.

That had already happened in Glenn's position, but it was difficult to adjust to.

Pelas, on the other hand, kept his demeanour as neutral as possible and faced Leonil.

Nelsong resorted to the Assassins of House Dimeo once the agreement between Pelas and Leonil was accomplished.

Nelsong was also a target for the Assassins.

Pelas had issued the command ahead of time.

Capture Nelsong since Leonil will take care of himself.

Maintain your life.

And their fight was only getting started.




Jangchang, you are amazing!

Leonil's gaze remained chilly even as his surroundings got more hostile.

He was far more composed than Pelas had anticipated.

Pelas, on the other hand, had no intention of letting him calm down.


Pelas jumped forward first, stretching his legs.


An beginning combination attack that swings from left to right.

Leonil gracefully avoided it.

Yet, this was only the first stroke in a distance-measuring combination.

The second attack in a row, with little time to collect your breath.


This was the beginning point for the main assault.


Nonetheless, Leonil was also present.

He wouldn't have been the major character if he had died this simply.

He deflected two blows from Pelas before unleashing a reverse stab.

An incredibly long strike aimed targeting holes in the series.

Pelas' combination, on the other hand, was not so simple.

Even though it is the most basic, it is a combination that has been investigated and built by tens of millions of people over billions of plays.

A combination generated by collecting and collecting an amount of data that would be impossible in real life.

It was the introduction combination.


The last thrust that landed faster than Leonil's.

Unlike Leonil, who slowed down because he was counterattacking, Pellas was focused on the combination from start to finish.

After the reaction speed of the moment, how to create a significant impact in fight.

Pelas' final whirling blade grazed Leonil's shoulder.


Felas' eyes were filled with Leonil's emotion.

Such perplexed expressions.


Pelas raised the corners of his mouth.

Leonil, on the other hand, raised his eyes forcefully.

He began swinging his sword with vigour.


A sword assault that brings you to life.

It was certainly difficult for Koo Sung-seong to confront an opponent who was out to kill him right in front of his eyes.

What about Pellas, though?

What if it was Pellas who had fought a life-or-death fight while also working for money?

I had no choice but to try.

Pelas was able to demonstrate bravery that would not have been possible if the plan had been implemented.

That was a viable option because he possessed recollections of both this and his prior lives.

Pelas charged towards the bleeding sword blow.

as near as possible.

To the point that there is no longer a chasm between Leonil and Pelas.


The sword strike simply sliced through the air by digging into the interior of the blade.

Leonil's clear error was swinging his sword too loudly.

Leonil's issue before he reached adulthood.

Their mobility is limited, and they have a long pause between sword blows.

Koo Hyun-seong, who has played Leonil thousands of times, anticipated what the third Winter War would be about and was prepared for it.

If Pellas didn't know anything about Leonil, he may have made a risky move that would have been unimaginable.

The synergistic influence of Pelas and Koo Sung-sung, the prior and current lives, was gradually forcing Leonil into a corner.

Wedge the liquid!

Pelas' string of attacks drove Leonil insane to the point where he couldn't even think straight.

Leonil, who was repeatedly pressed, eventually produced a trump card.

Leonil's lone skill at the moment.

A devastating counter-attack that has yet to fail.

Leonil's eyes flared and he triggered his skill as soon as Pelas' sword blow impacted.

[reverse slash]

Pelas was aware.

Leonil would finally use [Counter Slash].

So he was the one I was looking for.

Pelas had annihilated the sword assault as if it had never existed.

It was at this point that Pelas' spleen number was revealed.

[Stop normal hits!


Episode six. Is this the first time you've cancelled a flat hit? >end