
Late NPC Villain

Koo Hyun-seong, South Korea's best [Winter War 3] nertuber. He died as a result of a sudden heart attack. When he reopened his eyes, he was reincarnated as Pelas, the villain from [Winter War 3], whose death was confirmed. He makes a decision I decided to survive in my second life by writing everything I could! "I'll show you what happens when the dead put their lives in danger!"

Arnnok · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

< Episode 29. Counter Slash met again. >

Pelas quietly approached Marc from behind and stood firmly on the back of his head.

"What is the construction worker doing here?"

"Hey Ii!!"

'Isn't this friend also good at reactions?'

As if he hadn't imagined that Pelas would be behind him, Marc let out a strange sound and twisted his body.

He quickly turned around and muttered with a puzzled face.

"Pe, Master Pelas. When will you be after me..."

"Then since when did you stick behind me?"

Mark kept his mouth shut and couldn't answer his question.

Pelas checked the paper in his hand.


Still, it was Pelas who had lived with a sword all his life.

Unlike Havertz, Marc, who lived a pure life as an ascetic butler, did not resist and had the paper taken away by Pelas with his eyes open.

"Do, give it back!"

Pelas twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Give it back? Hey. Have you already forgotten who I am?

Fellas in his mad days steals something and gives it back?

Such a history could not be found even after searching the history books all over the world.

And it was Marc who knew that all too well.

He couldn't resist, just clenched his fists and trembled.

Pelas confidently looked over the stolen item in front of its owner.

"Hey. You've written a lot. The size of the armor, the quantity... Ouch. If you worked hard for the family like this, the future of the DiMeo family would have been very bright."



Pelas tore the paper in half before his eyes.

Mark widening his eyes.

Pelas once again overlapped the torn papers and tore them in half again.


Mark's eyes shook as he watched his hard work disappear in an instant.

Pelas tossed the papers away.

Papers that fly away and disappear from sight.

Pelas reached out and grabbed Marc by the collar.

Then he pulls it tight until it reaches his nose.

With her half hand, she gently pulled Apel.


A sword that deliberately made a loud scratching sound and only pulled out the tip.

The sound gave Marc goosebumps.

"Listen up. No matter how hard you are, if you follow me just one more time, I'll tear your neck and torso apart like those pieces of paper. ?"

Pelas' red eyes full of life.

Mark drew in a breath.

"Mu, of course! I will never do anything to make Master Pelas feel uncomfortable again!"

Despite his reply, Pelas did not let go of the collar and stared into Mark's eyes for a few seconds.

To Marc, those few seconds felt like years.

After confirming that he was sufficiently frightened, Pelas finally let go of the guy's collar.


Marc rolls on the floor, unable to keep his balance at the moment because he was suddenly thrown down.

Pelas looked down at the fallen man and said in a cold voice.

"go away."

"Yes, yep!!"

It was Mark who answered quickly and ran away in a hurry.

Pelas looked at his back and smiled.

"It looks like the threats hit your eardrums just because you've just left?

* * *

I'm sorry.

The sound of the rusty door tickled my ears.

But other than that, no other sounds were heard.

Unlike the previous weapon shop, it was still a quiet weapon shop without any welcome greetings.

Now that the tail that had caught up with him had also been removed, Pelas took a leisurely look at the weapons.

And after looking away for a while, he couldn't help but be surprised.

'There are so many items with special options?!'

It was different from previous items.

The items here were different from items that only had defense and attack power.

There was a special option attached, such as the correction of the probability ability of the shrine's gloves.

Of course, most of the special options were insignificant, so they were of little value.

However, if so many items had special options, it was sure to be a hidden gem.

Pelas began to focus on looking at the items while reciting the abilities reflected in his eyes.

'Visibility +0.01, Accuracy +0.01, Attack Speed ​​+0.01...'

It was even quite amusing.

When playing the game, I didn't have a penetrating eye, so I couldn't see these hidden stats.

Nevertheless, it was the Winter War series that I had so much fun with.

But now I can see it like this.

Pelas felt like a small child in a toy store.

'I want to organize everything into data and post it on You Tube!'

Obviously, it would be great content if you just uploaded it to You Tube.

It was just a pity that there was no nutube in this world.

A voice came from the back of Pelas's head, who had been stunned from looking around for such a long time.

"You must have good eyes to see items?"

Pelas followed the direction of the voice and turned around.

There, an old man who seemed to be the owner of this weapon shop was standing there.

He is one head shorter than Pelas and has a bushy beard.

And he was the kind of person who couldn't even see his eyes because of his long white eyebrows.

Pelas knew him.

'Wish!? Why is he here?'

The so-called cost-effective baran.

He was one of the NPCs that appeared in the second half.

When it appeared in the second half, it was not a blacksmith, but a repair shuttle that only repaired items.

However, while the story progressed until the second half, the players received a lot of help from Baran.

Not directly, but because of the items he made.

The items made by Baran could not be said to be the best as an item, but they were unmatched in terms of cost-effectiveness.

Even if only the items of the desired series were used well, players could easily skip the middle part.

Of course, using it 'well' was a part that required an exquisite combination of the level of a deceased person.

While Pelas was shocked inside, he continued his words.

"Your eyes linger for a long time on things of value. You quickly pass by things that are comparatively less. Your young friend has opened his eyes quite a bit. Are you a blacksmith by any chance?"

"I'm not a blacksmith. It's been a while since I've had anyone in this city not recognize me."

Pelas was inwardly surprised.

Even when he came this far, no one recognized him.

Everyone remembered him as a spoiled brat, but he was a celebrity anyway.

But this Baran really didn't know such a thing.

"Do I have to remember who you are?"

Pelas shrugged.

"You don't have to."

"I agree. I'm too busy remembering the items in my shop."

"These items, are they made by you?"

"Well, some are. Some are not."

"The workmanship is quite good."

"Is it a compliment?"

"That's the best compliment I can give."

Baran laughed at his words.

"You're an interesting young man. How about something you want to buy?"

"They're very nice. There's nothing really worth buying."

"I see. It's a pity. I wanted to make money today."

Baran licked his lips and regretted it.

But as for Pelas, he still had business to do.

"Didn't you say that some of the items here are made by you?"


"Then you must be quite skilled as a blacksmith?"

"I'm confident that I'm the best in town."

"Is it possible to synthesize?"


Baran showed interest in Pelas' question.

"Synthetic... Were there people doing that kind of thing these days? These days, young people are just busy buying new items."

"An old skill is also required."

"I can do it for you. I have to earn money for alcohol. Come on out. Items you want to synthesize."

Pelas, of course, trusted Baran.

His skills were such that he was considered one of the best blacksmiths even in the setting of the game.

Of course, at this point, it won't be as good as it was in the second half of the game, but where will Baran go?

That baran must be that baran.

Because of that, Pellas gave him the priest's glove from his bosom and the appel from his waist without delay.

"I want to combine these two items."

Moreover, due to the shrine's armor options, there would be no reason for synthesis to fail.

As a reward for completing the quest, the synthesis success rate has increased to 100%.

As Baran looked at the two objects alternately, a slight difference appeared in Baran's eyes.

"These items are quite rare, aren't they?"

"Do you have enough eyes to see inspiration items?"

Felas pretended not to know and returned what he had said to her.

"Haha! What a funny young man. It's been a while since I've laughed, so I'll give you a fun tour. Come along. I'll show you how to synthesize it. Anyway, if it's a rare item like this, I'm sure you'll pay attention to it."

"Of course. If you ruin an item, I won't stay still."

"However much."

Baran entered through a small door opened behind the counter.

Pulling back the black curtain in front of the door.

Pelas also followed him inside.

There was a smithy that was wider than the shop.

For some reason, it was Pellas who felt that the store was small compared to the building from the time he entered.

With such a hidden space at the back, it was only natural that the store had no choice but to be small.

Baran spoke to Pelas while preparing for item synthesis.

"Wait a minute. I need to see an estimate of how long it will take."

Pelas nodded and turned his head wide to scan the forge.

There were items placed all over the place.

They even had options that were far better than those on display all out there.

And Pelas, who was looking around, widened his eyes in surprise.

"There is such an item?!"

Baran, who was synthesizing items, turned to his voice.

Baran smiled at the item Fellas was looking at.

"As expected, you're a human who can see a little bit."

Pelas didn't even hear Baran's words, and walked in front of the item as if he was possessed without even realizing it.

It had to be.

The effect of the item in front of me was something like that.

[Sunlight Ring]

-Increases Agility by 10.

It was normal up to this point.

No, in fact, this was also a better option than the weapons in the preceding weapon shop.

But the special option written under it.

That was the real exhaust that shook Pelas.

! Quest: If you combine this item with a quest item, the following effects will be available. (Quest not completed)

- Upon completion of the quest, the player wearing the ring can use [Counter Slash].

What a counter slash!

According to the story, that skill that only Leonil can master.

Now that he was reincarnated as Pelas, it was a skill he gave up because he thought he would not be able to master it.

< Episode 29. Counter Slash met again. >end