
Late NPC Villain

Koo Hyun-seong, South Korea's best [Winter War 3] nertuber. He died as a result of a sudden heart attack. When he reopened his eyes, he was reincarnated as Pelas, the villain from [Winter War 3], whose death was confirmed. He makes a decision I decided to survive in my second life by writing everything I could! "I'll show you what happens when the dead put their lives in danger!"

Arnnok · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

< Episode 13. expedition departure. >

Expedition departure.

Barzan was the one who was taken aback, despite having provoked it.

It was unusual for a person like him to remain still even when he was determined and placed pressure on him.

He was the one who had spent his entire life living in the region of life and death.

Even if he came into a monster in the woods, he had a track record of just surviving.

He was self-assured enough to make a wailing youngster pass out rather than stop it.

So I'll just grin and take it.

"It's nothing like the rumours."

Next to him, Robben touched Barzan on the shoulder.

"Don't be too upset. I don't believe the young master stated it in a terrible way."

"How can you not be hurt?"

"This is a buddy of mine, however..."

"It's odd that you aren't outraged. You stated everything correctly."


Barzan's expression has transformed to a more youthful one.

"Everything is correct. Do you remember me as well?

"I recall. How much I clashed with the other participants because I attempted to obey all of the regulations.

"Yeah. I did. However, in any case. Looking back, I've become a piece of garbage with nothing to pursue, exactly like the young master stated."

"Not to that degree."

"No. It's bad water since it's accumulated in one location and can't flow. That is precisely who I am at the moment. There is nothing negative to say about mercenaries. Even from my perspective, I don't believe I'm inferior to them."

"...Have a look at me. Barzan..."

Barzan smacked both of his cheeks with his palms.


He smacked his own face with his palm like a pot lid, and even the sound was harsh.

He smacked him so hard that blood poured from his lips.

"I'm a little more alert now, thanks to that young lad. I suppose I should first set up a table to spread out the map."

"Hahaha! It appears that I can now see the ancient Barzan."

"That is exactly as it should be. By the way, did you always have that personality, our young man?"

Robben smiled as he looked at the door that Fellas had left open.

"I warned you. Our youngster has grown up a lot."

"Let's just say the individual has evolved. It is only feasible if the person is like that."

"I see. The remark does have a point. Did you genuinely conceal it? Your distinct individuality."

"If that's the case... Perhaps he's a far more hideous child than we believed."

They had no idea till that point.

He noticed Pelas, who had returned to his room and was sipping cold water and sweeping his chest.

"Hello there, dude. So I grew terrified. I fought so hard not to exhibit any symptoms of fear. It would be useful to have the practise of regulating facial expressions on You Tube Cam at moments like these..."

* * *

the following morning.

A significant number of knights, including Pellas, were already prepared and waiting to launch.

"You must have requested that I prepare on a limited scale, correct?"

Robben seemed perplexed as he heard his remarks.

"Bocchan, you are correct. Well, that's what I was planning to do... This Barzan buddy believed that the Bocchan's escort force was insufficient."

With a grin, Barzan remarked.

"Count Dimeo's big guy is on the move, and if anything goes wrong, I'll be held accountable." Please bear with me."


It was too many troops to send merely to get one object.

Pelas had taken 10 individuals with him, as well as ten knights under his command, including Barzan.

An expedition with a total of twenty members.

Since Pelas was in such a precarious condition, the expedition had already completed its preparations and was on its way.

Knight Commander Barzan and Pelas' escort knight Robben were in the fore.

Pelas and Havertz are in the second row behind them.

Suddenly, as though to hide the two, additional knights appeared.

They went forward in unison after hearing Barzan's comments.


It was a 20-person excursion, although they might be separated into two groups at first look.

At first glance, the DiMeo family's knights appear to be fully armed.

On the other hand, there are the Vatinova knights who appear to be mercenaries.

The two classes remained incompatible and were divided like water and oil.

At the very least, the conflict was avoided since the two parties' leaders, Roben and Barzan, were amicable.

Robben returned his gaze and spoke to Barzan.

"They don't get along with each other."

Barzan responded with a nod.

"It must be. All of these individuals here are basically teenagers who believe their nation has abandoned them."

"Hmm. Obviously, the week of the successor exam must be rather exhausting."

"Make an effort not to get into a fight. I'm really cautious."

"That is exactly as it should be. After all, they are both knights of Count Dimeo."

This time, Barzan returned his gaze.

His eyes was drawn to Pelas.

"The small guy must be in pain as well."

"What? Why?"

"My kids don't appear to be as fascinated as I am. They think like mercenaries because they live like mercenaries."

"Do you dress like a mercenary?"

"Yes. Only those who are more powerful than others are acknowledged. You will not be acknowledged if you desire to be weak."

"That's odd. Not even the children. Do I intervene and annihilate them all?"

"Kuh-kuh! That is why I admire you. You're constantly full of self-assurance. But that would be counterproductive. Yet they're knights, so their thoughts aren't blank. If you walk out like way, you'll believe that one of the neighbourhood knights would defend the helpless lad. there."

"Heh. They're difficult characters. But if you touch our little master, I'm going to leave."

"Yes. Yes. You may consume as much as you choose."

Monsters, in particular, did not emerge as they passed by.

As a result, the expedition's mood began to shift towards that of a picnic.

Just Fellas was paying attention, peering at the map and searching for the cave.

Even yet, the map painted in the bush made correct identification difficult.

When Barzan saw him like way, he said to Pelas.

"Don't be concerned, Bocchan. I'm familiar with the site you stated."

Pelas eventually raised his head, his nose immersed in the map.

"Uh, um. I see."

"Did you, by the way, hide any treasure? Inside that cave."

"There is something like that."

Barzan grimaced at his response.

But Pellas experienced the same humiliation.

In this case, how can you claim you're going to find a glove?

"I know I'm not trustworthy, but having too many secrets is bad."

His employees murmured in response to Barzan's statements.

"What exactly is it? You claim to be a wealthy young man, but aren't you too cheap?"

"What are you on about? At first impression, he appears to be a parasitic brother, although he does not appear cheap."

"What the heck happens if you don't tell me anything? Fuck."

They appeared to be whispering between themselves, yet they were clearly audible.

He yelled angrily in a low voice, maybe overhearing Barzan.

"Who told you you couldn't talk while working?"

At his prompting, the knights of Vatinova became silent.

Pelas, on the other hand, was not in a good mood after hearing everything.

Pelas furrowed his brow slightly, but Havertz spoke quietly in Pelas' ear.

"Bocchan. They are, indeed, rude, but please be patient for the time being. If you become enraged here, a fight between our knights may erupt."

As Havertz had mentioned, the Dimeo family knights' expressions were already solemn.

Pelas was their master and chief, no matter how compelled they were.

The knights who lived on honour could not feel good about cursing such a person.

Pelas calmed down when he saw them.

He cleared his voice and quieted the room.

"Keuheum! That's why I'm just taking the troops I brought with me."

"It will never happen. This location is in my grasp. If something goes wrong, it's entirely my fault. Again, if something happens to the young master, I'm going to lose it."

"So let us depart discreetly. All of the creatures in the Batinova Forest will emerge if we accomplish this."

His final comments were plainly meant at the knights of Vatinova, not at Barzan.

The Vatinova knights likewise stopped talking since he did not outright condemn them, but rather told them indirectly.

For a while, I was able to move on quietly and pleasantly as a result of this.

Until it suddenly begins to rain heavily.

* * *


The rain was coming down so hard that the clear sky from a moment earlier couldn't be remembered.

Pelas had heard that such climatic change was typical in woods.

But I wasn't expecting this much rain.

The rainfall was storming so fiercely that it was difficult to breathe.

It was even impossible to determine if it was in or out of the water.

My breathing was obstructed despite the fact that I had just been through the rain.

"Wait... wait... wait..."

Barzan, who was in the front, slashed the branches with his sword and cleared the route fast.

Others just stroll in the rain, but Barzan must have been the toughest because he brandished a sword.

He did, however, check his men slowly and without displaying any hardness.

"Just a bit further, there's a cave! Don't slow down because we'll give you a break in the cave!"


The knights did not speak, but instead followed him.

Knights must have been knights, no matter how rough they appear, and the Batinova knights were as thorough as they are now.

Pelas was in the same boat.

In reality, it was already concealed up to the chin.

The rains poured through the armour, making it seem like a noose.

Breathing was hard and fast, yet the body temperature continued to fall.

My teeth were grinding against one other.

He was well aware that physical power might go in an instant.

Although it was stronger than the previous life's physique, the physical disparity between the actual knights and the templar lad was more than I had anticipated.


Havertz, who was observing him from the side, inquired, concerned.

"Bocchan. Are you all right?"

There was no way that could work.

Pelas, on the other hand, nodded.

"Whoa! Uh. It's fine. Don't be concerned."

Approximately ten minutes on a rainy wooded road.

A march in which only one's own breath can be heard.

I feel like I'm marching back in time to my military days.

The voice of Barzan, who was in command, could be heard.

"Look, it's a cave!"

Pelas, who was exhausted, had a peculiar expression on his face.

It was as though the gloves of the temple were right in front of you.

Episode 13: expedition departs.