
Late NPC Villain

Koo Hyun-seong, South Korea's best [Winter War 3] nertuber. He died as a result of a sudden heart attack. When he reopened his eyes, he was reincarnated as Pelas, the villain from [Winter War 3], whose death was confirmed. He makes a decision I decided to survive in my second life by writing everything I could! "I'll show you what happens when the dead put their lives in danger!"

Arnnok · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

< Episode 15. Krrrrrr! >

< Episode 15. Krrrrrr! >

"I would have told you not to come!"

Pellas responded to the mercenary's cry.

"Because we don't intend to fight? We're just here to do our business. So, you want us to go our separate ways and stop shooting at that?"


The opponent must have realized that the arrows were useless, and at some point the arrows stopped flying.

When the attack stopped, their movement speed increased significantly.

and opponents.

He had his face covered with a cloth and only his eyes were sticking out.

Looking at the armor he was wearing, he looked like a mercenary.

He sat with his back against the wall, holding a bow in one hand.

Henderson still had his shield open, and Pelas, who had a free hand behind him, raised his palm, indicating his unwillingness to fight.

"Stay there. We'll go our way."


The opponent was still looking at Pelas and the others with wary eyes.

But Pelas wasn't really interested in him.

I just want to get the shrine's gloves as soon as possible.

Tumble, Tumble.

The moment when they gradually get closer and pass each other.


Pelas' foot heard the sound of something stepping on liquid.

He reflexively lowered the torch to light his feet.


The red liquid was connected in a long line.

And at the end of it sat the mercenary.

It looked like blood from the mercenary.

That seemed to be the reason for the unstable breathing I felt during my first conversation with the mercenary.

At first glance, quite a lot of blood.

In general, it was said that death would occur if only about 2 liters of blood escaped from a person's body.

If you recall the memory of spilling water from a plastic bottle, that mercenary was already at the crossroads of life and death.

Pelas passed the mercenary and stopped Havertz and Henderson.

"Wait a minute. Havertz."

"Yes. Master."

"Do you have bandages?"

"of course."

Pelas turned his attention to the mercenary.

I could have just ignored it and walked away.

But then, with a hundred percent chance, they would have passed this man's corpse on their way back.

Even if you can save them, leave them alone and let them die.

Of course, even if he did, he didn't seem to feel much guilt.

He was a man who had grown up seeing a lot of people die in his days of madness.

Even if the memory of the previous life returned, that memory did not lose its resistance to death.

However, it might not have been if it were the crazy Pelas, but it was an option I didn't really want to choose as the current Pelas, who had memories of his previous life.

"What, what? You said you were going?"

"You will die if you don't stop the bleeding. Soon."

"What? How do you know that?"

Apparently, information about excessive bleeding was not common among mercenaries in this world.

Havertz added.

"It's true. You've lost quite a bit of blood. As you said, shock will come soon. Once you pass out like that, you won't wake up again."

When the two said the same thing, the mercenary's eyes trembled.

Pelas left the torch to Henderson and approached the mercenary.

The mercenary did not know what to do.

I couldn't believe it when I left the approaching opponent alone.

However, when he was kicked out, even thinking about it, his physical condition was not very good.

A spirit that is already distant moment by moment.

Perhaps, as they said, he might die soon.

Eventually, he closed his eyes.

"Hemostasis, please."

Pelas approached him.

"Henderson, shine a torch to find the wound."

"All right."

Henderson set his shield on the ground and shined the light.

Then it was Pellas who immediately found the cause of the bleeding.

A dagger lodged in his thigh.

That was the problem.

However, Pelas couldn't decide whether to pull it as it was or not to pull it out.

He had no medical knowledge to that extent.

Havertz, who was watching it, cautiously brought up his opinion.

"Bocchan. I missed the dangerous place. I think it would be better to pull it out and stop the bleeding."

Fortunately, Havertz seemed to have medical knowledge.

Pelas nodded.

Because he was always a reliable person.

"Then I'll pull it out, so you stop the bleeding right away."

"I will."

"Before that, tear off the bandage a little bit."



Pelas was handed a torn bandage by Havertz.

Then he brought it to the mercenary's mouth.

"What, what?"

"Ask. It'll hurt. It'll be better than biting your teeth with life."

He hesitated and put the bandage on his mouth.

Then he took a deep breath, exhaled, and nodded.

Seeing that he was determined, Pelas grabbed the thin dagger in his thigh.


A moan that has already leaked out.

Pulling it out quickly was the way to alleviate the pain.

Pelas pulled the dagger as hard as he could to avoid making a mistake.


Blood gushed out in an instant.

Havertz, who reacted immediately, wrapped a bandage over the wound.

Then, pressure was applied to the area around the thigh so as not to flow too much blood.


A moan of pain leaked out of the mercenary's mouth with the sound of the bandages tightening.

"Turn it off!"

He was holding on to the bare floor, enduring the pain.


The sound of nails scratching the floor.

It was supposed to be to endure the pain.

Pelas involuntarily turned her gaze to his hand.

And then I couldn't help but be surprised.

Gloves worn on his hands.

That's why I confirmed it.

It was clear even when I blinked and looked again.

The glove on the mercenary's hand was the glove of the shrine he was looking for so much.

Perhaps this mercenary was the white bone that Pelas knew.

* * *


Havertz barely finished first aid and let out a deep breath.

Drenched in sweat from his hectic movements, he gently wiped his forehead with his hand.

Then the blood on his hands made his face red.

Fellas was not much different either.

While Havertz gave first aid, his entire body was soaked in blood and red from holding the mercenary who was struggling in great pain.

Only Henderson was unharmed.

The mercenary had already passed out and was still, and Pelas and Havertz sat on the floor.

Seeing them, Henderson opened his mouth.

"For now, why don't we go back and reorganize and send another scout?"

Pelas and Havertz both had exhausted their stamina, so his opinion was not bad.

Pelas nodded.

"Do that."

Even Pelas had no reason to explore the cave himself any longer.

Because I already found what I was looking for.

The problem was that it didn't come into his hands.

In Winter War 3, the shrine's glove was clearly worn on the white bone's hand.

But for some reason, it was now held in the hands of a living person.

It was probably because of the difference between the timing of Leonil's arrival at the cave and the timing of Pelas' arrival to the cave in Winter War 3.

'Still, it's not a white bone, I thought it was still alive...'

Much to the dismay, Fellas did the same.

In Winter War 3, he was a white bone, so of course he was thought to be a corpse that had been dead for a long time.

But after looking around the cave, I was convinced.

Humid air, wild animals, the smell of blood that attracts them, and even various insects.

It looked like it could become a white bone in about a week if it was just breathing.

But it wasn't those things that bothered him most now.

It was the shrine's glove.

Pelas looked down again and stared at the priest's gloves.

[Gloves of the Shrine]

-Fixes the probability physical ability to the maximum value.

! Quest: ■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■. (Quest not completed)

-■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■ ■■, ■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■.

-■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■ ■■, ■■■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■.

It was only then that the Shinto shrine's glove option caught my eye.

Pelas frowned and rubbed his eyes.

There are a lot of letters, but... I couldn't see them.

"What's this...?"

Probability stat correction ability that you already know.

it was clearly visible.

However, there are additional quests written below it.

The shrine's gloves seemed to have hidden stats, just like Apel's.

the problem is...

"I can't see anything..."

that it is not visible at all.

This was a different situation with Apel.

Perhaps it needed something else to confirm that information.

At Pelas' murmur, Havertz, who was next to him, asked.

"What do you mean you can't see?"

Pelas shook his head.

"No, nothing. For now, as Henderson said, I'll return. Havertz, put that mercenary on my back."

"How can you use your body. I will do it."

"I'm right on the shoulder. The enemy who stabbed that mercenary may still be nearby. Henderson needs to pick up his shield, and you Havertz needs to fight back. In this kind of terrain, you'll be much more helpful than I am in combat." ."

"...If you think so, I will comply."

Henderson, who was watching the conversation between the two, laughed.

Hearing that laugh, Pelas looked at him.

"Why are you laughing again?"

"No. I think the young master is a very interesting nobleman. Wouldn't he take care of the dying mercenary, or would he carry it on his back after that?"


"If it's a nobleman like the young boy, I think I'll have the taste of following him around."

"No, you."


"I heard that you are strong among the knights of Batinova."

Henderson pounded his chest.

"I told you. I tend not to talk nonsense."

"If you fall out, I'll be cursed at by Barzan. They said they took a key person from their troops."

"Hahaha! Well, if I fall out, there won't be enough people to protect Vatinova."

"Since you matched the rhythm, let's go back. Maintain formation."

"All right."

"Yay, yay!"


Unexpected noise in between conversations.

The three of them flinched at the same time and stopped.

Pelas slowly turned his head and looked back.

"Did you just make that nasty sound, Henderson?"

"...It can't be."

"It's not Havertz."

"Of course not me, but..."


Henderson turned quickly to light the inside of the cave with his torch.

Then I saw eyes glowing red from the reflection of the torches, floating in the darkness.

Pelas was immediately recognizable.

Those are the eyes of a very famous monster from the entire Winter War series.

The green monster, the eyes of an orc.

< Episode 15. Krrrrrr! >end